Which is understandable. My patterns started changing years ago. I don't buy APs anymore, I don't buy tickets for our first and last day anymore either. Pricing structures have changed, and the value is not there.
I still find value in my DVC, we just use it a little differently.
Very likely we are going to get hosed this year thanks to COVID - we have a Dec trip to use up points that we will otherwise loose, but it looks like Florida is still going to be a "quarantine when you get back home " state for us. And while I can do so (currently working from home) my wife is a teacher - so that option is not on the table. So, I loose a bunch of points. Yeah, it stinks, but you know what? In the grand scheme of things, it could be much worse. Nobody is sick, we all have our jobs, we get our full allotment of points next year, and we will have airline credits like crazy.
2020 is not a pattern change, it is an anomaly, and needs to be worked through as such.