Interesting story on Disney resort remodeling (Contemp & Poly)


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Renovations under way at two of Walt Disney World's original resorts demonstrate the theme park's obsession with perpetual self-renewal.

The Contemporary and Polynesian hotels will soon emerge from a major face-lift aimed at putting rooms on par with those in the region's newest resorts. Every five or six years, Disney gives its rooms a makeover, changing furniture, revamping bathrooms and installing the latest technology.

"What we are doing is really a complete redesign of the rooms," said Kevin Myers, Disney World's vice president for resort operations and transportation. "We generally stay on a certain cycle."

The two hotels opened in 1971, the same year that Disney World was born. They've both undergone substantial changes since, but theme park officials say the current revamping is particularly ambitious.

The 1,008-room Contemporary, which resembles a giant A-Frame house with a monorail running through its center, was a strikingly futuristic structure when it opened. Its lines still seem sleek, and the regular arrival of streamlined trains still conjures visions of a futuristic world.

But the rooms hadn't kept up. So Disney hired designers to give them a new look that hints of Asian decor and incorporates features such as flat-screen televisions and high-tech workspaces that appeal to business travelers as well as tourists.

"We've steered to the idea that the Contemporary is a convention resort," Myers said. With nightly rates reaching $725, it caters to well-heeled travelers.

Like the Contemporary, the Polynesian is retaining its basic design -- 10 buildings clustered about a main lobby. The renovated rooms will contain visual references to the South Seas with a modern, casual feel aimed at family vacation guests, Myers said.

Disney would not discuss the costs of the renovation projects.

Hotel-room renovations are, for myriad reasons, routine lodging-industry practice. Any room that changes occupants on a near-daily basis tends to take its share of punishment. But it is also important for rooms to reflect current trends in interior design -- particularly if the hotel commands top prices.

"People expect to see something a little nicer in a hotel room than they have at home," said Peter Yesawich, chairman of the YPB&R marketing firm in Orlando. "During the past five to seven years, people have spent a lot on enhancing their homes. So it is harder for hotel operators to keep up with things that people have installed in their own houses."

Yesawich said the latest multimedia center and bathroom designs are important -- something Disney embraced in the Contemporary.

As new luxury-hotel construction continues in Central Florida, Yesawich said it is crucial for old upscale resorts to keep up appearances.

"The competition is clearly raising the bar," Yesawich said. "That is the case in Orlando with the upper-end hotels that have come along in the last five years."

Abe Pizam, dean of the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida, said major makeovers like the ones under way at Disney are important, but less sweeping updates are generally part of the routine at premium resorts.

"Most decent hotel companies have a policy on renovations," Pizam said. "They have policies on hard and soft renovations. Some . . . have a policy of renovating everything -- hard renovations -- every four years and renovations of everything soft, the fabrics for instance, every two years. In a good hotel, there is usually some work being done all the time.",0,1219137.story?track=rss


Active Member
I saw some of the pictures on the Sentinel's website and they look nice. I really dig the Contemp's new look, but Poly's resembles the Royal Pacific at Universal. Still looks nice though!


Well-Known Member
I still would like to Stay at the Poly i just dont want to throw out the extra money to do so. I love WL and its more in my range. I can always stay at the Poly but then i have to cancel other trips i have planned throughout the year.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I think some of what makes people stay at various resorts is the atmosphere, too. Not saying that the rooms themselves don't count, as they make a huge impact on the decision-making process, I'm sure. But I know some people simply prefer the atmosphere at certain resorts, and the rooms don't play a big part in their decision to stay or not to stay there.

On a side note: I am *very* much looking forward to staying at VWL in less than a month. Everything I've read and seen about it... just looks fantastic.


Active Member
I can't wait for the Contemporary to be done. I stayed there about 6 years ago and thought the rooms needs updating as far as the bedroom area, the bathrooms were very nice though. I will now again consider staying there.


Well-Known Member
Disney is doing a lot of GREAT refurbs! Look at these two resorts! Both look outstanding, and then of course the great detail that went into World of Disney, at Downtown Disney! This is what a refurb/rehab is all about! Great job, Disney!


Not old, just vintage.
The pictures look great. I'd consider staying at the Contemporary now. I thought the rooms before were downright hideous. I couldnt see myself paying big $$$ to stay in a room that I thought was ugly. I've always loved the Polynesian. Now I want to go back and see the renovations in person. I looooove the closet doors and desk area now. To me the bathrooms look pretty much the same.

I'm glad the Sentinel did a nice article about Disney for once. With all the Disney bashing in the area it is refreshing to see an article that might actually drum up some more business for Disney.


Well-Known Member
I look foward to staying at the Poly and Contemp one of these days. The photos from the refurb look GREAT. I do think its cool they are updating the two original resorts on property. :) I am curious about one thing (and this is me just being nit-pickey) do you think they'll update the sign infront of the Contemporary? The one that says: "Contemporary Resort-Hotel"? To me that was one thing that stuck out....but then again, I'm just pickey :D


New Member
I think both the Poly and Contemporary rooms are much, much improved. They definitely look more modern, and they seem to be much more on par with other luxury resorts nationwide. Now I just have to pick which one to try first—Poly or CR. I’ve done the Poly before the rehab and never the CR. Choices, choices.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to stay at the contemporary some day. I've wanted to stay there since I was a kid watching that monorail run through there. I just can't come close to affording a place like that right now. Maybe someday.


New Member
Any word on when all of the rooms at the Contemporary will be completed and when or if the Contemporary concourse will be refurbed? We were there last week and the concourse really needs an update.


Has anyone seen pictures of the Poly or Contemporary rooms from '71? I'd especially love to see the Contemporary in its original form.


Well-Known Member
I am glad to see these two hotels getting some well deserved tlc. I believe the Comtemporary has a major identity complex. When I was kid the Contemporary was very cool and family oriented. The arcade in the 80's was incredible; it had a movie theater showing Disney movies and a shooting gallery. Whenever I go there now I feel out of place and uncomfortable. As soon as they added the convention center the hotel lost it's appeal to most families. At the Contemporary I feel like everybody is on there way to the board room (Isn't that what we are all trying to get away from??) There are always people dressed in business suits while I am in my bathing suit and flip flops. Frankly I really don't want to see people dressed in suits when I am on vacation unless of course they are checking me into my room. On one floor you have Chef Mickeys which brings in kids by the boat load, and on the top floor you have a swanky high end restaurant. I feel the hotel needs to be one or the other. Either its business oriented or family oriented. At least when I go to the polynesian everyone is on vacation, we can relax. I wish it would go back to being a family oriented hotel, I miss it.

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