But they did in fact tone down Mission: Space and left it the way it was. There are now two parts to the Mission: Space, the intense ride and the less intense ride. The toned down part doesn't spin.
"5/20/06: AllEarsNet.com Team Member Andrea McKenna, who is currently visiting Walt Disney World, reports that as of yesterday guests now have the choice between the original Mission:SPACE attraction and [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
a milder alternative. The new version, better suited to those who experience motion sickness or who have other health concerns, eliminates the use of the spinning centrifuge. Andrea explains that rooms in the attraction are no longer color-coded, and the single riders line has been eliminated. Instead there are two rooms in the attraction running with the less intense version (now known as rooms 1 and 2) and two rooms with the original version (rooms 3 and 4). Guests are given either green or orange tickets to indicate which experience they want, and are then directed to the appropriate rooms. According to Andrea, the lines for the less intense ride were quite a bit longer than the lines for the original ride. In her opinion, the new attraction is a very acceptable alternative to the original and should please those who were unable to ride previously. Andrea adds that in addition to these changes, there are new warnings signs posted around the attraction, and the safety spiels run prior to the ride have been updated." ~Found here: http://allearsnet.com/tp/ep/e_ms.htm[/FONT]
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