Is Epcot losing it's "wonderment" factor?


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Epcot is definately my favorite of the parks, but the sense of "wonderment" that it used to evoke has diminished.

I know it's natural for the novelty to wear off with repeat visits, but I think it's something more than that.

I thought about this on the last trip and wondered if could just be as simple as the choice of area music. I vividly remember my first visit in 1989 upon entering Future World your were hit with this great area music, very grandios, building from crescendo to crescendo that just really gave you a sense of awe, that you were in a special place. When you approached Spaceship Earth the an instrumental rendition of "Tomorrow's Child" was booming thru the just seemed to really add to the sense of wonderment.

It just seems different now, It's still great music, just not as grandios as before.

tink rules

New Member
Disney has to do something with Future World before it becomes just another amusement park. I used to feel the same, but now I find it a bit tired looking and lacking the magic that it used to have. Maybe it needs serious updating - I know that they have put new things in - like Soarin and TT and MS, but I used to like going there and spending time - there was more to Imagination. I don't know... it just needs something

And while they do do some work... they have to pay attention to what the guest CAN see... when coming in on the monorail, I was surprised when I saw alot of unpainted areas and areas that needed work. Disney has always been known for details... don't let them slip or else the rest whether it is illusion or magic....whatever... will go.... and so will the people.


Well-Known Member
Epcot is definately my favorite of the parks, but the sense of "wonderment" that it used to evoke has diminished.

I know it's natural for the novelty to wear off with repeat visits, but I think it's something more than that.

So true, but isn't that usually for anything?

For me, I felt the same way during my past visit. Epcot has always been my favorite park, but it seems that I'm going through phases with each visit to the park. Not too long ago, i didn't really care much for Future World. It was a place for me to hit the rides and move on. Now a days, it's something that I actually enjoy and can walk around for hours to soak in the sights.

Same goes for World showcase. I used to enjoy the walks around the the countries and I would enjoy each country. But I've recently discovered how much more beautiful the park is after dark. The countries come alive as each is lit. And to me it makes me actually feel like I'm in that country, unlike the park.

Although some things change over time, there's always something else in Epcot that you'll end up appreciating.


Well-Known Member
While I agree that some things have slipped a little in Epcot, my only real complaint is that d***** wand.

But than, you can watch ROE, and it makes me remember just how amazing a place Epcot is -- escpecially WS at night time.


Yes, it probably is. My dad talks about it all the time. He loved all the educational stuff, and how they sent the educational messages across. His favourite thing was the seas video in the living seas pavillion. I can't imagine how disappointed he'll be when we go in August and it's nemo instead.


New Member
Epcot is definately my favorite of the parks, but the sense of "wonderment" that it used to evoke has diminished.

I know it's natural for the novelty to wear off with repeat visits, but I think it's something more than that.

I thought about this on the last trip and wondered if could just be as simple as the choice of area music. I vividly remember my first visit in 1989 upon entering Future World your were hit with this great area music, very grandios, building from crescendo to crescendo that just really gave you a sense of awe, that you were in a special place. When you approached Spaceship Earth the an instrumental rendition of "Tomorrow's Child" was booming thru the just seemed to really add to the sense of wonderment.

It just seems different now, It's still great music, just not as grandios as before.

One thing that annoyed me on our recent trip was all the Christmas Carols. I know it's Christmas, but I would have preferred the inspirational Epcot music that brings a tear to my eye.


Well-Known Member
A little off topic, but whatever.
One thing that annoyed me on our recent trip was all the Christmas Carols. I know it's Christmas, but I would have preferred the inspirational Epcot music that brings a tear to my eye.
I agree with this. All four parks, the resorts, etc. were playing Christmas songs. At MGM, I thought the songs were pretty good and actually enhanced the holiday atmosphere. At the Polynesian, MK, Epcot, and AK I would have preferred hearing the old music.
For me, I felt the same way during my past visit. Epcot has always been my favorite park, but it seems that I'm going through phases with each visit to the park. Not too long ago, i didn't really care much for Future World. It was a place for me to hit the rides and move on. Now a days, it's something that I actually enjoy and can walk around for hours to soak in the sights.

Same goes for World showcase. I used to enjoy the walks around the the countries and I would enjoy each country. But I've recently discovered how much more beautiful the park is after dark. The countries come alive as each is lit. And to me it makes me actually feel like I'm in that country, unlike the park.
I half-agree with this. FW, I still go for the rides. I do not enjoy the atmosphere much. The Fountain of Nations is the most interesting thing in FW (besides the rides), but I never stay to watch the show. WS, I do not care if a country has rides. My favorite countries are the ones with the best landscaping, architecture, shopping and dining (to some extent). We usually spend the most time in Japan, UK, France, and Italy.


Well-Known Member
This is a topic of exceptional debate around these parts. If you search through threads on new attractions opening, you will find much of this being discussed.

There are those that agree with you. I tend to sit on that side. I know that Epcot's attractions needed updating, and I see the transition to the "fun" side of accomplishment vs. the "inspirational" side of accomplishment. But, I think there was room for both and it has slipped. THere are those that found EPCOT Center to be a "failed" park and needed, frankly, an overhaul. By putting in the characters, thrills, etc., Disney is reaching out to the potential guests that saw this "failure".

I will say, though, that it seems as time goes on, more people are emerging on this board that miss the old Epcot's feeling, so the "small, vocal minority" may not be as small as pepole lay claim to. Just an observation on my biased part. :p Welcome to the boards!


New Member
Original Poster
This is a topic of exceptional debate around these parts. If you search through threads on new attractions opening, you will find much of this being discussed.

There are those that agree with you. I tend to sit on that side. I know that Epcot's attractions needed updating, and I see the transition to the "fun" side of accomplishment vs. the "inspirational" side of accomplishment. But, I think there was room for both and it has slipped. THere are those that found EPCOT Center to be a "failed" park and needed, frankly, an overhaul. By putting in the characters, thrills, etc., Disney is reaching out to the potential guests that saw this "failure".

I will say, though, that it seems as time goes on, more people are emerging on this board that miss the old Epcot's feeling, so the "small, vocal minority" may not be as small as pepole lay claim to. Just an observation on my biased part. :p Welcome to the boards!

Thank you for the welcome! Great insights! I think that's maybe that's the difference. I do "enjoy" going to Epcot, but it definately doesn't "inspire" like it used to.

Futureworld used to be more dedicated to exploring the possiblities of a better future. The tag line "If we can dream it, we can do it" seemed to capture what Futureworld was all about.

They seem to have "strayed from the formula" so to speak.

For instance, we went to the new Nemo attraction. I thought it was very well done, but just seemed like it didn't belong in Futureworld, more of a MK type attraction.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you can see the same place and view it differently. Future World has really grown on me in the past few years. MS, Soarin', and now Nemo are wonderful additions IMHO. The new audio was better on the land (a surprise for me), and I have real hopes for Spaceship Earth with a new sponsor. I was really disappointed this past year in some of the changes in the WS though. They are moving from really representing the culture of the world, to "Disnification". More characters (OK), crappier murch (Not OK), much less street entertainment (REALLY not OK) and Closed shops (Canada). The feeling was really off in a few of them for me this year. Specifically UK, Canada, and France. I skipped Norway, but the Princess meal scares the hell out of me if it represents the future. We found Mexico, Japan, China, and Morocco to be just as fun and delightfully ethnic as always this year. Has Disney changed how it is running some of the pavillions?

I was thinking that maybe they are in transition to more and better things with Epcot's 25th just around the corner. At least I hope so. Not that I wouldn't visit the place..........but I really noticed the changes this year and it made me a little sad. It kind of reminded me of Kings Island's International street 20 years ago. For a long time they really stuck to their guns and tried (with a much lower budget than Epcot) to do something different and represent different parts of the world. Then it became a giant shopping mall of KI merch almost overnight. Now that place just LOOKS like it is international, but it sells candy, pictures, stuffed animals and t-shirts. As I looked at the Disney Plush toys in the UK, and read my brochure about the Disney Princess meals in Norway, I wondered.

Illuminations was great as always. That show is a wonderful way to end the day. I don't think I would always stay around if it wasn't there.


Well-Known Member
For me it is not so much of the rides show and attractions from the past and present of Epcot that I notice in regaurds of loosing wonderment, but rather the cosmetic state if Future World.

World Showcase has survived on since 1982, but more Future World even back than, has seen better days.

The wand and stars that still remain over SSE are an absolute eyesore and disgrace to the message and purpose of EPCOT and its foundation in my opinion.

The cold, stark, and dreary entrance pales in comparison to the pretty and welcoming plants, and palm trees that used to welcome guests to Epcot as a symbol of man's and natures coexistance.

The soft blues and cremes of earth station have given way to a hot and very outdated looking tan.

Innoventions Plaza has become a cluttered multicolored and shaped mess that resembles the average food court in your local mall and not a unique and simple Epcot experience.

Test Track has way too much bling surrounding it.

Universe of Energy has faded rainbow colors on its exterior *the oranges and red made much more sense*, Wonders of Life, like innoventions is stuck in a color scheme issue. The land and revamped seas yet still maintain a welcoming and refreshed, but foundation of simplicity and elegance in appropriate color.

So again it's not the rides, etc that I have a problem with Epcot, it's the cosmetics that I am noticing more and more these days.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like Future World's having the same trouble Tommorowland used to before it's majore rehab. Keeping the future innovating isn't easy, especially these days when you have a new game console every 5 years and computer chips are out dating each other left and right.


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I agree with the comments about Illuminations, Reflections of Earth.

Even though I've seen the show a number of times, it never ceases to amaze me each time. Just a fantastic music score and fireworks show, it's hard to imagine they could ever top it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the comments about Illuminations, Reflections of Earth.

Even though I've seen the show a number of times, it never ceases to amaze me each time. Just a fantastic music score and fireworks show, it's hard to imagine they could ever top it.

That is the part that is frustrating. They DO know how to take things that are new, fresh, and perhaps more broad-reaching and still respect what EPCOT Center was. I:ROE is perhaps the best example of that IMHO. I fully appreciate that EPCOT Center as a whole did not reach out as it needed to to be a huge financial success. But, it seems, at times, that the new Disney guard has dismissed the premise as a whole. There is a balance between what TL was in 1992 and Princesses in Akershus.

I know I can get philosophical about all of this, but it just comes off as safe and, in a way, lazy. That is not what Disney was built upon and, from everything I've seen, what made Disney parks successful. I would love to see what Epcot could be if the original approach were evolved rather than abandoned.

I also really agree with the PKI Int'l street reference. It works well for PKI because of what PKI is. It really is sad to see Disney with both Main Street, USA and Epcot going that same direction. It does not fit what those parks were/should be to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm always surprised how we 'talk' on these boards as if nobody who works at WDW has a plan. We chat about how colour palettes aren't proper or the music is out of place or whatever. I'm quite sure that the imagineers have thought about, met and discussed every decision ever made and probably have many made, or at least have a direction, for the next 5-10 years or more.

If we hear certain music, see a particular color scheme or sign in the parks, it is not there by accident and was not created on a whim. We have our own views as to what we think (that's the fun of this forum), but I believe the people who design and maintain the parks are 'way ahead of us'. Anything we discuss has probably been bantered about long ago by the imagineers.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to disagree with this statement. Imagineers can make mistakes or mishaps. As an artist and graphic designer I am shocked to see some of the color palette choices, advertising executions, and other art related things that have occured in WDW since the late 90s.

The reason why we have the wand and stars over SSE and the hat at MGM was because of a powerful person and higher up at Imagineering and right now his name escapes me....but there were Imagineers who certainly did not want the wand and hat.

There was only one or two imagineers in Disneyland that were able to get the Rolly Crump inspired newly designed tomorrowland terrace sculpture to debue earlier this year. Something I thouroughly support when one realises its not that its old tomorrowland but it actually fits the design of the tomorrowland terrace that continues to become white and blue in paint scheme again. The repaint of disneyland's tomorrowland in 2005 is something I and many people supported.

In my opinion, it seems that there are many more imagineers now than there ever where, and there are now only a handful of imagineers that can relate back to the great designers of WED.

So yes Imagineers can create things that nearly 100% of the disney guest population will like, and then there are things that Imagineers will make that only a few will like.

...I'm still going to stick by that whoever remade Innoventions Plaza in the late 90s was trying to do a "notice me" gimmick without realising the simplicty and harmony that was intended for communicore/innoventions...and yes the color scheme is sickening to me. Purple, light blue, tan, and green :hurl:


New Member
I think its funny that some of the people who claim to miss Future World are the same people who were pulling for the Nemo refurb at The Living Seas. Disney could have went a totally different direction with the rehab of that ride....Update the movie...Make it about conservation...Keep it educational...Talk about global warming and how its affecting the oceans....Update the queue with new marine technology...Inspire people to make a change (the way the old Epcot did)!!!!! Instead we now have another attraction that has nothing to do with "the future" in Future World. I'm not sure you can even call it Future World anymore. Don't get me wrong, Test Track, Mission Space, and Sorin are amazing rides, but they lack the "wow factor", and the unity that Horizons, Motion, Imagination, and The Living Seas had.

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