Jungle Cruise Question


Active Member
bomberman said:
Do u know how it works. Because you can't see the track.

It is a real boat. Actually, if the US Navy wanted to, they could pull our boats during wartime for use. Why? I have no idea, but they could. The boats don't run on a track system, but rather a trough. They are totally free floating vessels and aren't attached to anything while in the water.


New Member
MagliteL13 said:
It is a real boat. Actually, if the US Navy wanted to, they could pull our boats during wartime for use. Why? I have no idea, but they could. The boats don't run on a track system, but rather a trough. They are totally free floating vessels and aren't attached to anything while in the water.

Thanks for correcting that...I mistakenly said track rather than a trough.


Active Member
TiggerRPh said:
Thanks for correcting that...I mistakenly said track rather than a trough.

No prob. It's probably the most mistaken thing regarding Jungle Cruise--that and that and it's the boats that take you to Animal Kingdom... grrrrr.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
MagliteL13 said:
No prob. It's probably the most mistaken thing regarding Jungle Cruise--that and that and it's the boats that take you to Animal Kingdom... grrrrr.
Wow, how many times do you have to answer that question every day?

And here I thought it was on a track, myself. Do you really have to steer the boat at all, or is the wheel just for show?

And what on earth would the U.S. Navy want with a Jungle Cruise boat? :lol:


New Member
Wait, wait, wait. Now I'm confised.

So you DON'T steer the boat. The wheel IS just there for show? If you took the boat out of the trough could you steer it with the wheel?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you'll notice the spieler gets distracted and they don't switch gears and you go really rough through the course. it'd be like driving in 5th all the time.


animal_king1990 said:
Is the one at Disneyland the same? Or is the one at MK longer?

The ride system is the same between the parks. I am not sure about the actual ride length though.

They could be taken off the "river" and would only go straight. The wheel is just there for show and does nothing. There is no other wheel or way to steer. That is why you feel bumps as you go, cause the boat is hitting the trough/track. It is also just a throtle that you control the speed with, no gears or major control.


disneywy said:
The ride system is the same between the parks. I am not sure about the actual ride length though.

Actually, at Disneyland the JC boats run along an underwater rail as opposed to WDW's "tire-in-a-trough" system.

The ride at WDW is a bit longer.


Active Member
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Captain Hank
Wow, how many times do you have to answer that question every day?

And here I thought it was on a track, myself. Do you really have to steer the boat at all, or is the wheel just for show?

And what on earth would the U.S. Navy want with a Jungle Cruise boat? :lol:


1. Probably about 3-4 times a day.

2. We really do steer the boats....wink...wink...wink...

3. I have no idea, but they could use them as torpedos that go 3.2 mph.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by LongballMG
Sometimes you'll notice the spieler gets distracted and they don't switch gears and you go really rough through the course. it'd be like driving in 5th all the time.

There are no 'gears.'

As for the ride length, our SOG (Standard Operating Guidelines) list the river at exactly 2000ft.



bomberman said:
Because like, the last time I went too WDW the CM person was barely driving it.

I have vivid memories of the CM asking me to hold the wheel for him as we were leaving the dock while he dumped rain water from the canopy. Of course, he wasn't in any particular hurry to take back the wheel as we continued along. I was a bit frustrated and scared because the boat didn't seem to respond real well as I frantically tried to steer. I was concerned that I was going to hit something along the course (particularly the plastic hippos) and damage it. The other riders seemed to get a kick out of it and I would have understood the laughter had I known that I wasn't actually steering the boat. I was informed of that fact afterward. Oh well.

This happened back in the mid 70's, by the way. I'm far wiser to the ways of the world now. :)


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Actually, at Disneyland the JC boats run along an underwater rail as opposed to WDW's "tire-in-a-trough" system.

The ride at WDW is a bit longer.
Funny, I believe DL's and WDW's Submarine rides differed in the exact same way (well, there were plenty of differences, but I'm talking track-wise)

Yensid "Lee-,-any-chance-you-have-a-map-/-layout-of-the-Sleeping-Beauty-Castle-Walkthrough-Attraction-that-was-once-at-Disneyland-?" tlaw1969

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