To be fair, the only one who made the poster look like anything was the *poster* themself.
Honestly people - I'm coming at this from an outside opinion looking in - clearly this guy has some from of reputation by what all your reponses have read.. is it justified? I don't know. I've honestly never seem them post before myself. But the point is, there is nothing wrong with a little quick wit and sarcasm now and then. It can get kind of annoying when everyone wants to live in a "it's a small world" world where everything is perfect and smiley. There's no nice way to say "there are stupid people in the world".. Now I'm not exactly saying the original poster is stupid - I don't know them at all, so there's no way to make that judgement, nor is it my place to do so. But I will agree that the original *post* was stupid.
Just my two cents, and my opinion on this is a firm one. Learn to laugh for crying out loud! Life's too short to spaz out over someone calling out your mistake if you make THAT big a deal of announcing it to the world on a public forum. You get zing'ed? Then zing'em back.