Hello everyone. I have been a long time follower on this sight, and have enjoyed reading many of your trip reports. My wife (Sara) and I (Bob) just got back from a November 16th-23rd trip, and I figured I would try my hand at this trip report thing. I hope you enjoy it.
Our trip almost came about as a necessity, if there is such a thing when it comes to Disney. We had been to Disney World 3 times before as a couple. We had gone each year from 2005-2007. 2005 was a belated honeymoon, and my first time ever to Disney (Sara had been several times before), and after 2007 we decided we would try going to a few other places. We always planned to go back though, and shortly after our last trip in 2007 we got the Visa Disney credit card. One of the perks of this card is the 200 Disney points they give you as a sign up bonus. However, these come with a expiration date, and we were quickly approaching ours. It got to the point where we had to make a decision to go to Disney, or lose our points. Well, losing the points wasn't an option since that was the reason we got the card in the first place. So we began planning our trip to Disney.
One rather important event had occurred in our family since we had been to WDW...we had a son named Luke. Luke was born in August 2011, so he was almost two as we began planning our trip. The big question became, were we going to take Luke along with us, or leave him with family. We had lots of advice on both sides of this issue, and we went back and forth many times.
Ultimately, we decided to leave Luke with our awesome parents for the week. Each of our parents took some time with him. There are probably some out there who think we are horrible parents for this, but there were several reasons we came to this decision. First, Luke has never been a big fan of people in costume. He enjoys seeing them from a distance, but up close he gets scared. This below picture of Santa Claus will give you some idea of what I mean.
Second, Luke is not a big fan of rides. We have tried to take him on several rides at carnivals, fairs, etc, and they all end the same way, with Luke screaming that he is all done. The below video (if it comes through) is Luke on a elephant ride outside Mr. Ed's elephant museum, and is the standard Luke behavior on rides.
Finally, and this was the biggest argument on the pro leave Luke at home side, Sara and I hadn't really had any time away since Luke had been born. Other than a Saturday here and there, Luke had mainly been with us, and the thought was that it would be nice to have some time with just Sara and me. Also, leaving Luke at home meant we would have the freedom to get on rides we enjoy together, rather than trying the child swap plan.
Ultimately, we made the decision to make it an adult trip to Disney. It felt weird as the trip approached thinking we were going to the pinnacle of children's vacation spots and leaving our child behind, but we were looking forward to some time away. Finally, Friday the 15th came, and before we knew it my parents were at our house to pick him up. We quickly finished packing for our early flight the next morning.
Our trip almost came about as a necessity, if there is such a thing when it comes to Disney. We had been to Disney World 3 times before as a couple. We had gone each year from 2005-2007. 2005 was a belated honeymoon, and my first time ever to Disney (Sara had been several times before), and after 2007 we decided we would try going to a few other places. We always planned to go back though, and shortly after our last trip in 2007 we got the Visa Disney credit card. One of the perks of this card is the 200 Disney points they give you as a sign up bonus. However, these come with a expiration date, and we were quickly approaching ours. It got to the point where we had to make a decision to go to Disney, or lose our points. Well, losing the points wasn't an option since that was the reason we got the card in the first place. So we began planning our trip to Disney.
One rather important event had occurred in our family since we had been to WDW...we had a son named Luke. Luke was born in August 2011, so he was almost two as we began planning our trip. The big question became, were we going to take Luke along with us, or leave him with family. We had lots of advice on both sides of this issue, and we went back and forth many times.
Ultimately, we decided to leave Luke with our awesome parents for the week. Each of our parents took some time with him. There are probably some out there who think we are horrible parents for this, but there were several reasons we came to this decision. First, Luke has never been a big fan of people in costume. He enjoys seeing them from a distance, but up close he gets scared. This below picture of Santa Claus will give you some idea of what I mean.

Second, Luke is not a big fan of rides. We have tried to take him on several rides at carnivals, fairs, etc, and they all end the same way, with Luke screaming that he is all done. The below video (if it comes through) is Luke on a elephant ride outside Mr. Ed's elephant museum, and is the standard Luke behavior on rides.
Finally, and this was the biggest argument on the pro leave Luke at home side, Sara and I hadn't really had any time away since Luke had been born. Other than a Saturday here and there, Luke had mainly been with us, and the thought was that it would be nice to have some time with just Sara and me. Also, leaving Luke at home meant we would have the freedom to get on rides we enjoy together, rather than trying the child swap plan.
Ultimately, we made the decision to make it an adult trip to Disney. It felt weird as the trip approached thinking we were going to the pinnacle of children's vacation spots and leaving our child behind, but we were looking forward to some time away. Finally, Friday the 15th came, and before we knew it my parents were at our house to pick him up. We quickly finished packing for our early flight the next morning.