I guess my point that really didn’t get across too well is that most rides seem to have at least one major attraction to bring attention, yet Aladdin has nothing. And yes, a lot of other films have nothing as well. It just seems that (not to be offend anybody or anything) that most everyone posting and replying to threads on this site are relatively old (25+), but lets face it, as much as we all love Disney, its truly for children. Yet, over the years Disney hasn’t been updated very well, and as a result the children have a tougher time relating to some of the rides and shows. Most kids nowadays aren’t watching Peter Pan or Snow White, their watching Cars, Ratatouille, The Incredibles, ect. I know we have to reserve the classic culture that Walt Disney helped to create, but we also have to concentrate on what it was created for, and that is bringing joy to kids. It seems that as time continues to pass, us parents will still find Disneyworld enjoyable, however children will begin to find it further from their knowledge and become more uninterested than ever.