July crowds???


Well-Known Member
I have been to WDW in July before but the last day of July. I will be there the 13 - 20 (Wednesday to a Wednesday) any ideas on the crowds? I tried to avoid the 4th :animwink:


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Most likely quite crowded. I've been there twice in late July, and both times it was busy. In 2000, the stand-by line for Test Track was 120 minutes, at 3pm.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
think i can handle it ive i survived last easter and 9 days during spring break? lol. ill be by myself so single rider lines could be convenient
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New Member
I'm having trouble trying to decide when to go...either the end of July or the last week of May. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas as to which week might be better?
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