"...and we're baaaaack (said in my very best Ben Affleck disc-jockey voice from one of the SNL skits with Jimmy Fallon)!"
I know there's a bit of a delay in posting this TR, but I've been preoccupied with sifting thru pictures, mail, Christmas shopping/wrapping, and *clears throat* planning our next trip for June 2013! It's the planning process that gets me through the Disney-blues, which my husband is suffering from as I type. Earlier today, as he sat at the computer listening to the entry music into EPCOT, he sighed a heavy sigh and said, "I miss home." I know exactly which "home" he's talking about...we all miss it!
Also, it would be fair to forewarn all of you that I took 1 measly food photo
So, I will try my very best to describe the food we ate at our sit-down restaurants only.
Before I get down to the nitty-gritty, here's a quick re-cap of the "4 W's & 1 H" (the fifth "W" is the trip):
WHO: There are three travel parties, but here's the down-low on my family of four:
Me: Sara. This was my 13th trip (since 2003); a stay-at-home mom, occasionally working as a barista (as a coffee enthusiast, this job is the perfect "mommy time-out"); & DVC member since 2008. Had been looking forward to the F&W Festival, previewing FLE, and experiencing this:

SAM_1093 by journ116, on Flickr
DH: Joel. His 15th trip since middle-school; a germ-a-phoebe, and golf-enthusiast; supports the family's Disney habit as a sales rep in the Baked Goods industry. Got his fish n' chips fix twice ("thank you UK pavilion"), but did not get to indulge much in the F&W Festival as he had hoped to (one of the main reasons for going this time of year).

DSC_0130 by journ116, on Flickr
DD6: Chloe, 6. My sensitive 1st grader, who kindly and enthusiastically informed her classmates at EVERY sharing-time-circle that "We're going to Disney World in ____ days!" (Even her teacher was able to tell me exactly how many days we had to go!) She's never had a haircut and is mistaken for Rapunzel's little sister; was supposed to get her first trim at the Harmony Barber Shop, but...well, you'll find out later. The one thing she looked forward to the most on this trip: trying out new rides! This vacation marked her 11th trip to WDW!

DSC_0088 by journ116, on Flickr
DD2: Eliza, 3. The precocious-peanut of the family, who loved, Loved, LOVED all the meet-and-greets! Also, this kid loves her princess nightgowns; but I was able to reserve them specifically for bedtime and instead, invested in twirley skirts and princess t-shirts to appease her highness! Since she's too tiny for most of the rides, she was compensated in face-painting experiences. Completed her 6th trip, and seriously cannot wait to go back! (The next morning after arriving home, she asked, "We go on plane and bus today?")

DSC_0002 by journ116, on Flickr
Father-in-law, mother-in-law, DH's cousin, wife and DS7 complete the rest of our party.
(You'll see them in a little bit)
WHEN: Oct. 31-Nov. 8, 2012
WHERE: 2-bedroom, standard-view at Kidani Village (our home resort) for 5 nights and a 2-bedroom, lake-view at Bay Lake Tower (our new favorite due to location) for the last 3 nights. (Pictures to follow below)
WHY: Seriously?! It's Disney World, our "happiest place on Earth!"
HOW: Flying via AirTran out of PIT...this was a fiasco (read on to find out why).
I know there's a bit of a delay in posting this TR, but I've been preoccupied with sifting thru pictures, mail, Christmas shopping/wrapping, and *clears throat* planning our next trip for June 2013! It's the planning process that gets me through the Disney-blues, which my husband is suffering from as I type. Earlier today, as he sat at the computer listening to the entry music into EPCOT, he sighed a heavy sigh and said, "I miss home." I know exactly which "home" he's talking about...we all miss it!
Also, it would be fair to forewarn all of you that I took 1 measly food photo

Before I get down to the nitty-gritty, here's a quick re-cap of the "4 W's & 1 H" (the fifth "W" is the trip):
WHO: There are three travel parties, but here's the down-low on my family of four:
Me: Sara. This was my 13th trip (since 2003); a stay-at-home mom, occasionally working as a barista (as a coffee enthusiast, this job is the perfect "mommy time-out"); & DVC member since 2008. Had been looking forward to the F&W Festival, previewing FLE, and experiencing this:

SAM_1093 by journ116, on Flickr
DH: Joel. His 15th trip since middle-school; a germ-a-phoebe, and golf-enthusiast; supports the family's Disney habit as a sales rep in the Baked Goods industry. Got his fish n' chips fix twice ("thank you UK pavilion"), but did not get to indulge much in the F&W Festival as he had hoped to (one of the main reasons for going this time of year).

DSC_0130 by journ116, on Flickr
DD6: Chloe, 6. My sensitive 1st grader, who kindly and enthusiastically informed her classmates at EVERY sharing-time-circle that "We're going to Disney World in ____ days!" (Even her teacher was able to tell me exactly how many days we had to go!) She's never had a haircut and is mistaken for Rapunzel's little sister; was supposed to get her first trim at the Harmony Barber Shop, but...well, you'll find out later. The one thing she looked forward to the most on this trip: trying out new rides! This vacation marked her 11th trip to WDW!

DSC_0088 by journ116, on Flickr
DD2: Eliza, 3. The precocious-peanut of the family, who loved, Loved, LOVED all the meet-and-greets! Also, this kid loves her princess nightgowns; but I was able to reserve them specifically for bedtime and instead, invested in twirley skirts and princess t-shirts to appease her highness! Since she's too tiny for most of the rides, she was compensated in face-painting experiences. Completed her 6th trip, and seriously cannot wait to go back! (The next morning after arriving home, she asked, "We go on plane and bus today?")

DSC_0002 by journ116, on Flickr
Father-in-law, mother-in-law, DH's cousin, wife and DS7 complete the rest of our party.
(You'll see them in a little bit)
WHEN: Oct. 31-Nov. 8, 2012
WHERE: 2-bedroom, standard-view at Kidani Village (our home resort) for 5 nights and a 2-bedroom, lake-view at Bay Lake Tower (our new favorite due to location) for the last 3 nights. (Pictures to follow below)
WHY: Seriously?! It's Disney World, our "happiest place on Earth!"
HOW: Flying via AirTran out of PIT...this was a fiasco (read on to find out why).