Jungle Cruise: The Movie


New Member
donaldduck1967 said:
It's already out. It's called The African Queen

And it's a lot better than 99% of the crap that comes out today.

Seriously, I'd feel sorry for the slob that gets pegged into Bogart's role. I can see him already on Entertainment Tonight saying how much he tried to emulate Bogie, when in reality the movie is a piece of garbage, causing Bogart to drop his cigarette in his grave.


New Member
u....have.....got.....be.....KIDDING!!!:eek: :eek:
a jungle cruise movie!!:eek: :eek:
please disney dont do it, refurbish the ride difinatly but please,please,please dont make a movie out of it.
make a Expedition everest film if you have to make a film but please not the jungle cruise,thats like making a 'its a small world' broadway show!!!

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
I have to agree with those that say this movie has a lot of potential. I don't know if it should really be done, but if it was done right it could be a fun action movie. I was thinking remember how much fun the first "The Mummy" with Brenden Frasier was?

Imagine some treasure hunters going down the African River and run into head hunters, hungry hungry hippos, rhinos etc. I think it could be a lot of fun.

But what's the chance of them doing it right? It'll just end up like The Haunted Mansion.

The cast has been picked! Our newest short film is underway! http://www.newlineagefilms.com
ctwhalerman said:
And it's a lot better than 99% of the crap that comes out today.

Seriously, I'd feel sorry for the slob that gets pegged into Bogart's role. I can see him already on Entertainment Tonight saying how much he tried to emulate Bogie, when in reality the movie is a piece of garbage, causing Bogart to drop his cigarette in his grave.

You'r eabsolutely right. I hope some big shot in hollywood does'nt decide to do a remake.


I heard about this idea just after The Haunted Mansion came out. There were a lot of rumors, but nothing ever happened. And that was in 2003.

I wouldn't really mind if they did make the movie. As long as they keep the ride alone, and if it is a period piece, I will be fine with it.


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Original Poster

Gosh, I didn't notice the date either, haha CRAZINESS! @_@

I was just searching for a ride rehab for Jungle Cruise on Google, and it was one of the first things I came across. Perhaps, after a while of thinking about it, and trying to make it into a movie, they decided not to, and to work on a more important project; Pirates 2 and 3.

I think, instead, they decided they were going to just refurbish The Jungle Cruise ride, and create more of a storyline, and improve the animals, etc. but the idea for the movie went out the window.

Also, I read somewhere else that they might want to do a Country Bears sequel, even though it didn't do so well... but I dunno... :-/


New Member
Jungle Cruise is not based on African Queen. That movie was just one of many different stories and places that influenced the design of the attraction. Same Story with the Matterhorn it is not based on 3rd. man on the mountain...actually the original idea for matterhorn stemed from Walt Disney traveling around europe and looking at the big snowy mountains thinking a bobsled type ride around a snowy mountain would be a fun attraction for Disneyland.


New Member
Connor002 said:
Well... it worked with Pirates...
Although it failed with HM and CBJ...

Eh... maybe this could even the score...

depends on if they want to go the more serious and respectful route (pirates) or turn it into yet another "family comedy" like HM, CBJ and the remakes of herby and the gy dog. The only FUNNY thing about those "comedies" is that no matter how many times they do poorly at the box office..disney for reasons I can't explain keeps spitting them out.

If JC is another one with Steve Martin in the lead its gonna be recipe for disaster.


As far as domestic total gross goes...

The Country Bears: $16,990,825:brick:
Mission to Mars: $60,883,407;)
The Haunted Mansion: $75,847,266:)
Pirates of the Caribbean 1: $305,413,918:king:

So I wouldn't call HM a failure.


Magicot said:
So I wouldn't call HM a failure.

I believe that everyone here, and I speak for myself as well, is considering The Haunted Mansion a failure based on reviews, not the gross it made.


JEDIsney said:
I believe that everyone here, and I speak for myself as well, is considering The Haunted Mansion a failure based on reviews, not the gross it made.

Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification JEDIsney. What would we do without you?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I love this topic. So let's talk about potential. They think JC has potential. Well, so did Country Bears and Haunted Mansion. I wouldn't mind it if they did a remake on the Haunted Mansion, but do it right this time. The Haunted Mansion had what was probably the most potential of all the stories. There was so much they could have done with it and yet, they screwd it up. There is so much to do with the Jungle Cruise, however, they have to do it right. Steve Martin could possibly work for the movie. The ride relies on cheap humor and chessy surprises to amuse its riders, Martin could provide the same. Pink Panther was considered a success, so it's possible. I'm not against making movies from attractions (I like the idea), but they need to be more strict on the script. The last I heard was they were going to remake the Tower of Terror.


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Original Poster
Yeah, I think Haunted Mansion did have potential, too.

You see, when I first heard that it was being made into a movie, and they had the teaser website up, and the teaser trailer, it looked SCARY. Like, I was expecting another PG-13 movie, because that's what I think the Haunted Mansion's story is worth. After going back to Disney World and seeing the hanging body all completely redone and the scrim looking clearer than ever, I felt like it was a brand new experience for me. Now, with the new Bride in the attic, it makes the ride even creepier. The truth is, no matter how fun and funny you want to try to make a ride, it's still "The Haunted Mansion" and the creepy story behind it is what makes it so eerie.

If you go out and look at fan fiction websites, there are some even scarier stories that people have pieced together thanks to the scenes in the Haunted Mansion. I say, "GOOD FOR YOU! Because the writers of the movie couldn't see what you saw!"

No, they don't have to go making it into a Horror Movie, but I mean... that and the Tower of Terror are both very eerie, and deserve stories that represent it's ghostliness.

I LOVED what they did with the MANSION in The Haunted Mansion. I loved the sets, I loved the scenery, and gosh darn it, I LOVED THE BALLROOM! @_@ Eddie Murphy?.... not so much... That was the only thing I couldn't stand... They tried making it TOO much of a family film, they strayed WAY too far from Pirates potential.

Now you see, if they had discussed Master Gracey as more of a deranged character, and his bride as (how they depict her now)...rather a psycho-path then I think they could have ad a pretty creepy story on their hands. But they would need more serious actors, and a wide range of things to do IN the mansion. You can still have comedy in an action adventure, though, haha. We know that from Jack Sparrow's character. But I think Eddie Murphy and his corny comedy did NOT mix well with the other characters (scary, creepy, gothic, and dark)

But anyway... that's my opinion... But COME ON! Look at that MANSION! @_@ WHO COULDN'T LOVE THAT!



Active Member
Skellington88 said:
Jungle Cruise is not based on African Queen. That movie was just one of many different stories and places that influenced the design of the attraction. Same Story with the Matterhorn it is not based on 3rd. man on the mountain...actually the original idea for matterhorn stemed from Walt Disney traveling around europe and looking at the big snowy mountains thinking a bobsled type ride around a snowy mountain would be a fun attraction for Disneyland.

Was just about the say the same the african queen was just an insperation for the ride


New Member
Hmm... I heard about this a while ago too. But I am really looking forward to seeing how they approach it. Jungle being one of my favorites, I just can't help but await this film almost giddy-like. But of course if Jungle isn't done justice, I won't be a very happy camper.

As far as Mansion goes, I agree with IcicleM. I saw a lot of potential in that film. And although the thought of Eddie Murphy made me shudder, I still enjoyed it. Eddie's just a bit over the top for my taste. Yet once again in agreement... how can you not love Mansion? I absolutely love the sets and costumes used, and the make up, wow... Of course I'm into all the technical aspects of theatre, so I usually enjoy the efforts far more than the average.

And CBJ.. ugh... I haven't seen it yet.. but I know I will in all due time. Heck, I kind of feel obligated to see it, because well I love the attraction and it's the neighbor to Pecos. I'll just have to remind myself to try not to freak out at the movie, but instead go grrr....

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