Well-Known Member
So...take the same exact Jungle Cruise from MK and put it in AK (it is still somewhat popular)....mix it up with real animals...change the theme even...South American or for could even be an attraction to build a new "continent" around....although the previous Aboriginal idea was great too...speck76 said:The problem with that is that the animals are unpredictable. The enclosures need to be ldone in a way that the animals could not get to the boats, which could limit the viewing, and also, the enclosures need to be large enough to meet AZA guidelines. What if all of the animals are sleeping, or hiding behind rocks or something.....the ride would no longer be anything special....just a boat ride, and they already removed one of those.l
The whole Kali grand plan didn't pan out...doesn't mean it still can't happen it a different form...
Questions for those in the know though...where do things currently stand with AK as it relates to attractions...maybe not specifics...just what are the locations being looked at...I know Camp Minnie Mickey seems to come up often...are the higher ups at Disney more focused on developing that area of the park than any other?