How is whether or not Walt was or wasn't a task master, tough, a hard a$$ or not the nicest guy in the world have anything to do with this? If anyone deserved the credit after Walt died it was Roy E. Disney who brought Eisner and Wells together to save the company and make Disney what it once was. And he did. Mission accomplished. And when he saw Eisner's incompetence and his vain, arrogant, terrible decision making when he was left to his own devices, he was instrumental in outsting him and saving Disney again.
Eisner, on topic, gets way too much credit. The fact that this "fake" thread that is only meant to get the OP the desperate attention that he and his many other usernames/buddies needs, is about Eisner alone.
Whatever your problems with Walt are are your own and not a part of what we're talking about. History shows what Walt accomplished and what Eisner didn't. Eisner did good with help. He did nothing on his own and never had the creative accoplishments involving, running Disney that Walt did. Comparing the 2 is ridiculous.
"Eisner acted in very much the same way, except that he was not necessarily the one to come up with the ideas...he was more of the facilitator and vetter of those ideas. They were very much in the same league."
That's a HUGE difference. They were not in the same league. Ever.
Again, this isn't what my opinions are from things I've read. My father delt with Eisner before and after Wells died. We knew the people that worked with them. And it's not a bunch of people on a message board slagging poor, innocent, mistreated, misunderstood, Michael "the appart genius" Eisner. It's coming from people who worked for him.