Jurrasic Park


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I just giot back from IOA, and I had an Idea running through my head for an attraction for Dinoland in AK, but it would work better at Jurrasic park. I wanted to find another applicationg for an Alien Encounter like ride, and It would fit in very well here.

Everyone rembers the first Jurrasic park, right? Where ian, grant, and hammond all got in that moving theater, and it put on a show? Well, thats the premise. You get in you theater, and sit down, and watch mr DNA tell how we make dinosurs, you would have a guide, who would repeat lines like Mr Hammond did in the movie, and who would accompany you on your journe. Your car would move on, and you would get to look at a dinosaur hatchery, and move on again, but this time, suddenly, all the lights go out, and the motors stop working, some emergency lights come on and a voice over he louder speaker says,"Everyone allright? We had a little hiccup in the power, we switched to the auxillary, just sit tight, we'll have everything up and running in a minute.." he apperently forgot to switch the speaker of, because in the background, you can hear him syaing,"Idiot! Get that power back on! The tour stopped right next to the raptor cage!" an ominous foreshadow. Twisted metal can be heard, along with screeching and such, and raptors would make there way into the theater. Now, to make these creatures as real as possible, one of them is going to rip a pipe open, that will spill steam and smoke into the room, making visibility hard, the actually raptors themselves wil actually be puppets. Similar to the ones in the lIon king show, only more realistic, so they can run up and down the aisles, and around the theater, making it a very realistis and frightening experience. Of course, the real fear begins when they breath on your neck, shake your seat. But when a head (that is lowered form the ceiling) starts nuzzling the back of your head, licking the back of your head, and screeching in your ear, thats when the real pant-wetting would begin. Suddenly, a loud roar is heard, and that scares the raptors off, and would've scared you off to, if you weren't straped to your seat. It would either be the t-rex, or the spinosaurus, I haven't decided. The front of the thater would literally be ripped off, and he would stick his head in, growling and roaring, he would actually be a AA, and this brings us to our guide, who had just been sitting with you. The dino would have straps, invisible to the guests, in his mouth, and he would lean his head down and grab onto the guide, and the guide would grab the straps, and up into the air he would go! the dino would lowers his head to eat the guide, and then the guide would use a trap door at the bottom to escape. Suddenly, the motors and lights would come back on, and the tour would pick up were it left off, moving you into the safety of the building while the dino roars and growls outside, beyond the safety of the permiter fence.


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Well, it would be better stated as: Let's see how many parents ignore the warnings and convince there kids they are going to meet barney. Then get mad and smack their kid for crying when they come out after wetting there pants.

Another reason it would be better for IOA


New Member
Great idea. I was thinking about that ride in the movie would be a great addition to the discovery center in Jurrassic Park
at IoA, but your idea would work too (an improvement over the one in the movie).


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IT would make a great addition to the discovery center, but they don't have much room to add it in now..Too bad too.


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Well, not just similar to the movie, it's straight OUT of the movie! The original idea involved the dino institute making a 'time portail' and building a theater werethe dinosaurs would walk in a portal, walk across the theater, and then back into another portal, the machine accidently gets a t-rex, and insanity insues. I don't like this dea as much as much as this.

the ceo at wdw

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I like the idea up to when the excitment stops.( when the dinsaurs are not invading the ride thing.) In my opinion i don't think the ride should go on after all that . I think they should some how leave the ride i hope that helped some.



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No wait a minute...The ride doesn't go on again, I should've explained this more clearly, there's a big gaping hole in the wall, where the dino's head is sticking in, and roaring etc. when the power goes on, the ride resmues, and I'm think f two scenarios, one, the dino gets his head stuck between the ride and the wall as it moves, and dies, or you just move on and the dino can't get you, and you would hear him beating on the wall, roaring etc, and then you'd exit...


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Thanks :)

Moving on with my ideas, The fabled jeep ride that is supposed to come to this park at some time....I sorta thought I;d give my plan for it. In doing this, it was very difficult to make a fun, thrilling ride, that seperated itself enough from dinosaur to make it unique. I think I acomplished it :) First, the cars are just regular cars, that have a large pole coming out of them, which serves to hold it to the track beneath the ground. Second, the cars look like those jeeps that have no sides or windows (Sorry, I'm not a car buff..) But just have bars that go up and over it. The bumper and these bars will serve a major purpose later.

You start the tour, and everything is going fine, as usual, while in the line, monitors above describe where the tour will take you, and they say it features a peek into the veterinarian area. Back to the cars, you drive through some dino areas, looking at the normal Triceratops, stegasaurus, etc.. All at a slow, safe pace. But then, you approach a large, warehouse looking building that has a sign that says "Veterinarian Facility" across the top, you enter and see some AA doctors taking temperature, pulse etc of a dino, and then drive foward, to see a spinosaurus on a table, the narrator tell you,"And here we see the terrifying Spinosaurus, but don't worry folks, he's fast asleep and under control thanks to the knowledgable staff here at jurrasic Park." Suddenly, the Dino's eyes would shoot open, and he would lift his head, letting out a loud roar, You would here a new voice, giving you the usual, "Don't wory folks, we're gonna get you out of here.." alarms would be going off, and lights would be flashing. You would reach a dead end, and Mission control decides to park the car and shut off all the lights, which they do. Suddenly, an AA head lowers itself next to the car, looking inside of it, (Just a head to keep down costs) This is where that bumper and the bars across the top would come in handy, while the head was looking into the car, a mechanism with motors would rise, and wheels would lift the car of the ground slightly, the AA head would knock the car, the wheels would spin, causing the car to spin as well, slopping upside down. (This is also the reason there is a bar holding the car to the track) Virtually any side to side motion could be simulated as the dino plays with the car. Anyways, he eventually knocks the car back on its tires and Mission Control tells you that they switched it to Remote control, and are gonna drive you back to the station, so, the car takes off, and the dino follows, you can hear him stomping behind you as you drive out of the warehouse to an indoor forest (Of course, you don't know it's indoor. You reach another dead end (I;m thinking, a large rock formation) and kick it in reverse, you are now driving backwards through the forest, when you see the spinosaurus stalking. Once again, the spinosaurus would be essentially a head and some arms, to make it look more realistic, and to keep it from being more expenisve then the space shuttle. The thick trees, darklighting and fog would make it more realistic as well, the car lights would onlt be focused on the head, so it would be hard to see anything else. Anyways, the head could hit the car, making the car jump to the side, suddenly, when the dino is about to lowers his head and bite your heads off, a tunnel appears over you! You made it into the tunnel! The tunnel is to small for the dino, so he stays outside roaring and such....
Whatya think?


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my website is being put on hold because my scanner is dead. As soon as she's up and running, I'll put all my new stuff up :)


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Not bad at all! Perhaps another ride with Jurassic Park could be related with the third movie... any ideas? Something with the Spinotaurus???


New Member
Not a idea - but would have some 'legal' issues to deal with ;)

"Everyone rembers the first Jurrasic park, right? Where ian, grant, and hammond all got in that moving theater, and it put on a show? Well, thats the premise. You get in you theater, and sit down, and watch mr DNA tell how we make dinosurs, you would have a guide, who would repeat lines like Mr Hammond did in the movie, and who would accompany you on your journe. Your car would move on, and you would get to look at a dinosaur hatchery,"

Too much like JP - which you know Universal wouldn't like, so could use some changes, how about making it an addition to the Dino institute. We know they have time travel stuff, so why not set it up as they are bringing the dinos back to study them. You can still have incubation rooms (eggs) and can pass some area that shows scientists working on dinos.

"and move on again, but this time, suddenly, all the lights go out, and the motors stop working, some emergency lights come on and a voice over he louder speaker says,"Everyone allright? We had a little hiccup in the power, we switched to the auxillary, just sit tight, we'll have everything up and running in a minute.." he apperently forgot to switch the speaker of, because in the background, you can hear him syaing,"Idiot! Get that power back on! The tour stopped right next to the raptor cage!" an ominous foreshadow."

Again, a little too much like JP - I like the power outage thing, but how about not having the 'we're next to the raptor' thing - makes the scare a little more - well scary. I think one of the things that makes AA not that scary in my mind is that you see the bug on the screen - so you sorta know whats coming. But if they don't know - well...hehehe

You can hear some raptor growls and maybe start to hear (and see if your close enough) some of the door handles move and some banging on them. The lights are dim, with red emergency lights and then all of the sudden 'BLAM!' a 'fake door' (meaning one where you didn't enter) blasts open and it's raptors.

You can then have a voice on the intercom say something like 'crap - they've gotten to the tour'. Then have like 2 security guards come in and keep the raptors at bay while the guide works to get the tour running again.


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Starscream...Did you read my idea? I'm sure universal wouldn't have a probloem making a ride after one of their own movies, and Im sure there would't be any legal issues. Like I said, this idea was FOR ISLANDS OF ADVENTURE.


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<chuckles> I hear ya! I find that motrin tends to really mess with your mind...You should've seen these notes that I wrote in world history while I was taking motrin..Down right FRIGHTENING!

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