Just a gut feeling -- Disney toned down ride by '05


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
It wasn't slowed down. :rolleyes:

I believe you too. I just think it seemed more intense the first couple of times because I didn't know what to expect. It is kind of like the people who ask if Space Mountain used to be faster. Things seem more intense if they are unknown. Also, things seem more intense when you are younger. If you rode Space Mountain (or any thrill ride) as a younger child and then go back and ride it as an adult, it may seem less intense as an adult.

When I first rode Mission: Space, the beauty of the ride itself was the fact that you had to get over your nerves to ride it after being warned 7 or 8 times about how intense it was.

I was able to try the Green Team version last week, and I was impressed that it was still a lot of fun. I'm still not sure how they achieved the effect of a blast-off without the g-forces and the spinning, but it worked. (I still like orange better.)

Brer Greg

I agree with Nelson here...when the ride first opened you had a good hour to think about how bad this ride is going to be.. then you see alll the warnings and get more scared till you are sitting inside the ride.. you are so wound up that you feel like you could have a heart attack. Now I think its great and everyone I go with still get sick but me..I love riding with new people as I flip switches and turn knobs and yell this is great while they just sit there with a look of fright on thier faces..


Premium Member
It amazes me that people are still so desperate for articles, that they write such pieces. It's getting very very old. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz


New Member
But they did in fact tone down Mission: Space and left it the way it was. There are now two parts to the Mission: Space, the intense ride and the less intense ride. The toned down part doesn't spin.

"5/20/06: AllEarsNet.com Team Member Andrea McKenna, who is currently visiting Walt Disney World, reports that as of yesterday guests now have the choice between the original Mission:SPACE attraction and [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]a milder alternative. The new version, better suited to those who experience motion sickness or who have other health concerns, eliminates the use of the spinning centrifuge. Andrea explains that rooms in the attraction are no longer color-coded, and the single riders line has been eliminated. Instead there are two rooms in the attraction running with the less intense version (now known as rooms 1 and 2) and two rooms with the original version (rooms 3 and 4). Guests are given either green or orange tickets to indicate which experience they want, and are then directed to the appropriate rooms. According to Andrea, the lines for the less intense ride were quite a bit longer than the lines for the original ride. In her opinion, the new attraction is a very acceptable alternative to the original and should please those who were unable to ride previously. Andrea adds that in addition to these changes, there are new warnings signs posted around the attraction, and the safety spiels run prior to the ride have been updated." ~Found here: http://allearsnet.com/tp/ep/e_ms.htm[/FONT]

And you can see more here: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-disney0306may03,0,7508643.story?track=mostemailedlink


Premium Member
DreamingDisney said:
But they did in fact tone down Mission: Space and left it the way it was. There are now two parts to the Mission: Space, the intense ride and the less intense ride. The toned down part doesn't spin.

This isnt what is being referred to. People are constantly saying that the original gforce version has been toned down in intensity. This is not the case, nor has it ever been. The original version has never changed since being in Orlando.

The alternate version is a different experience altogether.


Well-Known Member
DreamingDisney said:
But they did in fact tone down Mission: Space and left it the way it was. There are now two parts to the Mission: Space, the intense ride and the less intense ride. The toned down part doesn't spin.

"5/20/06: AllEarsNet.com Team Member Andrea McKenna, who is currently visiting Walt Disney World, reports that as of yesterday guests now have the choice between the original Mission:SPACE attraction and [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]a milder alternative. The new version, better suited to those who experience motion sickness or who have other health concerns, eliminates the use of the spinning centrifuge. Andrea explains that rooms in the attraction are no longer color-coded, and the single riders line has been eliminated. Instead there are two rooms in the attraction running with the less intense version (now known as rooms 1 and 2) and two rooms with the original version (rooms 3 and 4). Guests are given either green or orange tickets to indicate which experience they want, and are then directed to the appropriate rooms. According to Andrea, the lines for the less intense ride were quite a bit longer than the lines for the original ride. In her opinion, the new attraction is a very acceptable alternative to the original and should please those who were unable to ride previously. Andrea adds that in addition to these changes, there are new warnings signs posted around the attraction, and the safety spiels run prior to the ride have been updated." ~Found here: http://allearsnet.com/tp/ep/e_ms.htm[/FONT]

And you can see more here: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-disney0306may03,0,7508643.story?track=mostemailedlink

As Steve, said, this is not what we were talking about. Just a couple weeks ago the ride was split into two different formats: Orange and Green. Obviously, the Green version is toned down because it doesn't spin. The ongoing debate was over whether or not the original version was toned down shortly after it opened. Disney maintains that it wasn't toned down.

You can read more about the differences between the orange version and the green version on this very long thread here:

Also, re-read everyone's posts in this thread, and you'll see numerous references to orange and green versions.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
wdwmagic said:
It amazes me that people are still so desperate for articles, that they write such pieces. It's getting very very old. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
There have been 26 homicides within the city of Orlando so far this year, 4 more than all of last year. (Inside the city....not near Disney...Orange County is seeing less crime than last year) and within hte city limits property crime is getting out of control.....yet the newspaper chooses to discuss Mission Space....make you wonder what their priorities are, or what their agenda is.


Well-Known Member
The reason that people feel that MS has been toned down is the same reason that ToT doesn't feel so bad to me anymore. The body knows what to expect. The first time I rode Tower I thought I was literally dying. I never scream on rides and I screamed the whole way down. The picture actually showed me with my eyes shut as hard as possible and my scrunched down in my seat as hard as possible. All the while my wife laughed.

It doesn't do that to me now, and it's because I've experienced it once. It's still a dreadful fall, but not like the first time. Funny thing was that ride does nothing at all to my wife except make her laugh. Then we rode Space Mountain and she said it was the worst thing she'd ever ridden.

part of the experience of how bad a ride is is all mental.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with KC... its really all a mental thing. Going into M:S for the first time in 2004, my stomach was in knots, really not knowing what to expect, and I was amazed at the experience. Afterwards, I know exactly when to expect the g-forces and about how long they last. Tower of Terror... I really don't know what to expect because of the random nature of the drop profile... but at least I know the drops aren't as bad.

The only thing that really wierds me out is when the elevator rolls off the twilight zone floor into the open space of the drop shaft... :eek:


wdwishes2005 said:
Not a snowball's chance in heck that all the imagineers miscalculated the ride's intensity.

Not so, since they must have miscalculated the intensity of Indy at DL, because, unlike MS, that ride was toned down after it opened.



Well-Known Member
The imagineers may not have miscalculated the intensity of the ride, but I don't think they had any idea it would affect riders like it has, and I'm not talking about the deaths but rather the number of people that get off feeling ill. I'm not sure those were the results they were expecting when the ride was built.


Well-Known Member
I love M:S but choose to no longer ride and honestly I had a different experience than the rest of you. The first time I rode it seemed a little bit anti-climactic. I had hyped myself up for it so much and I was so nervous about riding it, that once I experienced it, it was not as bad as I expected and I really enjoyed it.

However the second and third times I rode it is when I experienced serious problems. See I have chronic sinus issues, and the second time I rode M:S I could have sworn my sinuses were being ripped from my face. I don't know if it was the pod I was in or what but I felt such intense pain and pressure in my face that it made my stomach turn, and thus caused a serious headache thereafter. However the explaination for this was that it turns out I was suffering from a mild sinus infection at the time.

But prior to the third ride I was feeling great, no sinus issues that day, nothing. However once got on the ride again I felt the pressure in my face (although not as bad) but this time I also had a feeling of light headedness (almost to the point of passing out) and I felt nauseous again. Upon exiting the ride I got a severe headache and was forced to leave the park and take some migraine medication.

Even though I love the ride and very much want to ride again, the memory of my last 2 experiences keep me from doing so. I have no idea why the first time was so mild for me in comparison to my last 2 but whatever factors involved are the reason I choose to no longer ride it. So I have do agree that they definately did not tone down the ride after it opened.


New Member
coasterphil said:
The imagineers may not have miscalculated the intensity of the ride, but I don't think they had any idea it would affect riders like it has, and I'm not talking about the deaths but rather the number of people that get off feeling ill. I'm not sure those were the results they were expecting when the ride was built.
I'll give in to that, Imagineers are not doctors. I still say that the chance of MS being miscalculated are less than me being ruler of the world......


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Corrus said:
I wrote that so many times, enough pages to fill a library... I gave up... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ... so should you... let it be... and be happy again... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If anyone should know this it would be Corrus. PERIOD.... not altered. Maybe you should do an interview with them

Tim G

Well-Known Member
ScrapIron said:
Not so, since they must have miscalculated the intensity of Indy at DL, because, unlike MS, that ride was toned down after it opened.

IMO the original thing pulls 8 G's...
I'm with everyone who says this "toned down" stuff is a load of phooey.

I rode M:S during soft openings and then again a couple of years later and I actaully got a little queasy the second time.

It is a mental thing. You're mind is dealing with a completely new experience and it doesn't know what to expect. Then throw in a kajillion warning signs and your heart is pumping. After doing this over and over, it becomes less and less threatening so you don't have that stress and tension prior to riding.

It's like cursing. The first time you hear it is a shock, but then as you hear it over and over, you're kind of immune to the impression it's supposed to make.


New Member
wdwmagic said:
This isnt what is being referred to. People are constantly saying that the original gforce version has been toned down in intensity. This is not the case, nor has it ever been. The original version has never changed since being in Orlando.

The alternate version is a different experience altogether.

lol, sorry, my misunderstanding! (unfortunately all too common for me at 5:30 in the morning lol)


New Member
M:S is a perfect ride, dont change it....

If anyone has ever been to a standard town carnival before, one might remember a ride called "gravitron" which is basically a huge setrifuge. You get pinned to the wall from all the g forces...and as far as I remember that was way more intense than M:S. Centrifuge Rides are nothing new and I am sure these "gravitron" machines have gotten similar responses. I loved M:S, and I thought even the orange version was a bit tame perhapse. (There are many warning signs put up by Disney that I hope would cover them in the event of a lawsuit.)

I was more hyped up and scared knowing that 2 people died because of M:S than I was when i was on the ride. Don't get me wrong, I think this one of the best thrill rides I have ever been on, but I don't see how people are complaining about the intensity. It's a thrill ride that was marketed as "intense" from its begining.

I suggest to all who are uncertain about riding M:S, to go for a medical check up before a trip to WDW. If you are an anual attendee to WDW this would be a good reminder for your anual checkup. I went to my doctor a month before my last WDW trip (May 2006). Bottom line, if you are worried about your health check out the tame Green version, still a thrill and still a great ride.

P.S: I hear M:S is as close a feeling to actual space launches as you can get without strapping a rocket to your butt.

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