Is it worth it?!


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I have been saving up money for the past year now ($2,371.00) and was wondering if it was worth it to, instead of buying a car, to treat my family to Disney World??? I have two jobs at the moment and plan to have atleast another 1,500 dollars by the end of the summer. Do you think it is worth it to us it all to treat my family to a vacation. We are not exactly financialy secure for my parents to just buy us tickets. I was wondering, on top of advise if I should do this or not, how much money it would cost (we live in New York). We also have 2 good 4 day park hoppers left over from a while ago. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


New Member
I would say absolutely - but then again, I have a new car. Disney is an extraordinary place and you would have the time of your life. Airfare is usually reasonably priced from NY to Orlando if your vacation planning has a little give ($90-200/RT)- and so are the Disney prices. If you can go during value season (times vary by resort and on each resorts webpage on - you can get rooms at the All Star Resorts for $77/night! Then buy park passes, if you have park hoppers you can use those and then get the rest of the travellers park hoppers when you get there. It's a very tough decision - good luck!


Well-Known Member
You'll have a million more good memories of a trip to WDW than you'll ever have of a car! If you have a few days left on those park-hopper passes, you're already a bit ahead of the game. I say, go for it!:D


New Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
You'll have a million more good memories of a trip to WDW than you'll ever have of a car! If you have a few days left on those park-hopper passes, you're already a bit ahead of the game. I say, go for it!:D

I must agree, vacation memories last a lifetime, I don't think many of us have significant memories of a car that we cherish forever.


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna be the WDW party pooper here...but...

WDW is an EXTRA...not a necessity.

If you're kinda hard up for money, maybe WDW isn't in the cards for you right now. Granted you've saved up the money and that's great, but think about it...You'll have all those memories and everything but the money you saved up will be gone in a week or so. At least if you had a car, it's a necessity in today's society and who might NEED that car BADLY. (just gotta think about those "rainy days")

I wouldn't turn ANYBODY away from WDW...TRUST ME!!!
I just don't wanna see you get in trouble in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I don't wanna be the WDW party pooper here...but...

WDW is an EXTRA...not a necessity.

If you're kinda hard up for money, maybe WDW isn't in the cards for you right now. Granted you've saved up the money and that's great, but think about it...You'll have all those memories and everything but the money you saved up will be gone in a week or so. At least if you had a car, it's a necessity in today's society and who might NEED that car BADLY. (just gotta think about those "rainy days")

I wouldn't turn ANYBODY away from WDW...TRUST ME!!!
I just don't wanna see you get in trouble in the long run.

I'd have to agree......besides think of it like this...if u get a car...u can drive to FL....and go camping at Fort Wilderness.....U mentioned u had old passes.....that way its a win win situation


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I don't wanna be the WDW party pooper here...but...

WDW is an EXTRA...not a necessity.

If you're kinda hard up for money, maybe WDW isn't in the cards for you right now. Granted you've saved up the money and that's great, but think about it...You'll have all those memories and everything but the money you saved up will be gone in a week or so. At least if you had a car, it's a necessity in today's society and who might NEED that car BADLY. (just gotta think about those "rainy days")

I wouldn't turn ANYBODY away from WDW...TRUST ME!!!
I just don't wanna see you get in trouble in the long run.

WDWFREAK is right, WDW is not a necessity, and if a car is maybe you should go that route. If the car is not a necessity then I would definitely consider a trip to WDW.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneydudette

I'd have to agree......besides think of it like this...if u get a car...u can drive to FL....and go camping at Fort Wilderness.....U mentioned u had old passes.....that way its a win win situation

You're always thinking aren't ya!!!

I'd go with DD's IDEA!!!


New Member
Take care of priorities, which I think includes transportation (in your case a car). I'd take care of getting a car first and if you have money left over, go to WDW.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
Take care of priorities, which I think includes transportation (in your case a car). I'd take care of getting a car first and if you have money left over, go to WDW.

PHEW...I thought I was less of a WDW fan than the rest of you :)

Glad to know I still rank with the best of them :) :) :)

People on wdwmagic are like Ohana :)


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I do have a few more years to go before I have my license and by then I will have enough money for a car. The thing is I'll be able to get a better used one with the extra 3,000 dollars. A car is necessary but I still have a few more years of saving (3 more years of saving which equals around 10,000).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyKrazed
I do have a few more years to go before I have my license and by then I will have enough money for a car. The thing is I'll be able to get a better used one with the extra 3,000 dollars. A car is necessary but I still have a few more years of saving (3 more years of saving which equals around 10,000).

But of u blow that money now....(on WDW thats ok) it could be another 5 years....either way the choice is urs...


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for your input! I will deffinatly double think this but my family does need a moral bost (mabey they will pay for half?). Anyway thanks a lot for your responses. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyKrazed
I do have a few more years to go before I have my license and by then I will have enough money for a car. The thing is I'll be able to get a better used one with the extra 3,000 dollars. A car is necessary but I still have a few more years of saving (3 more years of saving which equals around 10,000).

Lol if you have that long to go before you get a car and you're confident you'll have the money by then, then by all means take a vacation to WDW! :D


Well-Known Member
Oh...I thought that you were like in NEED of a car NOW...

But still...when you use the money you've saved now...and buy a cheaper vehicle...what happens if that vehicle dies??? then what do you have??? could go to Disney, and then when it comes to buying a car...join the rest of us that are in debt :) and take out a loan :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneydudette

Its the Bostonians....were just natural thinkers....must be the whole history thing....

Yeah, gotta love us Bostonians...THAT'S why all the colleges and universities are here :) because we're natural thinkers...


Well-Known Member
We lease a car....but we have to buy it now....we went way over the milage limit........oh well..u live and more nightly drives to Fl....:cry:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

Yeah, gotta love us Bostonians...THAT'S why all the colleges and universities are here :) because we're natural thinkers...

Definatly..... Harvard, BC, NorthEastern, and BU......THATS Y THEY'RE IN MA!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneydudette
We lease a car....but we have to buy it now....we went way of the milage limit........oh well..u live and more nightly drives to Fl....:cry:
Yeah, I leased too...BIG MISTAKE!!!

But at least I had parents that bought it off of me :)

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