Is Haunted Mansion Movie Really Bad?


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Original Poster
I've heard from several different people that The Haunted Mansion Movie is really bad. Is this true or what? I mean I though Pirates was going to be bad and I absolutely love it! Just wondering. Can you guys give some info? Thanks


Well-Known Member
It was just "okay", and I'm a big fan of Eddie Murphy and a huge fan of the Haunted Mansion in WDW. It just got very repetitive - Murphy hooping and hollering for an hour and a half. I think it's definently worth a rental, but I wouldn't pay to go see it in the theaters if I had to do it all over. It has it's moments and a killer crypt scene, but overall it just doesn't even come close to Pirates.

Hope this helps at least some. may want to move a thread like this into a different boards section, as it isn't really about the parks.


Well-Known Member
If you are a fan of the attraction, go see the movie. The plot is kinda sketchy and the whole "family" thing just doesn't work well but everything else in the movie you will love because they took details from the attraction...right down to the same wallpaper!

Make sure to stay after the credits end too. You will get a nice surprise! :D


Well-Known Member
Eddie wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. And even though PotC is a better movie overall, HM is a much better adaptation and much more faithful to the ride(s).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Eddie wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. And even though PotC is a better movie overall, HM is a much better adaptation and much more faithful to the ride(s).

This is why I haven't seen POTC yet. After the Country Bears movie came and seeing that it didn't have anything to do with the attraction, and hearing POTC was the same way, I was aprehensive to see HM. The haunted Mansion is my favorite attraction and I didn't want to see it in any other way then what I knew from the park. But I went anyway to the first showing on the first day! :D Once the familiar music started and I saw the floating candelabra, I knew it was going to be like the attraction. Then all of a sudden I heard "Welcome Foolish Mortals" in the same voice! I was in heaven after that!

It's all in there. The breathing doors, hitchiking ghosts, flying instuments, madam leota, starring statues, moving knights, and a whole lot more.

I'm SO glad they kept the original concept of the attraction.


Well-Known Member
I will agree with "raven" here. There were a lot more references in this movie then CB and PoTC. I can't even begin to name them all, but that was one thing that was very exciting for me. I kept going "Hey look, that's...!" to my girlfriend and she just kept going "I know I know!"


General Grizz

New Member
Mediocre Disney film with a LOT of unfitting qualities that annoyed me. I only went to see the hints to the attraction, which are OK. If I ever want to see it again (eh...), I'll wait till it comes on TV.


New Member
I don't think comparing the adaptations of POTC and HM are fair. I saw POTC when it came out, but haven't seen HM and have no interest in it.

But HM is a single building and grounds around it. This makes it much easier to stick to the ride its based on to a "T." POTC is the story of pirates not in a building but in an entire geographic region. If Disney had made a movie just linking the scenes in the ride with no additional storylines i don't think it would sell well at a flea market. From what i remember of the film, it touched on most, if not all of the scenes within the ride.

I thought POTC was well-done for a Disney non-animated film.


Premium Member
Pirates was an excellent movie, whereas I thought HM was shockingly bad. Everything from the actors, the story (or total lack of), and the hints from the attraction, were poorly done. It makes me cringe even thinking about it. :)


New Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Pirates was an excellent movie, whereas I thought HM was shockingly bad. Everything from the actors, the story (or total lack of), and the hints from the attraction, were poorly done. It makes me cringe even thinking about it. :)

Ouch! I guess (in that case) I will skip the renting and wait for it to come out on HBO! :lol:


New Member
i don't care what any of you say i was one of the many disney park people that protested it for the reason there was no truth from the ride if there was it would have been a rated r horror movie no one understands the stories now because of this movie. and i have to say one thing no offense to eddie murphy he is a great comedian but thats just it he doesn't belong in a movie about the haunted mansion at all. besides i dend to disagree in the way of pofc's movie that was the best and they even added the little leota story line that only a true haunted mansion fan might know and they elabortaed on it with the female leads role it was great and so many in jokes probaly a much better bet than hm in a million years. also now with the rumors of disney wanting to make the rides like the movies i hate to see hm turn into a j/k when truth of the matter is after that you'll have so many people turn aganist disney besides the point of there are alot of real ghosts that haunt that mansion they would get really ed off.


Well-Known Member
Ok, from the little I understood of your post, you're mad because HM is a comedy and not a horror movie? How many people do you know that have been scared to death inside the attraction? And I'm not talking about children, I mean young people/adults.

I agree that they could have used more the storyline that exists for the attractions, and all the little stories that the Mansion's CMs have created and kept a record of over the years, but seriously don't agree with all of you who say this movie is horrible. It ain't nearly as awful as The Country Bears, and THAT was a bad adaptation.


New Member
i don't think HM should have been full fledged horror, though i would have made it more darker. besides ToT it is one of the darker rides even some of the humor. (there's always MY way...) the plot within a plot, plot holes bigger than Cali, a mis-matched cast, sub level acting, it was puting me to sleep.

i thought the effects were pretty cool but so wasted. they had arguably one of th ebest creature makers at hand and they used him for 5 minutes of film? you see more of Baker's T-Rex than his ghosts. the set was very well done and music was alright.

what amazes me is that they had a story in front of them (Spooky Night in...) and no one even thought to look there. There was no need for some of the things brought up in the movie to be brought up. The use of a curse when none exsists in the ride? It worked for PoTC because they make mention of a curse. Back to the music, they used the theme for background music but when the busts actually sing the first 3 words of it and then no more?

i was really dissapointed with this movie. it could have been so much more and they just seemed to scrape what pile of droppings of a script, actors and ideas they could and tried (in vain) to make a movie.


don't even try to compare the two! pirates was awesome, one of the best movies of the year. hm was horrible, not funny or scary. i don't know what they were trying to do. it was just plain silly. it was made-for-tv quality, they could have just put it on the disney channel after "the cheetah girls" and "smart house". we were so disappointed when we left the theater, and then we realized we were lucky because we only paid matinee prices. (which was still too much to see that movie!) it didn't do anything for me personally.


Well-Known Member
As far as the Haunted Mansion movie...
loved it, loved it, LOVED IT!
I can't wait to own it!
Pirates was good, but I fell asleep watching it....twice!:hammer:


New Member
Funny I had the exact opposite reaction. I fell asleep watching The haunted Mansion. I first saw it on the Disney Wonder and I figured maybe it was because I was tired or overly relaxed. So We tried to watch it again when we got home and lo and behold I fell asleep again. Thank god it was a $4.00 matinee.

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