Well-Known Member
Here's my take....
If you were invited to dine with the dalai lama at his home, or with the president at the white house (current or past, whichever you would prefer), or, say, George Clooney (sigh) at his home.... you probably wouldn't care if they served you cat food.
If i get invited to the White House and am served cat food, I would be a tad miffed.
If the Dalai Lama served me cat food, I would be suprised - he is for the most part a vegetarian.
George Clooney - I don't think I would even attend the dinner. Maybe for the free flight to CA.
In all seriousness, I agree about going to CRT for the kids. But it is really a cop out for a place to serve sub-standard food just because they have someone in a costume walking around. CRT is not bad food. It's like a Sizzler. But given the price, I would expect a bit better. They could (and should) strive to do better.