Is Wonders open today/tomorrow?


Premium Member
Which is why Universal isn't considered the leader in ride safety and training like Disney is.

The attractions hosts actually know what to do incase of a fire, terrorist attack, nuclear detonatation, tornado, etc.

Funniest thing I've read all day. The vast majority of M:S CMs can't even evac the queue properly.


New Member
Which is why Universal isn't considered the leader in ride safety and training like Disney is.

The attractions hosts actually know what to do incase of a fire, terrorist attack, nuclear detonatation, tornado, etc.


yeah... its called A,B and C evac plans... and its pretty universal as long as you know the general area.


Well-Known Member
It better be open then!! We get to Disney on Sunday and Epcot on Monday...I'll be shore to take lots and lots of pictures!!


Well-Known Member
Which is why Universal isn't considered the leader in ride safety and training like Disney is.

Dude, there are around 999,999 other things that Disney does better, but I don't consider how they train their operations cast members to be a strong point. Nor is their safety record. In fact, to be quite honest, they both absolutely suck. And I can speak from personal experience from working at Disney attractions. Disney hands down has the worst safety and regulatory training of any theme park I have ever worked in or had experience with. That includes Universal, Cedar Fair, and even Busch (which I consider BY FAR to be the most safety conscious of any of the major theme park operators). And lets not even discuss Disney's safety record, which is also THE WORST of all the major operators.

The attractions hosts actually know what to do incase of a fire, terrorist attack, nuclear detonatation, tornado, etc.

When was the last time you worked in operations? I was trained in NONE of those scenarios when I worked there. The excuse that I was given was that "you know it all by heart anyway, you worked for Universal." Maybe so, but I know they trained over cast members just as poorly.

Okay, rant over.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Which is why Universal isn't considered the leader in ride safety and training like Disney is.

I've never met a WDW CM that's been terminated over safety violations. That's a regular occurence at UO when one is spotted..

The attractions hosts actually know what to do incase of

Call your management, who will in turn call security and Reedy Creek

terrorist attack

Stay home and ride it out, or let your management and security tell you how to evac the park

nuclear detonatation

Drop dead if close, grow extra limbs if far

Let a manager handle it... otherwise Evac C.... RUN , RUN!! Ruin the magic and let the kiddies downstairs.


Active Member
Let a manager handle it... otherwise Evac C.... RUN , RUN!! Ruin the magic and let the kiddies downstairs.

NO NOT DOWNSTAIRS!!!!! Then they will call their attorney for being "traumatized" and how Disney never should have allowed a fire, terrorist attack, hurricane, or nuclear bomb to happen. :brick:


Well-Known Member
I've been in and out for a while... so two things...

First, what's all scheduled to be open at WoL this winter?

And second, looking around the links in this thread, it seems there's a temporary wall that was put in the dome.. what's that for?


Account Suspended
Original Poster
I've been in and out for a while... so two things...

First, what's all scheduled to be open at WoL this winter?

And second, looking around the links in this thread, it seems there's a temporary wall that was put in the dome.. what's that for?

Well, walls went up around Well and Goods and Pure and Simple - the store and restaurant respectively - the last time the place was open.

Are any of the exhibits in really really poor shape? Maybe "Goofy About Health" is finally a goner? (it's the only other thing inside the dome that can I think of which would need to function) It was problemnatic and the screens were badly aged.. so maybe it finally died.. or perhaps they're hiding the Anacomical stage which people liked to climb on..


According to Cranium, Body Wars, and MoM are supposed to open.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
The Frontiers area at the exit of Body Wars is now walled off... Maybe that's it?

Goofy About Health was up and running during my training.

Oo.. that's fascinating...

Frontiers of Medicine is Body War's post-show. In the far right hand corner is a dark area - very dark. It has a key-card slide and a video camera. The receptionist (when she existed) at the Wonders lounge would be watching and buzz people up. There's a door right there and it leads up to the lounge.

The lounge is directly above that area behind the glass panels.

Didn't Disney promise a biotechnology company space in Epcot? Frontiers of Medicine seems like the most likely location for them - the nonprofit they gave "the space" to is involved in cancer research.


Sorry if this isn't new but...

While i was there last week i took the backstage magic tour with Nancy and we asked about WoL. She said that since it lost ints sponsor they didn't know what to do with it but it would be open this year for 6 weeks from Thanksgiving into the new year.


Wait a minute, The Living Seas hasn't had sponsorship since like 2001 and they sure fixed it up nicely, still without a sponsor. Why can't they do something with WoL? What gives?:veryconfu

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