Is Fantasmic worth the wait??


Active Member
In all the years of going to the parks, we've (me and the soon-to-be-wife-to-be) never taken the time to see Fantasmic. This is not because the Disney "shows" don't interest us, it's just that we don't find that DS has enough to offer to spend the whole day. That being said, we're thinking of doing a 1/2 day at AK (morning) and a 1/2 day at DS, with a viewing of Fantasmic, followed by Dinner at Epcot. (We don't spend a whole day at AK either....we don't find it to be as fun as the other parks....then again, maybe EE will change our minds)


1.) Is there time to get from DS (after Fantasmic) to Epcot for an 8:00 dinner ressie??

2.) Is Fantasmic really worth the wait?? (We're in our early 30s)

3.) If we decide to go, what time should we get in line to be sure to get good seats for Fantasmic?? (We would probably go on Thursday, November 2)

4.) Which are the "good" seats??




Well-Known Member
Imagineersrock--I understand your point.

I saw the steamboat sail through, saw the cavalcade of characters, and saw the fireworks, and then left. I'll agree that the ending was okay, but the projections on water just ran for so long.

I think our dissappointment came from our preconceived notions: that the show was more of a fireworks, laser, and fire show, instead of it actually being a theater stage show with nighttime effects.

We were sorely dissappointed. But at least now we know after having tried it.
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Well-Known Member
It has stunts, large snakes and dragons, pyrotechnics, villains, classic characters (including Steamboat Wille), and music that gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Fantasmic is the reason I step foot in the studios. I'd say give it at least one try. Catch the last show, to allow yourself more time for the other attractions.

That got me thinking. B/c of my avoidance of Fantamsic, the music, though I'd agree is classic Disney, really does not do much for me. I can skip that track in the car on the CD. Illuminations, on the other hand, has music that gives me goosebumps, b/c of what it stands for and means on all of my Disney vacations. Isn't it great that we all have our own favorites, and that Disney gives us options to "choose" those favorites from.

We caught Fantasmic during the last showing. It was 12/28/2003 and they were running three shows nightly. As a side note, even though that week is considered peak HOLIDAY travel time, the third showing of Fantasmic was not filled. The show had started and there were still bleachers open; we chose to sit on the back curb with some food from Rosie's. So remember you can catch the last showing and manage to get a seat even during Christmas Week w/o wasting time in line.
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Well-Known Member
Eh, I could go either way. We almost never go see Fantasmic; we've gone 3-4 times. It is kind of a hassle to wait for the show, it's not a horrible wait though...I find getting out to be kind of a pain but it's not too bad.

I just don't really feel one way or the other about the show, honestly...I guess that puts me WAY in the minority, but...I dunno, the effects are cool, of just isn't all that exciting to me. I would usually rather be back at the hotel swimming or relaxing or eating a late dinner or doing other stuff in the parks instead. Again, please note I am NOT saying it's bad, it's certainly's just not my thing.

That said, I definitely think if you haven't EVER seen it you owe it to yourself to at least see it ONCE and see if it's up your alley. It's not like you have to pay extra to see it. It has so many fans the odds are that you'll have a good time. Worst case scenario, you see it once and then you know you don't care about going back. So it can't hurt to check it out! :wave: :animwink:
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We go every year when we visit during the first week in December; the crowds at that time of year are statistically among the lightest--I'm not sure how they compare with early November.

However, we've learned that we can get there about 20-30 minutes before the show, wade through the cattle-call crowd, and start walking down the aisle toward the front--and keep walking toward the front! There are benches right up against the railing that almost always are vacant, probably because they have the appearance of being "reserved," but they're not. If the bench is vacant, sit down. Those are the very best seats. You'ii get a little wet, and you'll feel the heat from the flames, but you'll be as closer to the show than everyone who's not IN the show.

Go for it!
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New Member
We caught Fantasmic during the last showing. It was 12/28/2003 and they were running three shows nightly. As a side note, even though that week is considered peak HOLIDAY travel time, the third showing of Fantasmic was not filled. The show had started and there were still bleachers open; we chose to sit on the back curb with some food from Rosie's. So remember you can catch the last showing and manage to get a seat even during Christmas Week w/o wasting time in line.
Agreed. We've gone to WDW during NYE (dates range somewhere between 12/26- 1/5) for the last 6 years, and even then, usually you can watch a show without having to wait an eternity. And... you can get pretty decent seats!

There's a compromise somewhere in there! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Agreed. We've gone to WDW during NYE (dates range somewhere between 12/26- 1/5) for the last 6 years, and even then, usually you can watch a show without having to wait an eternity. And... you can get pretty decent seats!

There's a compromise somewhere in there! :lol:

That's cool, my family and I have been vacationing those dates since New Years 2002-03 (the NYE with all the rain!) Going this year?? I hope to, but the AP rates stop on 12/23 which is unusually early...
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New Member
That's cool, my family and I have been vacationing those dates since New Years 2002-03 (the NYE with all the rain!) Going this year?? I hope to, but the AP rates stop on 12/23 which is unusually early...
You mean the NYE with all the rain was your first one?!?! :eek: :eek:

As you well know, that week is insane, but with the rain... :eek: :lol:

And yeah, we're going back to the madness (12/29-1/5), and we're hoping for a little deal too, since we're checking out and checking back in on the 1st.

Hope you'll be able to make it. The more the merrier (or at least... that's what we keep telling ourselves that entire week :lookaroun)! :lol:
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New Member
That got me thinking. B/c of my avoidance of Fantamsic, the music, though I'd agree is classic Disney, really does not do much for me. I can skip that track in the car on the CD. Illuminations, on the other hand, has music that gives me goosebumps, b/c of what it stands for and means on all of my Disney vacations.

I'd agree with sufsupdon. I'd rather see Illuminations any night than Fantasmic..but that's just me.

I've seen Fantasmic... the whole way through.. and while it's a good show and I'm glad I saw it once.. for me personally, once is enough. I'm not saying it's bad or anything.. I just prefer Illuminations.
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New Member
I like Fantasmic, though it is a bit of a hassle to sit there an hour before it starts when you have little ones. We valet our car at Boardwalk (free if you have the DDE) and take the boat back and forth. The trip back from MGM is much easier and faster if you take the boat to Boardwalk. I absolutely love Illuminations and could watch that every nite. This past week when we were down there, we saw FOTLK for the first time, because everyone said it was so great. It was OK, but I don't feel the need to see it again for several years.
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