Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more. It just lessens and cheapens the impact of the original. Their attmept to add new stories to old rides is about as welcome as their direct to video sequels they used to make to their classic films.Oh for Godsake. Are they serious? Are they that bankrupt of new ideas?
This kind of crap seems like the 2020's version of making DCA interesting by labeling stores and restaurants with punny names. Words are free and signage is cheap, so we got Award Weiners, Rushin' River Outfitters, Fly N Buy, Taste Pilots Grill, etc., etc.
Okay, Award Wieners is still kind of funny. But just because it's fun to say wiener out loud.
Otherwise, this kind of retroactive stitching together entirely disconnected attractions and concepts from the past 60 years just seems like a desperate attempt at creating fake buzz for something that never existed. It's just dumb.
It's about as "cool" as those Magic Kingdom comic books they made a number of years back. Why does everything need a detailed back story.