Is Fantasmic worth the wait??


Active Member
In all the years of going to the parks, we've (me and the soon-to-be-wife-to-be) never taken the time to see Fantasmic. This is not because the Disney "shows" don't interest us, it's just that we don't find that DS has enough to offer to spend the whole day. That being said, we're thinking of doing a 1/2 day at AK (morning) and a 1/2 day at DS, with a viewing of Fantasmic, followed by Dinner at Epcot. (We don't spend a whole day at AK either....we don't find it to be as fun as the other parks....then again, maybe EE will change our minds)


1.) Is there time to get from DS (after Fantasmic) to Epcot for an 8:00 dinner ressie??

2.) Is Fantasmic really worth the wait?? (We're in our early 30s)

3.) If we decide to go, what time should we get in line to be sure to get good seats for Fantasmic?? (We would probably go on Thursday, November 2)

4.) Which are the "good" seats??




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Original Poster
Thanks for all the info, everyone.

As it appears the show will be down the first week of November, our only option would be to go on Halloween night. We are not planning to go to MNSSHP, so this will be an available option; however, more questions arise.

We were planning on leaving the MK on Oct. 31 around 5pm (due to the MNSSHP) to go change and head over to PI to do the Adventurer's Club (we've never been there either).


1.) What time does Fantasmic start ?? - DS is open until 7pm on Oct. 21.

2.) How long does the bus take to go from the MK to DS?? (We've never done that before)

3.) If we're planning on heading to the Adventurer's Club after Fantasmic, would it be better to change before going to the DS or after the show and before going to PI??? (This question relates to the time it takes between all of the routes.....and the wife-to-be insists that we will change before going to the AC)

Bonus Question:

4.) We are planning on eating at Ragland Road before going into the AC. Is this a good idea?? [We're not really sure what is open at PI right now and we have not eaten at RR before....I am of irish descent, however. :)]

Thanks for all of the help.

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Active Member
It's never been 30 minutes when I'm there. It's always been 90 minutes to TWO HOURS. That's longer then it takes for me to drive home. And I live 90 miles away. It's just too much sitting around for me. I only get out there one day at a time, so to spend two hours's just not worth the wait. Someday I do want to see it. I just don't want to spend that much of my day sitting around doing nothing.

In December we went to the second show and walked up to the entrance 45 minutes before. There was a CM standing at the entrance telling people to go shopping or something and come back in 15 minutes. He said don't worry you won't have any trouble getting a seat, and he was right. 30 minutes, great seats, well worth it!
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Well-Known Member
It's never been 30 minutes when I'm there. It's always been 90 minutes to TWO HOURS. That's longer then it takes for me to drive home. And I live 90 miles away. It's just too much sitting around for me. I only get out there one day at a time, so to spend two hours's just not worth the wait. Someday I do want to see it. I just don't want to spend that much of my day sitting around doing nothing.

I've seen Fantasmic! more than once, and I too live in the exact same area as you do, and I agree for the most part. Sometimes, it's really not worth the wait, 90 to 120 minutes, considering it's a 26 minute show and then the drive home which is a good two hours if there is construction or traffic on I-4. yikes.

It would be however, very well worth it if one stayed at a hotel on Disney property and took a bus.

To answer OP's first question, you would very well make it to a Dinner ressie at Epcot at 8 if Fantasmic! starts at 7. Of course you would have to rush a little. HOWEVER, the Disney Studios is open until 7:30 on October 21st, and Fantasmic! starts promptly at 7:30, so no, unfortunately you would not be able to make it to your dinner reservations on time.
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I'm a 45 year old cynical business executive and it's my daughter's and my favorite thing to do at WDW!
Only a week to go! WDW here I come!

How old is your daughter? My DS will be 4 on our next vist and wanted to know if you or anyone else out there had taken their child to it at that age or close to? Do you think it is too loud for little kids?

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How old is your daughter? My DS will be 4 on our next vist and wanted to know if you or anyone else out there had taken their child to it at that age or close to? Do you think it is too loud for little kids?


Bump.......anyone??? Is this too loud for a 4yr old?

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I took my daughter when she was 4. It was a bit loud for her. She stayed very close to my side, but all in all I think she enjoyed it after she got used to it.
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I took my daughter when she was 4. It was a bit loud for her. She stayed very close to my side, but all in all I think she enjoyed it after she got used to it.

Thanks for the input. I haven't seen it since 98 and would love to see it again. I will just try and sit near the exit, so if it is too much for my ds, it will be easier for us to get out...

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Active Member
That show is not worth the wait for. I would rather sleep then see that show. Everyone goes there and it is a pain in the butt to get out of there, it is even worst when MGM has EMH that night.
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New Member
What's with all this talk about waiting 90-120 minutes to see Fantasmic? Just because the theather opens that early, it doesn't mean you have to be there that early to get a seat. I can walk in practically ANY night of the year 15-20 minutes before showtime and find you a seat front and center.
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Well-Known Member
What's with all this talk about waiting 90-120 minutes to see Fantasmic? Just because the theather opens that early, it doesn't mean you have to be there that early to get a seat. I can walk in practically ANY night of the year 15-20 minutes before showtime and find you a seat front and center.

And I rest my case. I was there two weeks ago and walked up 30 minutes prior and sat dead center half way up. 90 minutes? maybe at peak season.
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Yes, it's worth it.
And I rest my case. I was there two weeks ago and walked up 30 minutes prior and sat dead center half way up. 90 minutes? maybe at peak season.
Agreed, it's usually not that bad a wait. Not only that, but being "front, dead center" is not necessary for the show. There's plenty of decent seats in the rows that flank the two center rows, IMO.

The other thing to plan around: EMH. If you're a resort guest using the EMH, I'd guess the later showing would be less crowded, less of a wait. If you're are not a resort guest, then go to MGM/Fantasmic on a night without the EMH, when say MK has the EMH crowds. FWIW.
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New Member
And I rest my case. I was there two weeks ago and walked up 30 minutes prior and sat dead center half way up. 90 minutes? maybe at peak season.

Thank goodness... Someone else knows what I'm talking about here. And 90 minutes? Not even peak season. I think that might happen less than 5 times a year or so (ie. New Years Eve and other major nights.)

My point is that you can pretty much ALWAYS walk in and get a seat for fantasmic 30mins before showtime or less. If the park is THAT busy and the first show is completely full, then that likely means there is a second showing of Fantasmic that evening... and (with the exception of EMH nights which might be a little more busy,) you can always get a seat at the second showing of Fantasmic. Period. (You can literally walk in AT showtime and have plenty of seats to choose from at a second showing of Fantasmic.)
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Well-Known Member
Absolutely not worth it. The show relies entirely too much on the gimmick of projecting cartoon images on a screen of water.

For years, all we heard was "You GOTTA see Fantasmic!" (said in the NY accent from the Seinfeld episode--"you just gotta see the baby!") Well after years of hearing that phrase and years of seeing a mob of people waiting HOURS before the show, we finally decided to catch it as a walk-in for standing room only.

The standing room only spots were not bad, actually decent. But the show was not impressive for our family. We left the theater before it was over as not to get caught in the exiting mob and to get a few more rides on Tower.

The major plus for Fantasmic--it empties the park and allows for short lines at better attractions.
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Yes it is worth the wait. But why wait:

I just came back last night. Went to MGM Monday nite after 4 and planned for the EMH. Fantasmic had two shows 7:30 and 9. I was going to go to the 9 but tried to walk up at 7:15. I walked in and although I was told at the entrance that it was standing room only I walked up and got a seat in an almost empty section on the right (looking at the stage) 5 rows rfrom the front.

As for leaving the theater cleaned out in 8 minutes and I was out of the park very quickly. Saying this you will not make an 8 at Epcot. No possible way. But I did find a quick route (if you dont mind a walk). Come out and walk along the waterway under the bridge and you will end up at Boardwalk and can walk right into the international gate. If you can walk without too brisk a pace (I stopped and took three pictures) you can make it gate to gate in 15-20 minutes. That is shorter than taking a bus or waiting on the boat!

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New Member
Absolutely not worth it. The show relies entirely too much on the gimmick of projecting cartoon images on a screen of water.

For years, all we heard was "You GOTTA see Fantasmic!" (said in the NY accent from the Seinfeld episode--"you just gotta see the baby!") Well after years of hearing that phrase and years of seeing a mob of people waiting HOURS before the show, we finally decided to catch it as a walk-in for standing room only.

The standing room only spots were not bad, actually decent. But the show was not impressive for our family. We left the theater before it was over as not to get caught in the exiting mob and to get a few more rides on Tower.

The major plus for Fantasmic--it empties the park and allows for short lines at better attractions.
How can you tell someone else whether or not the show is "worth it" if you haven't even seen the whole show yourself? :veryconfu

(This isn't directed just towards you because I realize you left for not only this reason but it reminded me of something) ...I literally laugh out loud everytime during Fantasmic when that "has to beat the crowd" crowd starts to get up and leave right before the steamboat comes out (and it happens every time.) I just find it funny because these are people who have probably waited a good amount of time to see this show, and then leave right before what is arguably the best part of the entire show... just to get to their car or bus that extra 10 or so minutes earlier? In my opinion, these people need to get their priorities straight... Not only that but I find it rude towards the performers as well.

To each his own, though.
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New Member
Absolutely not worth it. The show relies entirely too much on the gimmick of projecting cartoon images on a screen of water.
Well, the good thing is that show isnt entirely about water screen projections. :)

It has stunts, large snakes and dragons, pyrotechnics, villains, classic characters (including Steamboat Wille), and music that gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. That's just the technical aspect.

IMHO, Fantasmic is the perfect embodiment of Disney, and its various themes. It's about dreams, the power of imagination, and good vs. evil.

Fantasmic is the reason I step foot in the studios. I'd say give it at least one try. Catch the last show, to allow yourself more time for the other attractions.
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Active Member
It was not worth it on October 13th. One of the projectors went on 5 minutes into the show and never worked again the rest of show. Nothing like getting a glimpse of the animation on the far screen and nothing on the one in front of you. Bring on the refurb!
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