just a little complaint about yesterday


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Original Poster
Now I start by saying I know Magic Kingdom is crowded and the CMs are doing the best they can. But I was entering main street just as some parade was coming down that morning. I had a child with cp in a wheelchair and I quickly tried to get on the sidewalk. I was blocked by a trash can behind me and I was trying to get someone to let us up. A cm was yelling at me to move and I was getting frustrated - nobody would let us up and the trash can was right behind me. I finally was in tears and said what do you want me to do? It was the start of the day and I was standing there in tears. The CM said not too politely just get off the sidewalk I don't care how you do it. Some nice soul finally made room and we got out of the way. Please people have some compassion for others. It set a horrible tone for the day. We had planned this day for a long time and it so soured my husband that he says we will never go back. I don't feel that way but I'm just asking please people its a crowded area lets all help one another. And CMs I know you are overworked and I feel for you but please try to show some compassion when you can.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry and I feel your pain. I have a 5yr old with CP using a WC. I will say, in our exp, MK was the worst as far as CMs and the way they treat WC kids. I woulda thought they would be more sensitive because of the Make A Wish trips but they arent. :( I will assure you, though, the other parks are better. In our exp, DHS and AK were the best about WCs. We've been yelled at, ignored and pushed around by CMs at MK. I even had one INSIST we had no right to be in the WC area for a parade calling me a liar saying my son's WC wasn't a WC but a stroller, nevermind that we had the stroller as wheelchair sticker ON AN ACTUAL WC. She seriously stood there and argued with me. My husband was losing his temper. I ended up saying look you idiot and pointed out his lateral supports, giant headrest and AFOs and tie downs. Then I just walked away. Everyone else in the crowd was looking at the woman like she was just a freak of nature and several came over to us apologizing for the woman, not CMs, though. Just people in the crowd. Currently, my son has the Otto Bock Kimba. It's on a frame that looks slightly like a stroller but it looks like a freakin WC lol.

Sadly, you cant expect people in crowds to be curteous. They act oblivious. One time, we were taking the monorail back to TTC. First, I had another slight arguement with a CM that it was a WC and needed the ramp for the train. Luckily, he didn't go too far with it. When we got to the other side, though, no ramp greeted us. Fine, whatever. I tried to back my son out but the crowd surged into our door path. I guess everyone figured we wanted to stay on the train. lol. So I ended up forcing us back into the crowd and got his backwheels off the car but there were too many people for me to turn him and put his two front wheels down. I tried being nice as his foot plates have two long poles that, in that position, could hurt some calves. But no matter how many time I said excuse me, people didn't care. I ended up having to force the crowd to move as the train was ready to pull off. Sadly, then people bash stroller/WC users and call them bullies LOL

I hope your trip goes better
It's really sad and pathetic that a CM would act that way. So sorry for what happened to you, but hopefully your husband can reconsider how he feels about Disney. As far as CMs go it appears their always few rotten ones in a bunch.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You should have reported that CM to guest relations. It might have helped to vent your frustration to someone that is paid to listen...plus they might have done a little special magic for you that possibly could have salvaged your day. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
As petty as it sounds, I have found it's helpful to vent at the time of the incident. In most cases like this (I've only had a couple), I always get the last word in to the CM by exclaiming loud enough for those around (who are aware of your situation) to hear "Yeah, and you have a MAGICAL day now".

Won't do a darn thing to resolve the situation but, if nothing else, you've called down on the CM and gotten in the last word. Like I said, petty. But I'm no longer holding in my frustration. And then it's off to Guest Relations.


Well-Known Member
So sorry you experienced this. I have an aunt who has CP and I know how difficult it can be to maneuver her in her wheel chair, now adding a CM barking at you makes it a bigger challenge-ugh.


Active Member
Now I start by saying I know Magic Kingdom is crowded and the CMs are doing the best they can. But I was entering main street just as some parade was coming down that morning. I had a child with cp in a wheelchair and I quickly tried to get on the sidewalk. I was blocked by a trash can behind me and I was trying to get someone to let us up. A cm was yelling at me to move and I was getting frustrated - nobody would let us up and the trash can was right behind me. I finally was in tears and said what do you want me to do? It was the start of the day and I was standing there in tears. The CM said not too politely just get off the sidewalk I don't care how you do it. Some nice soul finally made room and we got out of the way. Please people have some compassion for others. It set a horrible tone for the day. We had planned this day for a long time and it so soured my husband that he says we will never go back. I don't feel that way but I'm just asking please people its a crowded area lets all help one another. And CMs I know you are overworked and I feel for you but please try to show some compassion when you can.
No offense but 1 What are you doing in the street right before the parade, 2 why are you mad at a CM for trying to get you out of harms way? :rolleyes:
No offense but 1 What are you doing in the street right before the parade, 2 why are you mad at a CM for trying to get you out of harms way? :rolleyes:

1. When your on Main St. before a parade theirs not much choice in place to go if you don't actually wanna watch the parade or wanna get anywhere period.

2. From what I read it wasn't what the CM said but the way they said it. For anyone to defend the CM in this situation is ridiculous. I don't think that working in the heat or even with tons of people gives anyone the right, especially a Disney CM whose held to a higher stanard, to behave this way.

Again so sorry you expierenced this.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that this happened to you. I will say that sometimes the mob mentality can get to CM's heads, and there are some days when so many guests are actively trying to break the rules, that you start to assume that everyone is out to do it. I'm not excusing the CM's attitude, but I know why they were like that.

That said, it never hurts to mention these type of incidents to Guest Relations. If even only to let them know that certain policies are not working well. Theres a good chance you'll at least get some Fastpasses out of it.


Well-Known Member
That CM was out of line and I'm sorry. Even CMs in Parade Audience Control have no right to be rude like that. Sure they have to be stern, but there were probably other ways to handle that situation.

Fable McCloud

Well-Known Member
I'm actually astonished to hear that. I mean, if the parade is bearing down, it's important to move people so no one gets trampled, but in this sort of situation, a few extra seconds to help alleviate the situation wouldn't hurt.

I really hope that that cast member got some sort of reprimand after behaving like that.


Well-Known Member
Did you get the CM's name or happen to glance at his name tag? It's not too late to send an email to Guest Relations to get some sort of resolution. Even just remember exactly what time this was and where you were on the parade route might help. I agree with the others that this CM should not have behaved the way he did towards you.

The crowd control CMs can really be a bear to deal with sometimes. Usually it's understandable...but sometimes, like your particular situation, it's completely uncalled for.


Well-Known Member
The CM's handling the crowds at the MK during parade times can't handle it. Period. More often than not, I see this type of attitude and behavior from them. Not towards myself personally, but towards other guests.

Disney is at a real fork in the road - They charge their guests an arm and a leg, so we expect to be treated perfectly, but they pay their employees squat, so most of them don't care about being polite.


Well-Known Member
The CM's handling the crowds at the MK during parade times can't handle it. Period. More often than not, I see this type of attitude and behavior from them. Not towards myself personally, but towards other guests.

Disney is at a real fork in the road - They charge their guests an arm and a leg, so we expect to be treated perfectly, but they pay their employees squat, so most of them don't care about being polite.

The other side of the that equation is if the CMs aren't polite, or in this case downright rude towards guests, they will get complained about. Too many complaints about their behavior and perfomance will cause that employee being paid squat to being paid nothing at all because he was fired.


Well-Known Member
The other side of the that equation is if the CMs aren't polite, or in this case downright rude towards guests, they will get complained about. Too many complaints about their behavior and perfomance will cause that employee being paid squat to being paid nothing at all because he was fired.

I agree.

I've just learned to accept that Disney CM's aren't what they used to be. Don't go into Pecos Bills and expect a happy CM to take your order. If you get a "hello" and "thank you" anymore, consider yourself lucky.
the cm's turn into the LA PD when there is a parade involved.

Sometimes they need to! I see so many guests just ignore CMs when they are nice and try to move them! I think if a parade is coming at you, the CM needs you to get out of the way now, not in 30 seconds.

Even so, I don't understand why they couldn't help the OP get to a safer spot, if they saw they were trapped.

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