The WEDway Peoplemover system never stops (barring any E-stop functions). But it's a very "dumb" ride system. The speed and spacing of the ride vehciles is strictly based on the design of the ride track, and is not in any way actively controlled.
This gets a bit beyond the original topic of this thead, but...
The way the TTA operates is that each linear induction motor along the track is always operating at the same "speed", meaning that it's always turning on and off at the same rate. When the LIMs are spaced an equal distance apart, and all are operating at the same "speed", the trains that roll through that section of track will maintain that same speed.
In sections of track where they need to speed up or slow down a train, the LIMs are spaced closer together. These LIMs are set at the speed that they want the train to be moving at when it gets to the far side.
So as you leave the TTA loading station, there's a stretch of closely-grouped LIMs. These are all operating at the faster speed that you accellerate to. So as the train rolls across them, it's accellerated to the faster speed.
The same happens when you go to slow down. You roll across closely-spaced LIMs operating at a slower speed, which forces the train to slow down to match the speed they're operating at. The LIMs can then go back to evenly-spaced LIMs at the slower speed, until it needs to speed back up again.
The trains naturally separate as they leave the station, because those first accelleration LIMs would force them to separate. If the TTA ever goes into E-stop mode, when it starts back up again the separation is thrown out of whack for a short time. But by the time one complete circuit is made by all the trains, the system will have fixed itself, but not by any action by the ride system. That's just the end-result of the ride system.
Getting back to the original topic, this whole thing is different from how the motors operated on the original Imagination. While the TTA LIMs were always operating at the same rate, and the trains simply are forced to match the speed, the motors on JII actually changed speed depending on what the requirements were for the ride system.
So when a train of 4 cars left the load platform, the ride system HAD to make sure that it was in the exact position and speed required to meet up with the opening in the carousel as it rotated (because the carousel was always rotating at a constant speed).
The closest analogy I've been able to come up with is a rotating door to a building. Imagine that it's a 4-section door, each colored red, yellow, green and blue. The door is powered, and always rotating at a constant speed. Now you have four people, each wearing shirts with those colors, in the correct order, walking in a line along the sidewalk toward the door. What does each person need to do to ensure that they enter the section of the rotating door that matches their shirt color, while not touching the door at all or messing up the spacing of the people behind them?
Now imagine designing a ride system that does the exact same thing with rolling ride vehicles...