Imagineer Round 12 D Ticket


Well-Known Member
Ok...I'm online now, but probably will be gone by the rest of today!

I just wanted to say good work on the scene ideas Figmntal.

My only addition would be that you don't need Pete or Ludwig...this should be a realitively short ride, I think there are enough scenes with out the need for those!

My other suggestion...Animals!
I believe every scene needs some sort of animal in it, along with Mickey and friends. that's what makes this Animal kingdom. and the more irony and humor in it the better! Though right now I can't think of anything else funny.

I would suggest bats in the cave, and maybe Goofy has jellyfish or starfish clinging to him? (we don't want him jumping a shark!) I don't know with Daisy...maybe birds?
Maybe racoons are stealing something from someone? or maybe I am overthinking this? :D

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
Good work on the scenes,I like the idea. I'm kind of waiting for that to be up to see what effects etc. can be worked in.

Ride vehicle-I was thinking just a standard brown canoe with a red stripe and the name of the attraction on the side.


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Original Poster
As guests enter a dark cave they feel a cool blast of air and a light mist. The cavern is quite large, not claustrophobic at all. As we look up at the ceiling we can see stalactites and bats hanging everywhere.

Uncle Scrooge: "Now where did that map say the treasure was? On the shores of Minnie-Mickey, ride the river through the cave, find an X that marks the spot, and collect the thing you crave. It must be around here somewhere." (Uncle Scrooge is holding up a lantern in one hand and a treasure map in the other, and looking around the whole time.)

We go around a corner only to find Uncle Scrooge and Humphrey the bear, Scrooge is pushing against Humphrey's backside, but the big bear is not budging...

Uncle Scrooge: "You're hibernating on the X you lazy lummox... Now get up and help me start digging." We get an occasional stirring and growl from Humphrey, nothing too scary...

We go around one final corner and see Scrooge sitting on a rock with a bunch of comic books at his feet and an open treasure chest containing even more of them.

"I cannae believe me own nephews would lead me on this wild DUCK chase." At this point Bats swoop down at Scrooge. "Shoo, go on, get out of here."



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love your ideas Fractal!
My ideas for scenes are..

As we near the campsite we see Donald and the Boys,
Donald: "Now don't forget to hang the food in the tree first thing, or else a bear might get at it.

H,D,L: "Of course, Uncle Donald."
Donald and his nephews are putting up a tent. Or trying too! As you approach you hear his nephews asking "what's wrong unca Donald?" and you spy them first along the bank...standing next to this mostly collapsed tent that's moving around like it's alive!.
You hear...rather than see...Donald who is of course the one inside the tent, swearing in that incomprehensible string of syllables that he does so well.
Once you pass the tent, you can see the skunk, winking at us, and just raising his tail in the opening.
As we turn the bend we can see, not too far away from the campsite, Humphrey the bear swinging back and forth from a tree, clutching onto a cooler that is hanging from one of the branches. He has a sandwich in his hand.

My other idea is that we see Minnie spreading out a picnic lunch, she's turned towards us, away from the spread and taking a large layer cake from a picnic basket exclaiming "Won't this be a delightful surprise for Mickey!" and as you pass by her you now get a glimpse of chip, dale and about 30 squirrels all waiting eagerly on the picnic blanket. There is a second picnic basket behind Minnie, and Humphrey the bear's head is poking into it from behind some bushes.

That's kind of how I see the characters, and the scenes with animals.

I think Figmntal's idea for Humphrey is great too!

I added some elements in Bold, take or leave em.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am about to head over to my School to run a 4 hour rehearsal, and then head to the wedding, I am hoping that WDW can take this and add in Fig and his own contributions and then post this in the thread.

Mickey’s Canoe Ride
A Fun-Filled Ride on the River

Many of the activities at Camp Minnie-Mickey are quite popular: Water Skiing with Counselor Goofy, Uncle Scrooge’s Treasure Hunts, Pluto's Ultimate Frisbee... But none are quite as popular as Camp Director Mickey's canoe rides. Campers take a journey on the Cheekimunkee River and enjoy the sights and a sound of Camp Minnie-Mickey’s other offerings. The cue for this would feature a room with mounted fish on the wall, all of whom come to life and sing camp favorites, like Down By the Bay, all in full choral arrangements.

“Good (Morning/Afternoon) Boys and Girls. This is Camp Director Mickey here! I just want to remind you all to keep your hands and feet inside the canoe at all times, and remember to have fun on your trip. See you all back here at camp!”

-Some Scene with Goofy waterskiing (and Max Driving the boat)
-Obviously a Mickey scene.... that could be the end.

Daisy’s Garden
As we leave the station we come upon a lush and beautiful garden with all sorts of crazy looking flowers (very reminiscent of the garden from Mickey’s Toon Town). Daisy is standing in the middle with a watering can.
“Oh hi there campers, I hope you like my garden, I’ve worked very hard on it.” Some of the plants move around and interact with Daisy.

We go around a corner and see Daisy in a bee-keepers outfit. We hear the buzz of little wings and see Daisy pull a rack out of a bee box.

“I couldn’t have made this garden so great without the help of some friendly bees. They help by pollinating all of the flowers and vegetables. Don’t worry though, these fellas don’t sting, and they’ve got some delicious honey.”

We pull away from Daisy and see one last Bee Box with Humphrey the bear swatting away bees and licking his paws, the remnants of a honeycomb laying before him.

Donald’s Campsite
As we near the campsite we see Donald and the Boys, Donald: "Now don't forget to hang the food in the tree first thing, or else a bear might get at it.
H,D,L: "Of course, Uncle Donald."
Donald and his nephews are putting up a tent. Or trying to! As you approach you hear his nephews asking "what's wrong unca Donald?" and you spy them first along the bank...standing next to this mostly collapsed tent that's moving around like it's alive!.
You hear...rather than see...Donald who is of course the one inside the tent, swearing in that incomprehensible string of syllables that he does so well.
Once you pass the tent, you can see the skunk, winking at us, and just raising his tail in the opening.
As we turn the bend we can see, not too far away from the campsite, Humphrey the bear swinging back and forth from a tree, clutching onto a cooler that is hanging from one of the branches. He has a sandwich in his hand.

Minnie’s Picnic
My other idea is that we see Minnie spreading out a picnic lunch, she's turned towards us, away from the spread and taking a large layer cake from a picnic basket exclaiming "Won't this be a delightful surprise for Mickey!" and as you pass by her you now get a glimpse of chip, dale and about 30 squirrels all waiting eagerly on the picnic blanket. There is a second picnic basket behind Minnie, and Humphrey the bear's head is poking into it from behind some bushes.

Scrooge’s Treasure
As guests enter a dark cave they feel a cool blast of air and a light mist. The cavern is quite large, not claustrophobic at all. As we look up at the ceiling we can see stalactites and bats hanging everywhere.

Uncle Scrooge: "Now where did that map say the treasure was? On the shores of Minnie-Mickey, ride the river through the cave, find an X that marks the spot, and collect the thing you crave. It must be around here somewhere." (Uncle Scrooge is holding up a lantern in one hand and a treasure map in the other, and looking around the whole time.)

We go around a corner only to find Uncle Scrooge and Humphrey the bear, Scrooge is pushing against Humphrey's backside, but the big bear is not budging...

Uncle Scrooge: "You're hibernating on the X you lazy lummox... Now get up and help me start digging." We get an occasional stirring and growl from Humphrey, nothing too scary...

We go around one final corner and see Scrooge sitting on a rock with a bunch of comic books at his feet and an open treasure chest containing even more of them.

"I cannae believe me own nephews would lead me on this wild DUCK chase." At this point Bats swoop down at Scrooge. "Shoo, go on, get out of here."


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Like I said in my other thread, at around 4:30, I am going to check in and post whatever is here, just so we have something posted.


Active Member
So... I don't really know what's going on... I though I was going to do the entire script? I guess I'll just combine my ideas with Fractal's:


Guests enter a rustic boat dock, where canoe-shaped vehicles await them inside a quaint boathouse. Along the wall would be a multitude of AA fish singing classic camp songs. An announcement from Mickey is heard over the intercom:

Mickey: Good (Morning/Afternoon) everybody! It's Camp Counseler Mickey here! Just reminding all of you to keep your arms and legs inside the boat at all times. See ya back at camp!

Guests enter the boat and the ride begins.

As we leave the station, we see an AA Ranger Woodlore talking to Humphrey.

Ranger: "Now Humphrey, try not to be too much of a menace today."

Humphrey nods emphatically as the ride moves on.


We come upon a lush and beautiful garden with all sorts of crazy looking flowers (very reminiscent of the garden from Mickey’s Toon Town). Daisy is standing in the middle with a watering can.

Daisy: “Oh hi there campers, I hope you like my garden, I’ve worked very hard on it.”

Some of the plants move around and interact with Daisy.

We go around a corner and see Daisy in a bee-keepers outfit. We hear the buzz of little wings and see Daisy pull a rack out of a bee box.

Daisy: “I couldn’t have made this garden so great without the help of some friendly bees. They help by pollinating all of the flowers and vegetables. Don’t worry though, these fellas don’t sting, and they’ve got some delicious honey.”

We pull away from Daisy and see one last Bee Box with Humphrey the bear swatting away bees and licking his paws, the remnants of a honeycomb laying before him.


We near the campsite we see Donald and the Boys.

Donald: "Now don't forget to hang the food in the tree first thing, or else a bear might get at it.

H,D,L: "Of course, Uncle Donald."

Donald and his nephews are putting up a tent. Or trying to! As you approach you hear his nephews asking:

H,D,L: "What's wrong unca Donald?"

You spy them first along the bank...standing next to this mostly collapsed tent that's moving around like it's alive! You hear...rather than see...Donald who is of course the one inside the tent, swearing in that incomprehensible string of syllables that he does so well.

Donald: "Awwww phooey!"

Once you pass the tent, you can see the skunk, winking at us, and just raising his tail in the opening.

As we turn the bend we can see, not too far away from the campsite, Humphrey the bear swinging back and forth from a tree, clutching onto a cooler that is hanging from one of the branches. He has a sandwich in his hand.


We continue the boat journey. Off in the distance, you hear a loud scream that sounds a lot like Goofy's. As you turn the corner, you see what looks like an imprint of Goofy in the wall. Continuing on, you see that Goofy, while waterskiing, crashed through a wall and got tangled up in a tree branch. Max is seen driving the boat he was attached too.

Goofy: Look! I can see my tent from here! (Goofy Laughs.)

Max: Awww, dad....


As we continue on, we see Minnie spreading out a picnic lunch, she's turned towards us, away from the spread and taking a large layer cake from a picnic basket exclaiming;

Minnie: "Won't this be a delightful surprise for Mickey!"

As you pass by her you now get a glimpse of chip, dale and about 30 squirrels all waiting eagerly on the picnic blanket. There is a second picnic basket behind Minnie, and Humphrey the bear's head is poking into it from behind some bushes.


As guests enter a dark cave they feel a cool blast of air and a light mist. The cavern is quite large, not claustrophobic at all. As we look up at the ceiling we can see stalactites and bats hanging everywhere.

Uncle Scrooge: "Now where did that map say the treasure was? On the shores of Minnie-Mickey, ride the river through the cave, find an X that marks the spot, and collect the thing you crave. It must be around here somewhere."

Uncle Scrooge is holding up a lantern in one hand and a treasure map in the other, and looking around the whole time.

We go around a corner only to find Uncle Scrooge and Humphrey the bear, Scrooge is pushing against Humphrey's backside, but the big bear is not budging...

Uncle Scrooge: "You're hibernating on the X you lazy lummox... Now get up and help me start digging."

We get an occasional stirring and growl from Humphrey.

We go around one final corner and see Scrooge sitting on a rock with a bunch of comic books at his feet and an open treasure chest containing even more of them.

Uncle Scrooge: "I cannae believe me own nephews would lead me on this wild DUCK chase." At this point Bats swoop down at Scrooge. "Shoo, go on, get out of here."


We come upon the final scene, where all the previous characters from the ride are seen around the fire, singing songs and roasting marshmallows.

Mickey: "Heya Campers! Really hope ya enjoyed the trip! Enjoy the rest of your time at Camp-Minnie Mickey!"

The ride continues back towards the load station, but not without one last glimpse of Humphrey:


Another AA Ranger Woodlore is talking to Humphrey. The Ranger looks somewhat mad, and Humprhey is frowning.

Ranger: "Oh Humphrey... I told you to not get into any trouble!"

Humphrey: (In a muffled bear voice:) Sorry.

The boat exits the scene back to the unload station.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
I'm going to be posting the AA and SFX now. It will be based off of figmntal's. Can one of you post the D-Ticket? I have to leave at 4,and will be posting the play area and mess hall before then.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
All of the AAs would operate in a way similar the abimals in the Jungle Cruise to protect them from the elements.


  • 2 Daisy Duck AAs (Daisy's Garden)
-1 Gardening-Overalls,straw hat
-1 Beekeeper-net hat,tan jumpsuit
  • 1 Donald Duck AA (Donald's Campsite)
-Brown and green scout uniform
  • 1 each of Huey,Duey and Louey (Donald's Campsite)
-Same scout uniform as Donald
  • 1 Goofy AA (Goofy's Waterskiing Mishap)
-Green baseball hat,orange and yellow striped bathing suit
  • 1 Max AA (Goofy's Waterskiiing Mishap)
-White t-shirt,red bathing suit
  • 1 Minnie AA (Minnie's Picnic)
-Sun dress with red and white polka-dots. White sun hat with bow.
  • 1 Uncle Scrooge AA (Uncle Scrooge's Treasure)
-Red shirt

  • 1 Mickey Mouse AA (Mickey's Campfire)
-Same brown scout suit as Donald
  • 2 Ranger Woodlore AA (First and last scene)
-Brown Ranger uniform with yelow stripe on shoulders
  • 6 Humphrey AAs (All scenes except Goofy's Waterskiing Mishap and Mickey's Campfire)
NOTE: AA count does not include AAs in finale,which includes all characters.


Daisy's Garden
-Hydraulic flowers that bounce up and down

Donald's Campsite
-Shaking tent
-Hydraulic skunk,with scent

Goofy's Waterskiiing Mishap
-Boat mechanicaly raised and lowered in water to produce bobbing effect

Minnie's Picnic
-Hydraulic chipminks

Uncle Scrooge's Treasure
-Air fans and mist

Mickey's Campfire
-Fire effect from PotC

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
Ride Vehicle:

Each ride vehicle is a canoe that has 6 rows that sit 2 people each. The canoe rides on a track,although oars are attached to the sides so guests can paddle. They are brown on the outside with the attraction's name and a red stripe on the side.

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