Is a Mid-March trip to WDW utter madness?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Hi Mouseketeers...!

I am toying with the idea of going down to The World in mid-March to celebrate my 35th Birthday. Just me alone and the parks...ah!

I have started my usual preliminary plans..but one thought has crossed my mind. Is it a lousy time to go?

I am concerned that i may be getting myself into a situation i usually like to avoid if possible ( huge crowds and very long lines). I would like to go March 20th through the 23rd.

My question is this: Are these dates during the dreaded "Spring Break"? I have heard horror stories of what goes on at the Parks when they are packed to the rafters with school age and college folks on their Spring leave. I figured mid March would be safe ( February school vacation week is over...Easter is a month away..) but now i'm thinking that i may have placed myself in the thick of Spring Break in FL! AHH!! :dazzle:

So i'd love to hear from anyone who can give me some thoughts on this time of year in the Parks ( MK and Epcot MGM or AK this trip). Anyone who has recently traveled at this time of year...i'd love to hear about your experiences as well!

Thanks in advance for any forthcoming info!


New Member
I went mid march last year, like the week before the week before easter sunday, and while there were some waits, it wasn't unbearable at all. I don't think I waited more than forty minutes for anything. Since Easter comes in mid-April instead of March this year, I'm expecting mid-march this year to be less crowded than last since many school breaks coincide with the two weeks that Easter is sandwiched in between. I have a feeling that Disney isn't going to see the level of attendence this year that they saw last year.
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New Member
I went during my spring break in March before and had a great time. For one the weather is perfect. We drove from Pennsylvania and there was 6 inches of snow on the ground with more forcast to come. The further south we drove it turned to rain, to overcast, to sun. It was 80 degrees all week and sunny.
As for the crowds, It was actually the least crowded time I've ever seen. Monday we went to MK and were the first ones on haunted mansion, and the rest of the rides we wanted had a 5 minute wait at the most. We were done what we wanted by around noon. I think the trick is getting to the parks when they open because us college kids love our sleep. I didn't go to epcot and that might be a little more attractive to the college kids so that might be a little busier. The water parks also did fill to capacity each day and I'm sure pleasure island would be a mess.

I'll admit the park was overly crowded(like I said, most college kids are like vampires and don't coe out during the day) when we went back for wishes so do all of your mainstreet shopping during the morning. We did get on splash a few minutes before the fireworks started with no wait and that was an awesome view!

Happy birthday and I hope you have a great (line-free) time.
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New Member
Spring Break 2006

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="90%" align=center bgColor=#d8eafd border=0><TBODY><TR class=secondcopy bgColor=#ffffff><TD class=secondcopy colSpan=2>
March 20-March 24, 2006 (Mon-Fri)
</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>College / University</TD><TD align=right width=75>Enrollment</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD> </TD><TD align=right> </TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Alabama A & M University
</TD><TD align=right>5,508</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Alaska Pacific University</TD><TD align=right>602</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Albright College</TD><TD align=right>1,337</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Alverno College</TD><TD align=right>2,200</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Austin College</TD><TD align=right>1,240</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Boise State University</TD><TD align=right>18,000</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>California Institute of Tech</TD><TD align=right>2,300</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Central Connecticut State U</TD><TD align=right>11,732</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Cincinnati</TD><TD align=right>23,509</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Clearwater Christian College</TD><TD align=right>630</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Clemson University</TD><TD align=right>16,982</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Colorado State University</TD><TD align=right>21,730</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Cornell University</TD><TD align=right>18,400</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Dartmouth College</TD><TD align=right>5,318</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>DePaul University</TD><TD align=right>21,890</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Elmhurst College</TD><TD align=right>2,596</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University</TD><TD align=right>4,700</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Flagler College</TD><TD align=right>2,106</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Florida International U</TD><TD align=right>28,865</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Georgia Tech</TD><TD align=right>16,649</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Georgetown University</TD><TD align=right>12,812</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Grinnell College</TD><TD align=right>1,933</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Huntingdon College</TD><TD align=right>916</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>John Hopkins University</TD><TD align=right>5,450</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Kansas State University</TD><TD align=right>22,512</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Marshall University</TD><TD align=right>13,172</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Medical College of Wisconsin</TD><TD align=right>1,210</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Mount Holyoke College</TD><TD align=right>2,140</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>New Mexico State University</TD><TD align=right>12,145</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>New York Institute of Technology</TD><TD align=right>9,929</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>North Arizona University</TD><TD align=right>18,521</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Northwestern University</TD><TD align=right>15,200</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Oglethorpe University</TD><TD align=right>1,000</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Oklahoma State University</TD><TD align=right>26,000</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Princeton University</TD><TD align=right>6,708</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Southern Arkansas University</TD><TD align=right>2,804</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Illinois</TD><TD align=right>40,360</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Kansas</TD><TD align=right>25,899</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Maryland</TD><TD align=right>35,165</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of the Ozarks</TD><TD align=right>628</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Tennessee, Knoxville</TD><TD align=right>25,500</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Washington</TD><TD align=right>35,702</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of West Florida</TD><TD align=right>9,130</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee</TD><TD align=right>25,439</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point</TD><TD align=right>8,552</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>University of Wisconsin, Superior</TD><TD align=right>2,716</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Wellesley College</TD><TD align=right>2,812</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>Western Kentucky University</TD><TD align=right>18,008</TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD> </TD><TD align=right> </TD></TR><TR class=secondcopy><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD align=right>588,657</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>​
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Well-Known Member
It's more than just those schools...I know my school has break that week. It's definitely a busy time to go, though it is nothing compared to the Easter fortnight. Don't expect walk-ons.
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New Member
For an ignorant Englishman, is Spring Break and Easter the same thing? We are going 29th March to 13th April which are the UK school holidays. We therefore leave the Thursday befor Easter.

I figure the crowds will be OK up until about the 10th, the Monday before Easter, then get manic for the last few days. Is this right?
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Easter break and spring break are not necessarily the same.

I have always lived in school districts that had a set time for spring break, regardless of when Easter is. Ours seems to be timed to fall at the break between 3rd and 4th quarters of school--right in the middle of second semester.

That spring break has always fallen during the week of St. Patrick's Day (March 17). My kids will be off March 10-20 this year.

Some school districts do tie their break into Easter. Long ago when I was in school, we got Good Friday off--that doesn't happen with my kids.
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We went Easter week last year, I was expecting complete mayhem. However it ended up being my favorite trip there yet. Get to the parks :30 min. before opening, go in with an open mind and the realization that it WILL be busy and it will make it much easier to bear. We'd move quickly from ride to ride at opening until lunch time. Then either walk around with no agenda or head back to the pool.. Patience is a must.
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Well-Known Member
We've gone on my daughter's spring break, which is the last week in March. It was moderately crowded, but not nearly as crowded as when we went the week before Christmas. The weather was awesome when we went in March.
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Well-Known Member
I've gone several times at that time of year and it is NOT utter madness...I am going again this year from 20 March to 25 was not difficult to book a hotel just a few days ago. The crowds are large. The spring break list posted above is somewhat misleading. The attendances of schools and the number of people heading to WDW do not necessarily coincide, although there are more college kids there during that time. Many of them do NOT stay in the resorts, but make a day trip from their hotels all over Florida, hence it does not necessarily increase bus traffic. This year, public school breaks are spread over a one-month period depending on when the schools chose to have their break. THey do not all coincide with Easter. Here in the snowy lands of Michigan where Spring break at UM and MSU usually occur at the end of Feb/early March. You can plan your trip -- expect crowds -- and have fun. Get to the parks early, use fastpass judiciously, and make reservations for dinner if you want one of the more popular sit-down restaurants.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for the link. I will be there again just for two days. I am taking my 72 year old mom. I am thinking it won't be too crowded for us on March 29th and 30th

March 27-31, 2006 (Mon-Fri)
College / University Enrollment

Kent State University 23,969
Lewis & Clark College 2,490
Lincoln University 2,009
Loyola Marymount University 7,157
Luther College 2,508
MIT 10,316
University of Colorado 29,937
University of Missouri 25,591
University of Oregon 19,439

TOTAL 123,416
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New Member
I don't know where that site got it's information but as far as Oklahoma State is concerned it's wrong. It is a state law that all state schools have the same spring break here and that is March 13-17.

In addition University of Texas will also have March 13-17 off and that's a 50,000+ enrollment. (I'm only dragging two along this time)

March is a great time to go even if the crowds are a little larger. The weather is great!
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I lived in Bermuda for a few years in the mid-80's. Spring Break tourists were spread out over a six week period because schools in the U.S. staggered their breaks to spread the crowds out.

Being a single twenty-something male at the time, I personally appreciated their consideration :slurp: :slurp: :sohappy:

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New Member
Lots of HS takes trips around that time as well. I for one am taking my dance team to perform in MMD. I know there will be bands, orchestras, choirs and many other dance teams there.
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