Since I specifically said 60K+ CM's I fail to see how that constitutes contradicting the argument that people populated Florida irrespective of being Disney. Of course, people populated some of Florida and mostly for the weather and escape from northern winters. And then there was that guy that was in search of the Fountain of Youth. At this point, any other place besides beach areas would be just retirement communities. Do they provide income to Florida... of course they do. Do the provide the degree of income to Florida that WDW does... not even close. So I have to wonder which one of us has a problem with logic. The good thing about tourists is that they swoop in, drop a load of money, and head out as quickly as they came in. They use services for the brief time they are there and are gone. Those that moved there for retirement reasons stay and use a ton of services and spend no more then what is necessary for life for the most part. They are a continuous draw on those services. Ask McDonalds how much money they make with a gang of walker pushers that occupy tables and sit for hours drinking free coffee and taking packs of sugar, creamers and ketchup home in their pockets. And that is coming from a 70 year old, retired person who watched his parents do that for years. Without WDW kick starting the temporary population to go to Florida, just for fun, Florida would be primarily a place where people go to die.