It's Official! The 'Meet' is on!


Well-Known Member
It's Official Everybody!

The 2004 WDWMagic meet is a GO for the weekend of July 24-25th!

I have graciously taken over coordination of the event on behalf of Kingdom Konsultant, and with her help, should be able to put together a memorable gathering!

Saturday and Sunday, July 24th-25th.

I have contacted MainStreetUSA and he is actively putting together some designs for the official '2004' meet shirt. Those designs should be available soon and you will be able to vote on which design will be chosen. Watch for the thread and be sure to put in your 2-cents! I will have all the links in my signature line should you not see them when they appear.

This time around, we have thought about handing out minor 'gag' gifts/certificates! I will post another 'poll' like thread to vote on who gets the honors on subjects like: 'most opinionated', 'biggest abuse of smilies', 'Post-Hog of the year', and things like that! Any other ideas are greatly welcomed! Please PM me with your thoughts and I will add them, as long as they are respectful of others. We don't want to offend anyone on things like 'worst speller' :rolleyes: .

I will need to know as close as possible how many are planning to attend! This is very important so as we can make arrangements as necessary for the size of the group. If you will be staying on property, the resort and length of stay will help in planning the event as well. A phone # or e-mail address is good too, in case anything happens and we need to get info out during your stay that weekend. You can post the info , or PM me and I will confirm with you that I received it.

The nature of the meet will probably follow what we did last year. In order to do a dessert party, we will need to raise funds so that arrangements can be made. This cost, as well as anything else that is suggested, will need to be incurred by those attending, but will be small in nature if a lot of people are going to be there. That info will be posted as well, and we will confirm pricing as soon as we get a good head-count a little closer to the weekend.

That being said, PLEASE tell your friends, buddies, fellow CM's, etc., that the meet IS ON! This is not too short of notice, but will be a problem if the message isn't spread out to everyone that doesn't read the boards on a daily basis!

Myself and KevinPage are your 'coordinators' this time, so you can send any questions our way and we will be happy to help!


EDITED 6/27:
This is going to be a two-day affair! KevinPage is currently planning Saturday's agenda, while I will be putting together Sunday's plans including the dessert party. The get-together during the day (both days) is free...however, if you wish to join us for the dessert party/Illuminations viewing party at Epcot, you will need to PM myself or KevinPage asap so we can send you the necessary info. As of Friday, 6/25, the head count was up to a confirmed 35 people...and growing! Watch the boards after July 12th for the agenda on who, what, where, and when. It's not too late to sign up for the dessert party either! If all continues, this will be one of the largest meets for WDWMagic yet!

EDITED 7/14:
O.K. Here it is. The long awaited, proof-read, collaberation between Kevin and myself on TENTATIVE plans for the weekend of the Meet. Notice that things are subject to change if weather is not working with us...but we will use alternate communication for those of you who have provided it. We have tried to plan this around parades, congested areas, and general 'bad-times-to-do-things' at the two parks. This is just a general plan, and we can deviate from it if time provides. Anyone can come and go as they wish (many of you said that's all you could do, was swing by. Thats alright!)

WDWMagic Kingdom Meet July 24th


Gather at the entrance to the Tommorowland Transit Authority. You won't miss me as I'll have a WDWMagic sign and will be with my wife Jennifer and 6 month old daughter Ava.

We can exchange pleasantries and I will hand out name tag stickers for those who didn't make their own. Our first attraction will be the TTA. Then we will head over to the Carousel of Progress and then over to The Timekeeper. Afterwards we can grab a bite to eat at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe and see if Sonny Eclipse will belt out a few tunes.

We will also gather for a group photo, time and spot TBD depending on crowd flow. I have excluded Buzz & Space Mountain as those would tend to have long lines at this time of day. If they do not have a long wait, we can add them in. All the other attractions we should be able to get on with minimal to no wait. You never know how long Timekeeper or CoP will be around, so what better way to see it together as a group.

If you plan to attend, please send me a Private Message or send me an email at: so I can gauge how many people we will have.
PLEASE BE PROMPT - 3pm. I'm a New Yorker and so is Tigsmom, so we have no patience to wait. If you are having trouble getting there or need the group to wait a few minutes (less than 10 minutes) you can reach me on my cell phone 321-443-6692. If we don't see you there or get a phone call, we won't know to wait for you.

Hope to see as many of you there as possible :)


Agenda: Sunday July 25th @ Epcot:

10-10:30am Group meets @ Electric Umbrella (earlier if you choose to eat breakfast)

We will attempt to do something different today… use FastPasses as a group. Over to Test Track to obtain our FP’s. Given ‘usual’ timeframes, we will have 60-90 minutes before we can return and use. We’ll pick a return time, in case anyone wants to venture off, then head over to Spaceship Earth…before they close it down! (just kidding!)
SSE lasts between 15-20 min. There will be plenty of ‘down time’ incorporated for potty breaks and the such.
Meet back at TT at our agreed time (based off the FP’s) and say ‘Hi’ to a few CM’s we know (if they’re working!) while we ride.
If all goes well, the next scheduled item won’t be until lunchtime…Say…

12:30-1pm The Land Everyone meets to eat lunch at the Food Fair.

We can all get FP’s again BEFORE we sit down and eat, for Living with the Land. When we’re done eating…we can shuffle over and get on the boat ride for a nap.

Then we break for the afternoon. BUT before you leave for the afternoon, be sure to get your armbands from me if you are going to the Dessert party! No definitive plans until late afternoon, so everyone can break-off or stay together…whatever ya like.

6:30-7pm American Adventure

We catch the show at the top of the hour…

8pm Parks and Events will have the Dessert Party area ready for us to meet. Make sure you have your armband with you, or no admittance!

We’ll do another group photo during the day, as well as at the Dessert Party.
Probably have to have a contest on who can drink the most Beverly w/out vomiting…you know…FUN stuff!


New Member
Sorry to all not this time Sunner is not my time of year
to hot. Christmas is and this year the Oborne lights
are back at Disney MGM so iam going on Dec 5.
But have a good time in July love to all.

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob

I'll buy 4 shirts; one for each day.

I'll just wear the shirt I bought for the meet last December (which I didn't get to go to - two days too late).

BUT I did wear it to MVMCP and it turned out to be a conversation piece. Pretty cool.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
July? :confused: ugh... cant make it.. this will be the second meet I cannot attend :(

I will have my own meet and greet this fall instead! :sohappy: :sohappy:

When in the fall? I can't make July either, but will be there Oct 9-15 this year.
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Well-Known Member
"Name" tags?

How about in addition to t-shirts, we have permanent name tags, similar to the CM's, only blue like this site. But the name on the tags would be our screen names. :king:

If you want to include your real name, that would be optional, plus your city/state/country. That way, whenever we are at WDW, we could wear our name tags and meet other WDWMAGIC members at any given time! :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
One request:

As the meet is in July, and July being so hot, the shirts should be a light color, or a light color should be an option....also, 100% cotton would be nice (polyester and heat/humidity dont mix well)
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Well-Known Member
I think name tags, with optional "real" names, are a great idea, too! Not just for the meet itself, but to wear to the parks during future trips as well - you never know when you're going to have the opportunity to meet up with other fellow "Magic"-ers. T-shirts make identification easy!:)
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As far as future 'meets', and whats included, I'm sure we'll have another poll on dates for the Fall/Winter usual. Just trying to get this one accomplished first.

Name tags sound great!...One concern though...actually a couple:
1) Identity-some members are still 'cloaked' for indemnity reasons. You know...all those GOOD sources!
2) CM's - same reason- gotta watch what ya say
3) I would do it myself...if I had the resources. Anyone on the boards have access to anything besides the cheesy "HELLO I'm _____" stickers!

Lastly, MainStreetUSA has already been working on the new shirts and designs. I talked w/ him the other day, and the plan is for light colored T's of the same quality as last years. 100% pre-shrunk cotton, just new design and year stamp.

...AND don't forget to vote for your superlatives in this years best/worst offenders in the 'Gag' poll! (see sig link!)
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Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
well.. my boss wasn't in today (effing conferences), so I'll put in the request on monday... but I'm giving them well over a months notice, so i should get the time off..
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Active Member
hey i am coming to orlando on the 23rd so i may be able to come. as long as i can get my family to say ok. but we will be staying off property at a timeshare. so it is looking good, so u can put me down as the mabye-most likely-if my parents permit-person
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