JIYI Update to include Figment & Monsters, Inc.??

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I think Dr Nigel Channing and the Institute have both run their course. Neither are relevant now they have replaced HISTA. HISTA tied the pavillion together and without it, the Institute doesn't make much sense. It doesn't even feature that heavily in HISTK/HIBUTK. I couldn't watch HWSO because it's just painful.
I just thing they need a whole new overhaul. Keep Figment, keep the epic pavillion, open up the second level again and the rainbow tunnel, and do away with the rest. Do a complete new idea.

Wow ok I didn't see the age of the original post... sorry! Who bumps a 12 year old thread? Perhaps the mods should put something on that makes old threads lock after 4 or 5 years because this is stupid.


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I think Disney will build this ride because they critics already have said that Monsters Inc. will be a great movie and make millions. That why Disney is planing to build a ride themed to it. If Atlantis was a hit they Fire Mt. project might have been built or started to be planned.
FM was not tied to Atlantis. Planning was well matured by the time it got cancelled,
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