Is the Grand Floridian the deluxe of the deluxe?


Well-Known Member
Just back from the GF and it was heavenly, dormer room 7502 in Conch Key, housekeeping was amazing, and all and all I give the hotel a A grade. DH not happy at all with the DVC construction and I have to admit it did take away from the charm of the smaller pool but my son loved the new splash area but it did seem more crowded than usual for October.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Just back from the GF and it was heavenly, dormer room 7502 in Conch Key, housekeeping was amazing, and all and all I give the hotel a A grade. DH not happy at all with the DVC construction and I have to admit it did take away from the charm of the smaller pool but my son loved the new splash area but it did seem more crowded than usual for October.
We were in 7307 form the 17-21 too funny!

Hot Lava

Well-Known Member
If you are splurging for the GF then you should be able to afford to valet park. It just wouldn't have the same atmosphere if the GF had pull up parking like a Holiday Inn.

it is not always a matter of money. My husband HATES to valet. He doesn't like others driving his car or having access to all the stuff you might have in it. And especially if you have a manual transmission, it can be a scary proposition having to hand over your car. This does not even start to get to body damage to your car. And depending on the situation, the problem of just having access to your car when you want or need it.
And, a la Seinfeld, I have had the issue - more than once - of the odorous valet attendant. So wonderful to have to get into and drive a stunk-up car.


Well-Known Member
.... And especially if you have a manual transmission, it can be a scary proposition having to hand over your car.
That is so, so true. I haven't owned an automatic since 1988 and cannot tell you how annoying it is that very few valets truly have a clue how to handle a manual transmission. It's a sad truth that the US car market has dumbed down the US driver base by offering so few manual transmissions and left us with fewer valets that can handle it.
This isn't a status point or the like, my cars are mostly Jeeps, but too often now valet is the best choice is parking lots are a joke in many places, but watching my CJ-TJ-or JK Jeep bucking up and down like its coughing up a hairball as a clueless valet pops the clutch makes me sad.


We stayed there once a couple of years ago in the club level building. It was very nice and I would definitely go there again for all the reasons everyone has posted. It is worth going once to try. We really liked the club level. The treats were great and the building was very nice and comfortable.

I hope you enjoy your stay!


Well-Known Member
I do feel for people who don't want to leave their car with a valet who can't drive a stick, but the percentage of the population that drives stick shift AND doesn't wish to valet is probably not big enough to warrant changing the parking around. I know some cars can only be purchased with a stick shift, too. :)

Valet lots have to be close, for obvious reasons.

Maybe you could ask Disney if you could pay for the valet lot, but park your own car. Even as I type it, it sounds silly, but it's all I can think up to solve the problem of parking your own car and being in the closest lot.


Well-Known Member
I've never stayed at the Grand Floridian though I have toured it to check it out. I'm not impressed by anything there. I would consider the Contemporary the "flagship" over GF. Disney tried long and hard to make the GF look like it should be the "top of the line" in their deluxe resorts, but because they're so good in their theming, it's the look of the place that can be a bit deceiving. The restaurants in GF are simply ok. They're not terrible, nor are they among the best I've eaten at on property, and 1900 Park Fair is not that good of a buffet (at least for dinner when I tried it). I would always choose the Poly or WL (haven't tried Contemporary yet) before I'd choose a stay at's simply not my taste or style.


Active Member
It really depends on what you like. We are a family of 3 but always take a tag along kid to make us 4 this way ds has somebody to hang out with. We have stayed at most of the Disney resorts. We stayed at a value for one night and had disney upgrade us to a moderate because just could not handle to peope not watching their kids.We have stayed at a few moderate hotels (Caribbean Beach our favorite of the moderates). We have stayed at all the deluxe hotels and for us the GF did not do it for us. In the building we were in they had a problem with the music that they pipe through the halls and the volume was stuck on high and they could not turn it off at night. Ugh.. sleepless nights. Plus i felt like i had to put on makeup just to go to the pool or get breakfast. Our favorite is the Contemporary. The poly is our second choice but i don't like they do not have a hot tub. Nothing like coming back to the room after a long day at the park and not being able to go rest your muscles in a nice hot tub.


Active Member
I just returned from WDW trip and walked the Grand this morn. The weather was gorgeously perfect. I think you will enjoy your trip of a lifetime. everything about the Grand is stylish but fun and relaxing. Your location gives you the option to visit the other Deluxe resorts and MK via the monorail. You can also take the water taxis to these locations. A very relaxing perk. I noticed heavy duty construction at the Polynesian and some construction at the Grand. They said it was ongoing for the new Fantasyland but wonder about that. It seems construction is everywhere but the Grand seems to be the less disturbing for guests. The new DVC at the Poly construction is alarming. It disrupts water view from their main pool and the Concierge level guests. I would avoid staying at Poly for next 2 years.
I stayed at the Bay Lake Tower and found the view was so relaxing and beautiful it was hard to sleep. I could watch the monorails ,boats, pools, sunrises and sunsets and the Magic Kingdom. I could wander around all of the Deluxes via monorail or boats. Having the option to enter the MK one night to watch fireworks and another night to remain on the sandy beach at your resort gives the experience as two different memorable events. I also loved the bonus nightime electical water pageant.
Have fun with the pre-tripping planning. If you want more specific details include info about your age groups such as adults and children for activity suggestions.

Jonathan Woolf

Active Member
Original Poster
Really useful information above - a huge thank you.
We are both just turned but a very young 50 and our son will have just turned 19 who will have just completed a first hard year at University so will need to relax. We aim to do all the parks and Universal - only confused as to which ADRs to plan at which restaurants on the DDP - table service/ quick service/ snack one! Debating about V and A and paying separately for that and whether it will be worth it - thinking of Segway around the World - most intrigued about which part of GF this outer buidling theme park view room is! Simply planning to be a family who are escaping the UK to come to WDW

Walter Bishop

New Member
Regrettably, the Grand Floridian is not, as you say 'the deluxe of deluxe'. This of course is an opinion and not a fact. I prefer the Polynesian for it's tropical flavor, and its Dole Whip.


Well-Known Member
Regrettably, the Grand Floridian is not, as you say 'the deluxe of deluxe'. This of course is an opinion and not a fact. I prefer the Polynesian for it's tropical flavor, and its Dole Whip.
It's all personal, I know- but I would agree. Maybe GF is more "deluxe", but the style holds no appeal for me, personally. I'd take Poly, Contemporary, Boardwalk, over GF any day.

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