Is Staying on Property Worth It?


New Member
OK - so I'll admit it! We've never stayed "on property." I've only been to WDW ONCE (DL 3 times), and we stayed off-property at the same hotel as some friends of ours that met us in Orlando. It was very inexpensive at around $38/night - and it was fine. But, whenever we'd be riding them monorail back to our cars at the end of the day, we'd say how awesome it would be to stay in the Contemporary or one of the Disney hotels.
So, planning a trip in September, I'm considering staying on property...but the PRICE! I look at $38/night compared to $150+++/night - and I'm having a really hard time justifying it. Especially when we don't spend much time in the hotel! (My husband likes to get to the parks when they open and stay until they close).
I'd like some adivce. Is it worth the extra $$$???


Active Member
Let me just go ahead and make a statement for about 99.9% of the members on WDWMagic. The answer is yes. Yes, Yes, Yes. Nothing compares to the service and transportation you will get by staying on property. So the bottom line is yes, its worth the extra $$$.
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Active Member
Yes, yes, yes. It is sooo worth the money. There is so much to the statement that the "magic never ends" when you stay on property and the convenience of not having to drive anywhere while you are there is a big plus, too. I know it seems more expensive, but once you get to the point of saving for that amount to take that "on property" trip the first time, it will set your needs for future trips and the bite out of your budget goes away. You wonder why you did not do it sooner. :)
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New Member
It depends on how immersed you want to be in the whole fantasy of Disney World. My brother was just like you, he always made fun of us for staying on Disney property (We always go to the Polynesian) until he tried it out. Now he says he'll never go back off property. Here are some of the benefits that I see:
1. I can go the the Magic Kingdom in the morning (an hour before it's open for people staying off property) ride some rides with the kids for 3-4 hours, be back at the Polynesian using the monorial in 15 minutes, let the kids take a nap, or go to the pool for a few hours, go back to the park in the evening, stay for the fireworks and be back in my hotel room in 15 minutes. No parking the car, waiting in line, driving, stuck in traffic. It is as non-stressful as you could wish for.
2. On some nights guests staying on property can stay in the parks for up to 3 hours after they close. A definite benefit.
2. When there is bad weather you just get wet, go back to your room (once again 15 minutes) to change, then we like to go resort hopping using the monorail. Or get the bus right outside of the Polynesian for Downtown Disney. Once again, no driving, problems changing clothes etc.
4. Less Stress! Here's one of my alltime Disney moments. Sipping a pina colada on the beach at the Polynesian with my wife, while watching the fireworks and then the electric water parade. When it was all over we just walked hand and hand along the pier back to our room. It's tough to duplicate that experience when you're off property
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
First, welcome to the boards. Now, the family and I have been going every year since 1997, and a couple of extra times as well, next month it will be 13 times, every time we have stayed on property. For a number of reasons, for me the major one is I don't want to have to worry about where I'm going and how I'm getting there, being on property means the buses pick you up at your resort and drop you off when the day is done. And if you want to take a break it doesn't take as long to get back to your place. Another is, you really don't have to stay at a top of the line resort, the All Stars and POP are great places to stay, and when you call to make ressies you ask if there are any specials going on at the time and if there is they tell you. You can stay there for as little as 65.00 a night, now that is more than the 38.00 but you get so much more than an off site place, just in atmosphere alone makes it worth it.
And if your worried about the size of the room, why spend alot of money on a room you only sleep in?
The perks are that you get early entry before those who are off site. Believe me over the years we have learned to save alot of money by doing things a certain way. Now even more since we bought into DVC, and can stay at even better places without a big layout of money. I'm sure there are others here who have plenty of other reasons to stay on site as well, but no matter what do what you feel is best for you and yours. Enjoy........28 days and counting, NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy:
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Active Member

well, i think everyone else has covered my reasons as to why I definately feel it is defiantly worth staying on property. Sure it's a little pricier but if you stay at one of the Value resorts I don't think it's unreasonably priced. Plus all the perks you get extra (free transportation, EMH's, etc. ) in my opinion make up for the extra you pay in hotels
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New Member
As everyone else has stated....YES!

The ease of transportation, the total Disney immersion, the Extra Magic Hours are all worth it. Plus you can have packages delivered to your hotel, room key charging priveledges in most resorts.

I have done both and staying on property is well worth it.......makes your stay even better!
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Active Member
Of coarse:veryconfu it is REally I don't see why anyone wouldn't stay on the property You got the transportation to the parks most hotells have resturaunts with the disney feel all got food courts of some kind and they are all great:D
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New Member
Well, we are leaving tomorrow morning and this will be our first time on property. I am so excited, I can't wait :) It will be nice to be in the magic 24/7!
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New Member
villianess said:
I look at $38/night compared to $150+++/night - and I'm having a really hard time justifying it. Especially when we don't spend much time in the hotel! (My husband likes to get to the parks when they open and stay until they close).
I'd like some adivce. Is it worth the extra $$$???

Think of it this way. If you like to stay until the park closes, if you're staying on property that closing time can be pushed back up to 3 hours on some nights. But ONLY for resort guests. Longer hours and less crowd. Does that help justifying the extra cost?

Other things to think about. If you're staying off property, you're paying to park ($8 a day which resort guests don't have to pay if they drive to the parks, or $8 a day they don't have to pay if they take Disney trasnportation from thier resort.) You also don't have to purchase as much gas, because you're not having to drive to get to Disney. And if you take resort transportation, that's even less gas spent. And if you decide to stay on property and NOT rent a car, that alone can justify the price difference.

So even though the actual "hotel room" costs more, it does provide you with other "savings" it's just not in places you think about relating to your "hotel cost"

Once you've weighed all those factors, it may still come out cheaper for you to stay off site, but at least you'll have a much better idea of what the actual price difference is. That helps when decision making time comes around.
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Well-Known Member
There's always one - and I'm afraid its me this time.

You can still have an excellent trip to WDW and save $$$ by staying offsite.
Disney hotels are expensive when compared to the equivalent "outside" the World.
I would suggest that only you will know whether its worth it - Whats your budget, how long you staying for, how many in your party, are you planning to go anywhere other than WDW, etc etc.
Staying onsite IS magical and very convenient - but there is a cheaper alternative.
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Active Member
The other thing that is nice about staying on property is that you can actually take your time in the parks and not have to go all commando-we-must-do-everything-now throughout the day... I have stayed off property and it is just. not. worth. it.

There are the hassles of getting off/on property, the feeling that you have to stay at the parks from sunup to close and that you have to try and cram it all in. When I stay onsite, those worries just melt away and I find I do more in the end because a) I'm well rested from taking a nap during the highest heat of the day and when the lines are longest and b) I can take advantage of the EMH at night.

Granted, the lineups for the first 1-2 hours of EMH can be just as bad (especially at MGM), if not worse than those during the day, but at least it's not ridiculously hot... Plus, I find that the relative quiet of the last hour of EMH always makes up for the madness at the beginning.

Finally, part of the reason why I love WDW is because the entire resort transports me to another world... And if I had to go off-site, then that magic would disappear. The on-site resorts are more than "just" hotel rooms, even for the value resorts! From the pools to the snack bars to the impeccable service (most of the time) and to the little amenities that just say "Disney", it's amazing...

Bottom line - there are many MANY intangibles that make the $39/night rates offsite a ripoff to me. I may not be getting gypped financially, but I am certainly getting ripped off with respect to my RDA of magic while I'm on vacation!! :lol:

That being said, certain Disney hotels have increasingly priced themselves out of my range (specifically, the Contemporary, Poly, and GF resorts). It's too bad because the Poly used to be my favourite, but now I've discovered that there is more magic for your dollar, so to speak, at some of the other resorts (such as the WL and AKL).
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Active Member
There's always one - and I'm afraid its me this time.

You can still have an excellent trip to WDW and save $$$ by staying offsite.
Disney hotels are expensive when compared to the equivalent "outside" the World.

I can understand that argument (and I know many who would agree with you), but for me, while there may be rough equivalencies between a Disney and a non-Disney hotel room (i.e. both have toilets, sinks, and a bed... :lookaroun :lol: ), the intangibles that I get from a Disney resort experience make the cost worth it for me in the end!!!

But to the OP - if the extra money is going to stress you out in the end, then I would say that you should go off-site and use the savings towards a nummy dinner at a place like Le Cellier or Artist Point :slurp:

The latter restaurant may be a good choice if you want to see what all of the fuss is about with respect to the on-site resorts for your next trip! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
i love staying on site -i wouldnt stay off site unless my parents went coz they drive.

staying on site is worth it, i love it!!

here is a few things available for resort guests:

free disney transportation -bus,water taxi,monorail,boat.
early and late entry to the parks meaning morning and evening EMH's (they are worth it)!!!
great themed resorts (love the all stars resorts)
package delivery to disney resorts from the parks and DTD
room charging
the excellent vibe and feeling
the CM's are great and always helpful

staying on property is well worth it. i will only stay in a disney resort when i go by myself coz its easier for me to get around the parks and DTD. worth it all the way and even if your not staying on property you can always visit a resort and see what they are like.:wave:
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lawyergirl77 said:
Finally, part of the reason why I love WDW is because the entire resort transports me to another world... And if I had to go off-site, then that magic would disappear. The on-site resorts are more than "just" hotel rooms, even for the value resorts! From the pools to the snack bars to the impeccable service (most of the time) and to the little amenities that just say "Disney", it's amazing...

This is so true and, to me, is worth the extra $$. Well said!
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loriwdunn said:
I will never stay off property again...


I went just about every year during my childhood, many times, twice, and we always stayed off property. I stayed on site last year for the first time, and I loved it. I too have always wanted to stay at one of the monorail resorts, but we couldn't afford to, so we stayed at a moderate. We loved it. Even without the monorail, just being able to get on a bus and not have to drive or anything really makes me enjoy my vacation more. Plus, you can go a little slower because you have the option of extra magic hours, which are only available to guests staying on site. Plus, as many have said, it's so wonderful to be completely surrounded by the Disney Magic all the time.
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