Saw the 12:01 showing last night. Its the first movie I've ever walked out of where I actually couldn't think of anything to say. It was that good, and easily my new favorite Pixar film (was originally Finding Nemo). Wall-E is just about (exit guy mode) the most adorable character I've ever seen (return to guy mode). The love story: I don't think there was a person in our theater that didn't get at least lump in their throat, ESPECIALLY towards the end of the film. The message was fantastic as well, blatant, but never preachy.
Wall-E was by far the funniest film they've done to date as well. I won't say anything to ruin the surprises, but if you have to have a reason to see the film, all I can say is spork. I can honestly say I have no idea how they could ever possibly top this film. There is not a single thing I can nitpick, and its one of those films I will have to see in the theater more than once.
One last thing: Presto, the short before the movie? Laughed myself to tears. Just about the funniest thing (not including Wall-E) using smart humor I've ever seen.
Go see it, this weekend, today, NOW!