"It's not the 'Happiest Place on Earth!'" - or Disney misconceptions

Re: Re: Re: "It's not the 'Happiest Place on Earth!'" - or Disney misconceptions

Originally posted by EpcoTim
Born in the burbs, lived on the Northside......all I can say is....GO CUBS.
This is becoming a Chicago suburbs and Cubs thread? Cool! I must say that I'm concerned with the 1-run losses and the strikeouts, but Mark Prior is the man...
Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
Wow this has to be the worst cry baby thread over nothing I have ever read. It is almost funny just reading how such small things can bother a person.
I think most (all?) of the people posting here are doing so in jest. I vote this the funniest thread in a long time! Sarcasm reigns queen on this thread!

By the way, I also hate it when people commit massive thread drift to talk about things only of regional interest, such as local baseball teams.


New Member
Mr. Quentin Disney- omg. people come to our parks to have a great time and leave with the best experience of theoir lives. and along comes little mr. picky who is too uptight to just grin and bare the little things. it tickles me to no end when in the kingdom people ask me where they can get on spaceship earth. and there are still people who think that the kingdom IS wdw. see when they went for the first time it was. i am not offended and it makes me smile when people ask the funny questions or make the wrong references. its okay for it to happen. you need to chill hunny and realize one thing-IT DOESNT MATTER AS LONG AS THE GUESTS HAVE THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES!!! its all about the magic:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

P.S. WDW is the happiest place on earth cause i work there and i make it so!!!
How about we get all fussy about it. Is it like 15 minutes from orlando? Yes...I don't live in Detroit, but I say I say I do just to make things easier. Is it a happy place? Sure is....there finished, done, fin!


New Member
I think that most people think that WDW is in Orlando. They then say it's in Orlando. I think WDW is better than DL. It has more parks and can be the happier place many times.

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