Correct. I'll ride it to, but I'm rather hopeful about the possibility of a long term failure. They've forgotten that things like quality and placement are just as important in the theme park environment where things are around for decades and after several years the quality of an attraction far outweighs the i.p. I hope it is a terrible ride for 3 reasons. 1) This is terrible attraction placement, 2) Frozen deserves better than this and 3) an appropriate wake up call would serve all of us theme park fans. They need to remember that they're DISNEY. They can do whatever they want in their theme parks and high quality, well themed, immersive attractions and environments are what they're known for. They don't need the i.p. safety net on everything and they should pay attention to what goes where.
I should note that I am fully aware for the first year or two this will have long waits. I'm talking about after that. I really think another Donald and the Ducks You've Never Heard of Since They Were Mostly Used as WWII Propoganda in a Weird Attempt to get Various South American Governments on Board with the Allies boat ride with the associated wait times could be good long term.