Is Expedition Everest's drop the same/worse than Splash Mountain's?


New Member
Craig & Lisa said:
If it's a motion sickness issue, then I have a remedy, and it was proved on Mythbusters. An hour before you start to the parks take a gingerroot capsule.
In my youth, I used to eat ginger snaps or drink ginger ale to prevent motion sickness. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
In my youth, I used to eat ginger snaps or drink ginger ale to prevent motion sickness. :wave:

Well that should work well for people in Epcot that are worried about M:S. Just go to Club Cool and drink some of the free Ginger Ale. I wonder if many people do that or even know about it?

Pete C

Active Member
Valawen9 said:
I hate drops too, but I went on Everest a couple times and I was fine on it...yet to this day I refuse to ride Splash because of its drop. :lol: Everest's drop is bigger than Splash's so I dunno what my problem is lol.
I plan on overcoming that fear when I go back in October though! :D

You can't not go on Splash mountain. The show scenes are sensational, and it is arguably the best ride in all of WDW. The drop is a lot worse looking than it is, and it is only like 2 seconds long. The feeling of plummeting isn't usually one that lasts after the ride is over, unlike spinning or high G-forces. Everest, on the other hand, is a fairly intense rollercoaster which DOES have pretty high positive G-forces on the turns. That is what people with motion-sickness should be worried about...not the drops.


Well-Known Member
I think that E:E drop is much higher than Splash, but far less intense. While it may be 80 ft high, it only drops you about 20 ft, and then it curves back into the mountain. I was very dissappointed when I first rode it, cuz I was like, "thats it" but after awhile I began to enjoy it, esp. in the back.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm just jaded, but Splash is about as gentle as IASW to me. It's all about how it looks, not about how it feels. I genuinely feel bad for those (like my mom) who won't ride it because visually it looks like you get an actual sensation from it.

So, compared to an acual roller coaster like E:E, well, there is no comparison. E:E may be low on the coaster intensity scale, but it certainly is head and shoulders above Splash in terms of physical sensations.



Active Member

I love the drops, so fo me, the "worst" is the least exciting one. For me, the answer is Expedition Everest. The curve takes away anything hat should scare ou. It's not that steep. You'll be fine. You''l love it


New Member
We got home today from WDW. I won't ride Splash Mountain. That drop is just too big for me. I rode EE and loved it. I didn't get that drippy feeling in my stomach (I hate that) at all. I had second thoughts when I saw it, because it looked pretty bad, but decided to suck it up so I could see the Yeti. It is now my favorite ride. Do it, you'll love it!!

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended
I can tell you for a fact that you do not feel the drop on everest. I am fearful of drops and cant stand that "drop sensation" and you do not get that on everest for some reason. For the record I sat in the second row of the train.


Well-Known Member
Splash Mountain's drop feels more intense than Everest's to me. Maybe it's because it's straight down and doesnt curve like Everest's? Maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about? :lol:

I thought the backwards drop was pretty intense, though.
I don't really think the two can be fairly compared. If you're looking at specs, Expedition Everest's drop is taller and steeper, but that's not all that comes into play.

First of all, Splash Mountain's drop is straight down, whereas Everest's eases you into and out of the drop. Secondly, Splash's drop ends abruptly while Everest's curves around and brings you back up into the mountain again. Splash Mountain drops you from a stand-still, but Everest gives you a running start.

For my two cents' worth, I think Splash Mountain's drop feels more intense.


New Member
Don't let any of the attractions at WDW pass you by. Give them all a shot at least once. If you scared just stand outside the queue for about five minuets and you;'ll probly see a 6 year old girl get in line. If a 6 year old can do it you can to!

Enjoy the parks!


New Member
NeedABreak said:
Don't let any of the attractions at WDW pass you by. Give them all a shot at least once. If you scared just stand outside the queue for about five minuets and you;'ll probly see a 6 year old girl get in line. If a 6 year old can do it you can to!

Enjoy the parks!
That's bad advice. If you suffer from heart disease and/or a wide variety of other common medical problems, you would be well advised to skip certain attractions.:wave:

The Mak

Craig & Lisa said:
And dramamine takes forever to work. If it's a fear thing, well for me, I was sorta scared of the big coasters, untill I to the plunge so to speak, and rode Medusa at Six Flags in NJ. All the way up the ramp my heart was running at 150 or better, when the first drop started it was smooth and fast but the only thing I could say to myself was, "This is it?" after that I have had no problem with big coasters, which by the way EE is not one. But it is one fantastic ride!!!:D :D

We have something in common, as my first "big" coaster was that very same ride at Gadv. I wasn't afraid of heights or drops at all though, I was deathly afraid of inversions until I finally followed my friends onto Medusa with my conscious mind literally turned off. I walked up the stairs into the seat and off I went. During that first loop I had an epiphany, I finally knew what the water felt in that pail of water while I looped it in a circle around my shoulder when I was a kid: I was pushed right back into my seat. Nowadays, inversions are nothing more than elaborate left or right turns to me (barring the old Arrow and Scwharzkopf loopers who pack a punch in their inversions).


Well-Known Member
actully if you ever do Atlantis...

is it called Atlantis at Sea World? Now that was a drop.. and what really got to me, was the "special surprise" that I didn't realize until my wife said to me.. hey guess what............"

Splash mountain wasn't anything compared to that ride.. that was the one my kids wanted the photo of us on.. lets just say that my face was whiter then this writing space.. okay.. most of the blood had decided that it would be better if it took the stairs and met me at the bottom of the ride, so it did.. we just got a mop and stuffed it back into me..

SO I guess that I will ride E.E when I get the chance.. but honestly I am a little concerned about tower of terror.. and have not ridden it yet..

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