Imagination ride questions (requesting history lesson on closure))


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I'm a huge fan of the original Journey into Imagination. It was one of my favorite rides at Epcot during the 90's (when i was little). I was unaware that it had changed before i went on it recently last year for the first time since 1997. So i got an unfortunate shock when i rode it, expecting it to be like the original.

What i'm requesting is a little bit of brief facts on WHY they changed it. I have researched the various forms it has taken since it was changed, and i'm aware that there were plans for a fourth version that was rumored to bring back Dreamfinder and make it a lot better (maybe even bring back Tony Baxter), but i've yet to see anything tangible.

I have a hard time seeing how anyone could possibly see how this current version (or the previous one) was better than the original. It's terrible. I'm mad about Horizons and World of Motion of course, but i can see that they were exploiting thrill seekers there. I don't know WHAT they were thinking with Imagination. I see nothing wrong with the original that a little maintenance wouldn't fix (and surely that would have been cheaper to do than what they did to it).

Can anyone provide some facts or links to facts on some information-
- Why was it changed?
- What was wrong with the original that made them change it?
- Whose idea was it to change it? Disney's or Kodak's?
- Is there any news at all on that rumored fourth refurb people are always teasing?

Oh, and am i the only one who feels that being sprayed with skunk flatulence comes off as a middle finger from the Disney corporation saying "What's that Disney-goers? You want the original ride back do you? Well tough, have some skunk **** ya losers, that's all you get, HAHAHA!" Plus there are numerous teases hidden over the park and even in the ride itself (like a door with the name Dean Finder, Dream Catcher in Mousegear, and pins/vinylmation with Dreamfinder). :mad:

Not trying to irritate people, but this REALLY got on my nerves. I'm just requesting some info or whatever, and sort of making this my rant space if you don't mind. I'm trying to come to terms with these changes. I've ridden the new one 4 times, and i just can't get used to it (i use it as a chance to sit down, but can't help but feel bitter when i do ride it). Even when judged on its own merits, it's horrible and seems vacant. In fact, riding the thing feels like they got 10% into designing the new ride and ran out of ideas or money (or whatever). All the rooms feel vacant and bleh. Went from being among the best rides in Disney World to one of the worst.


Well-Known Member
The original ride was a expensive to maintain so they made a cheaper version. I'm not totally sure if that was Kodak's request as sponsor or not. What you're seeing there now is actually the second version of the *new* ride. The first redo was sans both Dreamfinder AND Figment. Guest dissatisfaction was at such an all time high that they caved and inserted figment back into the ride, and that is what we have now.

Yes, it pales in comparison to the previous ride. Someday, TDO may green light the next version, but the whole pavilion needs a rehab now. And we all know how much they like spending money...


Premium Member
Part of Kodak's contract with Disney is that the ride would be updated before the year 2000.

The ride was very complex technically with the rotating opening sequence withe Dreamfinder, the cause of many breakdowns from what I understand.


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So it was decided that just gutting it and reformatting it into a totally new ride was more financially feasible than just fixing the ride system? It's a shame that they had to remove all the original scenery and characters. Was there something stopping them from just replacing the track and cars without taking all the scenery out? I can see an update in technology working, i just don't get why they had to take out EVERYTHING that made the original ride memorable. It seems that it would cost less to them than just redoing the ENTIRE thing (badly at that).

I just see nothing to stop them from updating the technology/ride system without having to screw up the original scenery/characters/story/etc. If it breaks down, fix it, but don't break what isn't broken. I can't see it costing less to just redo EVERYTHING like they did. Even if they had to take out that scene with Dreamfinder in the beginning. Heck, i'd add that scene to the queue somewhere (kind of like a pre-show) before i redid the ENTIRE ride. And then you've got that imageworks or whatever, apparently rusting up in the attic... ugh.


Premium Member
Well the contract called for something like a different ride, meaning different storyline, something fresh, etc. I believe, so it wasn't just in the contract to upgrade the ride track, vehicles, etc.


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What a shame. And i'd have to say that's a pretty stupid thing to have in a contract IMO.:brick:

I don't mind change, but only if they can make the ride BETTER than the original. As it is, i've rarely seen such a thing happen in Disney (anymore at least).


Well-Known Member
What a shame. And i'd have to say that's a pretty stupid thing to have in a contract IMO.:brick:

Not necessarily, at the time it was made it probably was done to prevent the ride from becoming stale over time by staying the same. Unfortunately it was taken advantage of to provide a cheaper experience instead of creating something both new and grand in scale.

Martin's ultimate tribute on his site provides a great overview of the attraction's history.


Well-Known Member
That is does, a great tribute. At least the current ride is better than the second version, yikes!

There were some great effects in the second one, but on the whole it was a horrible attraction.

I think the way they used the butterfly in the cage in Version 2 worked better than Version 3. And the train sequence was better when you couldn't see anything in that room.



Active Member
There were some great effects in the second one, but on the whole it was a horrible attraction.

I think the way they used the butterfly in the cage in Version 2 worked better than Version 3. And the train sequence was better when you couldn't see anything in that room.


I agree with this. In general, while Journey Into Your Imagination was atrocious and worse than version 3, the ride did seem less cheap and more planned out than the current one. It's understandable I guess considering the current version was done with an even smaller budget.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
What killed the second version for me was that it was so drastically different than the first. Maybe if the changes had been more subtle it would have been more successful but when an attraction goes from fun and whimsical to cold and eerie (almost Twilight Zone eerie), that was too much of a jump. I read an online article several months ago (sorry, I don't recall the source) that claimed that one of the Dreamfinder animatronic characters was sent to Disneyland Paris and is now the head-tipping mayor of Thunder Mesa in Phantom Manor. Also in the ghost town are former characters from World of Motion which have been given a more ghostly makeover. I put Imagination in the same league as the Tiki Birds. They weren't broke so they fixed the hell out of them.


Well-Known Member
The Tomorrow Land Transit Authority uses a similar transportation system and that seems to be doing ok. They could have also kept the same show with todays system. I think a little Michael Eisner ruthlessness got in the way.


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What killed the second version for me was that it was so drastically different than the first. Maybe if the changes had been more subtle it would have been more successful but when an attraction goes from fun and whimsical to cold and eerie (almost Twilight Zone eerie), that was too much of a jump. I read an online article several months ago (sorry, I don't recall the source) that claimed that one of the Dreamfinder animatronic characters was sent to Disneyland Paris and is now the head-tipping mayor of Thunder Mesa in Phantom Manor. Also in the ghost town are former characters from World of Motion which have been given a more ghostly makeover. I put Imagination in the same league as the Tiki Birds. They weren't broke so they fixed the hell out of them.
I'm almost 100% sure that this bolded part is not true. I went to Disneyland Paris for the first time in 1995. Visited Phantom Manor as well, all those characters were already there. At that time, both Imagination and World of Motion in their original forms were still there. I don't see how they could be those figures as the ride was opened before either of the Epcot attractions closed.

Anyways, i hate the new refurbs either way- whether compared to the original OR on their own merits. Even if you factor out the old ride, the new one still feels totally lifeless and vacant. It literally feels like they ran out of money (or didn't give a ****) about 10% into the designing process, then just decided to quickly smash together what they had completed into the ride we have now. It feels extremely incomplete. The entire atmosphere just screams "i don't care and i'm putting no effort into this" from whoever was in charge of the redesign...

Anyways, i'm currently watching the videos marni1971 posted. Very enlightening so far, i'm only a little into the second one so far (not watched the first yet). It's kind of painful to watch, even what they did to those wonderful murals in the loading area.:cry:


Park History nut
Premium Member
The mayor of Thunder Mesa in DLPs Phantom Manor had his head cast from the Dreamfinder mould, but it is not an Animatronic from Orlando.

Phantom Manor opened 4 years before WOM closed as well.


Well-Known Member
similar? maybe that they both have some kind of wheels, but besides that, they're entirely different

I think I know what he means. They do look very similar.

I just want to know is if the next version of Imagination will be the next big attraction to come to EPCOT.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Can anyone provide some facts or links to facts on some information-
- Why was it changed?
- What was wrong with the original that made them change it?
- Whose idea was it to change it? Disney's or Kodak's?
- Is there any news at all on that rumored fourth refurb people are always teasing?

- To go along with the HISTA show :hurl:
- It was too good for kodak to sponsor :p
- Both :hammer:
- No :rolleyes:

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