MickeyMan101 said:
If i'm not mistaken 20kl is 20,000 leauges under the sea and why would they put that at animal kingdom? I mean the just took it out of MK?? if anyone can explain it to me just let me know! thx
Well, there is a major difference between 20k at TDS and the 20k at WDW.
WDW 20k was a mantainence nightmare which was one of the reasons why it was rigged to be closed forever. Any repears done would need to be done underwater.
There was though a Little Mermaid dark ride planned for Disneyland Paris and the Imagineers could not have just submerged the whole ride, so Wet-for-dry was created. This basically enabled underwater effects while being in a completly waterless environment. (minus the water used in the windows for the effect). The project was canned though but the technology was still there.
So when TDS had 20k built, there was a much easier and cheaper alternative to actual submarines. Basically all TDS's 20k is is just Peterpan's flight with a simulated underwater environment. And this basically has solved every problem created by the original 20k ride. That is also why if Disneyland's Subs were to return (which sadly only have a chance with the Nemo overlay due to costs), they would use Wet-For-Dry boxes outside the subs.
Anyway, I don't think 20k will be rebuilt but it would be very smart. It would actually had beenbe cheaper to build this new 20k instead of refurbing the old one. But I am pretty sure Journey would be the only ride built.
Mt. Prometheus could be a good anchor for Beastle Kingdomme, even if it does not fit the original theme, it would bring a certain hope to the land. There are other animal themes that could go with that too besides the kingdomme idea.
And Camp Minnie Mickey, besides what the Lion King Show has become, the whole land was built to last only a year or two. This land needs to be destroyed (though keeping Lion King would be good), because it basically represents the problems people have with current management. A land of mainly meet-and-greets may have been good for first year attendance but now it is just bad.
Camp Minnie Mickey will probably not be removed for a long time but I am pretty sure it will be. It is just that the vast amount of expansion room enables with sad shell of a land to stay.
Another issue is cloning. Yes, cloning is bad. But, if it is used to help keep a park afloat after Everest is no longer new and the next original ride is still in planning it is good. Basically, Journey would probably open 2007/2008. Now, since there are no strong leads for original attractions in rumors, (excavator did get built, it is just now known as Primevil whril, sad, but true) it would take at least until Everest is built for a strong lead and perhaps a year more. By then, Everest will be clost to open. Now, it took 3 years to build everest. If the same time is used from 2006, it would be 2009 when the new attraction would open.
And that finally reminds me. Beastly Kingdomme was set to open 2008 after it got cut from the original opening line-up. If development had continued, construction would have probably started by next summer.