ISTCrew's March 6th WDW Update


Account Suspended
Originally posted by se8472
But I like his added stuff :(

Yes, I agree--the personal stuff makes the reports funny and more interesting.

There are just a few disgruntled people here, for whatever reason, decided today was the day to pick on the person who posts reports that get the most hits.

It's a sad day for WDW Magic and I hope the powers that be come here shortly and close this thread.



Well-Known Member
I think, perhaps, the "disgruntled" people's point is that when he talks about the silly stuff (which, obviously, is his perogative) that's what turns it from "news and rumors" to a "trip report", thus the whole "Hey, this is in the wrong forum!" issue. I've only ever opened these threads when I've been linked because, quite frankly, fresh coats of paint on things and petty price changes of drinks don't interest me. I am interested if it's something big, which I read about on wdwmagic's home page. :) It's amazing how heated these threads become, though!

The only person who can tell ANYBODY what to post or not is Steve. But then, we all knew that. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think we should cut it out right now. This is all gonna lead to a massive flame war and MaElSTrOm RoCKs or some other troll will come back in another form, and all hell will break loose until Steve comes and closes the frickin' thread. It all follows a formula!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tahu
I think we should cut it out right now. This is all gonna lead to a massive flame war and MaElSTrOm RoCKs or some other troll will come back in another form, and all hell will break loose until Steve comes and closes the frickin' thread. It all follows a formula!

*visualizes thread as a cow grazing in a field*

*kills cow*

Ahhhhhhhhhh, so much better! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
It takes two to tango...thus is this fight...(why are we arguing again) as I always like to say....replace the tango with a can you relate fighting with a mosh pit...



New Member
Honestly, I like his updates! The only thing bad about them are those that come in here and have to bash others. (Oh yeah, just for the record, I am over 17 s25843)


New Member
Originally posted by ISTCrew20

And to everyone else, my updates will NOT change. I have been doing them the same way for over a year, and they will remain the same. If you have a problem, do not read them. I don't know what else to tell you. If you click on the link to my update, you may risk reading about a cell phone...Get over it.

:sohappy: Well said! Everyone has the right to make their updates or reports or whatever you want to call them, the way they want to. I personally don´t read yours all the time, but when I do, I find myself laughing at the way you relate them - I like that. It´s like "The fortunes and misfortunes of Patrick and friends at WDW", they keep me entertained and are fun to read.
If others don´t like them, there are many other threads to read and comment at.


Originally posted by ISTCrew20
I already view you as an incredibly inconsiderate jerk anyway.

The same can be said about people who flip off CMs and annoy people on busses with clackers when they KNOW its bothering said people.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
This Thread Drift is Brought to you by the letters...

K, I, L, L, T, H, I, S, T, H, R, E, A, D, P, L, E, A, S, E

and the number 3.

And now a word from our sponsors.

Stella Artois. When Heineken just doesn't cut it anymore, try a Stella Artois.


And by the all new Volvo S40. Volvo... they're not just for soccer moms anymore


Special consideration on this thread provided by NevR Burn Nomex Apparel. For when you don't want to be a flamer :lookaroun


And now back to your regularly scheduled flamefest.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TiNkErBeLl05

Hi, Tifani! Posting in all caps in every single one of your posts is against forum policy. As silly as it sounds, it's considered "yelling" in the internet world. Doing it now and then to emphasize a word is great, but not every word in every post.

Please refrain from using caps extensively in future posts. Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
Please Drink and Drive Responsibly


I like how you put a picture of beer bottles right above a picture of someone driving a car.


"Please Drink and Drive Responsibly"




Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Re: Please Drink and Drive Responsibly

Originally posted by Timekeeper

I like how you put a picture of beer bottles right above a picture of someone driving a car.


eh... no meaning was behind it. Just 3 products I like.

Originally posted by Timekeeper
"Please Drink and Drive Responsibly"

nope... how about "Just don't drink and drive. You're stupid if you do, you'll go to jail if caught, and you'll probably burn in hell if you kill someone on the road... including yourself."

I like that one better. Those that know me well know that I won't drive if I've had more than 1 beer in the last hour/3 over the whole night. I'm extremely responsible about that.


Premium Member
Patricks updates contain good current information that a lot of people here find useful.

Remember this is a forum, where you have the choice to read or ignore threads and posts. Nobody is forcing you to read and reply to every message.

If anyone doesnt like the information in certain members posts, just ignore it. Turning threads into arguments and deliberately drifting is not in the spirit of these forums.


Well-Known Member
Is it too late to ask about the "facade that was by the entrance to the HISTK playground" which was removed?....:lookaroun

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