Journey Upstairs pics


Well-Known Member
nelsonj3 said:
Agreed! It truly WAS a classic. Maybe they can restore some of its former glory with this refurb.
This refurb? I'm not aware of any current plans to refurb this pavillion, sadly.


New Member
marni1971 said:
^ nope, the ride exit was on the ground floor, to the left of load (down a short corridor) and near the gift area. There were original plans to have the ride on 2 floors with the exit direct into Imageworks but this never happened. The upper Imageworks level was reached via escalator in the main foyer, a glass walled elevator, or stairs that wrapped around the elevator shaft.

I`ve a layout plan somewhere...

That's right, a friend of mine mentioned it dumped you out up top. I will have to correct her... shucks :p I specifically remember taking the elevator and the staircase. I thought she was wrong, but she tends to know quite a bit of information, lol. If you do have a layout, please feel free to pm me or even post it in here. Thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sorry to be confusing. What I meant was that if they do actually refurb the pavillion (I'm hoping!!), then they will restore some of its former glory. Hopefully these plans actually exist and actually get greenlit!! I know there will be several happy fans if this happens. In fact, I'm sure there are still several people who don't even know about these forums (or any Disney forums) and remember the old Imagination ride and would be delighted to see some signs of the old theme returning.

tecowdw said:
This refurb? I'm not aware of any current plans to refurb this pavillion, sadly.


Active Member
Nice pictures. I thought that the area was nothing. I thought that the area was not used any more. I thought wrong. It would be nice that the ride goes back to the way that it used to be.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe how much of that stuff is still up there. It makes me incredibly sad. The rainbow corridor was pretty much THE defining thing of epcot for me from when i was little.


Well-Known Member
Wow I was almost brought to tears seeing the current state that area is in. As you can see with my screen name and avatar/sig, I am a huge fan of the original JII. My favorite part of going to EPCOT was riding JII and playing around in the Imageworks area. I always hit the pin tables, the tunnel, the musical floor tiles, the paint with figment screens, the large paint brushes(shown in pictures), the bubble maker, etc... I loved that place, even as a teenager in its last years before it was shut down I still loved going to play in that place. :(

Also if I remember correctly Imageworks was usually crowded even when the JII ride was not. People used to enter the attraction just to go play in Imageworks upstairs. Kodak and Disney made the biggest mistake in park history destroying such an amazing attraction and shutting down the original imageworks.

I think I'm gonna go cry now.:cry:


New Member
Take kindly the council of the years,
Gracefully surrender the things of youth: birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan, Journey Into Imagination and Dreamfinder.
And let not the sands of time get in your lunch. :wave:


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Take kindly the council of the years,
Gracefully surrender the things of youth: birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan, Bob Dylan and Folk Music.
And let not the sands of time get in your lunch.


j/k :lol: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Skateboard P is da man! :cool: :wave:

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

You're either a very quick Google searcher or you just supplied the funniest quote of the day. Heck, even if you do have no clue about what you just typed, it is still hillarious. It is a really good CD, by the way.

Sorry for the thread drift. Continue on :)

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