Jedi Academy news

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
bayoutinkbelle said:
Is it just for kids or can us adults have a crack at it too? I know of several, including me, who would be interested.
I have never seen an adult do it but it never hurts to ask. I too would volunteer for training if they would let me.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
bayoutinkbelle said:
Is it just for kids or can us adults have a crack at it too? I know of several, including me, who would be interested.

I'd be interested if there was at least one other adult, otherwise you have the Seinfeld episode where Kramer is in the karate class with all the little kids all over again.


New Member
I would imagine come Star Wars weekend you'll see some adults doing it. I was at Star Wars weekend last year and someone named their kid Anakin. At least they were calling him Anakin and he wasn't wearing a costume


Well-Known Member
I've got a very good feeling about this.

Okay, does it go on for the full day, or just at various times during the day?

Is it right out there in the open, or do you go inside a seperate area?

What's the minimum age, height, etc. . . ?

Is it possible for a 6'1", 215 lb., lawyer to pass for a 10 year old?

Is it scary, or will the bad guy be unthreatening enough to keep my 6-year-old from having nightmares?

Or will it be so cool that my 6-year-old will refuse to leave?

How is the bad guy "killed"?

Come on people. Hit the keyboards. I need some answers.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Ralphlaw said:
Okay, does it go on for the full day, or just at various times during the day?

Is it right out there in the open, or do you go inside a seperate area?

What's the minimum age, height, etc. . . ?

Is it possible for a 6'1", 215 lb., lawyer to pass for a 10 year old?

Is it scary, or will the bad guy be unthreatening enough to keep my 6-year-old from having nightmares?

Or will it be so cool that my 6-year-old will refuse to leave?

How is the bad guy "killed"?

Come on people. Hit the keyboards. I need some answers.

Actually, anyone who fails the training has to sit on It's A Small World for 3 hours straight


Ralphlaw said:
Okay, does it go on for the full day, or just at various times during the day?

Is it right out there in the open, or do you go inside a seperate area?

What's the minimum age, height, etc. . . ?

Is it possible for a 6'1", 215 lb., lawyer to pass for a 10 year old?

Is it scary, or will the bad guy be unthreatening enough to keep my 6-year-old from having nightmares?

Or will it be so cool that my 6-year-old will refuse to leave?

How is the bad guy "killed"?

Come on people. Hit the keyboards. I need some answers.

My son was picked during a Star Wars weekend last year.

At Star Wars weekends they set up a stage to the left of Star Tours.

They CMs pick the participants by the level of the force they sense in the crowds (no adults were picked).

Darth Vader comes out with several Storm Trooper Bodyguards and Darth Maul is very realistic and very much in character. Each Padawan (the kids) gets a turn at the bad guy. They do not get killed, but rather they make a strategic re-positioning (to fight another day) when all the Jedi's and Padawans came together to face them.


This sounds so neat! I love Star Wars, and I would love to do this! I'm sixteen, so that isn't too old to be chosen, is it?

I have never heard of this, but I think it is a great idea. Such a good way to get kids to interact in a enjoyable and exciting way. I wish I knew about it earlier, it could have completely made one of my previous fifteen trips, especially when I was little.

Mecha Figment

New Member
Original Poster
its children only. Mostly for the safty of the perfomers. They don't want some wacked out starwars geek getting on stage and wailing on the sith. Adults get way to into this stuff. So kids only, but you get to watch.

Didn't get to see the actual shows today but i did get to see the storm troupers and vader getting preped to go out and managment was swarming like flies.


Thanks for the one bit of info that put a smile on my 9 year olds face. Major Star Wars fan of course. Something he actually has in common with his boring mother. He is looking forward to something that he does not have to put up with for his little sister. He was jumping up and down and started "planning" how to get noticed by the CM. (Holy Cow please let him get noticed.) Thanks for the info. We will be sure to stake out a place next week!!


New Member
Jedi Academy

Both my children were picked to be Padawans last year. My DS was 8 and my DD was 12. The CMs asked that no one older than 12 participate.

They ran training sessions every hour from about 10am until 4 or 5 pm. At 6pm they had a children's Star Wars trivia contest (on the same stage as the training).

The kids are all spaced at different spots in each area. They are issued a robe and "training light saber." They don't get to keep either but get an action figure and certificate as mentioned previously. There are two training areas - a stage to the left of the AT-AT walker and an area on the ground in front of the stage. The kids on the stage fight Darth Vader and the kids on the ground fight Darth Maul.

Both kids loved it and still talk about how great that was.

If someone wants to tell me how to paste a pic in my reply, I can upload some images.


Well-Known Member
Does this mean they'll have the Star Wars characters out more often as well. Dangit, I want to meet Shaak Ti or Jedi Mickey next time I go!

Mecha Figment

New Member
Original Poster
actualy, now that you mention it. It is odd that all of a sudden they want to put something out in front of star tours as a perminent fixure that was ment to be temporary. perhaps it will serve as a distrator while maitnence is done. This isn't factual, just a random theory based on pointless ramblings.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Tahu said:
Does this mean they'll have the Star Wars characters out more often as well. Dangit, I want to meet Shaak Ti or Jedi Mickey next time I go!
Go during SWW. You will see Shaak Ti, Zam Wessle, Aura Sing along with many other obscure characters.


New Member
Too bad we're not going to WDW until December. My kids would love the Jedi Academy! Especially since their names are Anakin and Mara-Jade. And no, I'm not kidding :D

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