Californian Elitist
Well-Known Member
I agree that the more original content sounds interesting. The problem is it’s taking the place of the current story and ride that we already know. If we didn’t already have a Roger attraction, I’d welcome this because it does sound kinda neat.Is it April Fools Day already?
Yeah, this is stupid, needless and idiotic.
But... not gonna lie, the idea of Jessica becoming a P.I. —possibly inspired by her time with Eddie Valiant— isn’t bad, fits her character and would be a great plotline for a movie sequel.
But, yeah, as a needless change to RRCTS, this is a huge eyeroll and another reason for me to not spend a dime or a second of my time at Bobsyland.
Vote with your wallets, folks. It’s the only language the Bobs speak or understand.
Guests will eat this up and I assume Disney will start producing more and better Roger merchandise, which people will undoubtedly buy because of the “new” ride. Disney knows what they’re doing.