I'm a Disney Dream Job Finalist- Vote for me!


Active Member
Yeah you two are alot better than most of the pirates/princesses. I do think there is more competition in the Haunted Mansion butler/maid poll. This is a good thing for you two though!!!!

Don't forget to vote for Ricky for Haunted Mansion butler! He is the podcast guy for Inside the magic!

Hey thanks! Ricky is one of my favorites in the HM competition too.


Well-Known Member
There is a cheat for voting. After you vote, right click, hit back, then vote again. You don't even have to do the security word again. This will allow you to vote dozens of times a minute. Hundreds an hour. Thousands of times a day. I'm starting w/Kenny G, for an hour then moving back. ROCK THE VOTE PEOPLE!

Tim G

Well-Known Member
There is a cheat for voting. After you vote, right click, hit back, then vote again. You don't even have to do the security word again. This will allow you to vote dozens of times a minute. Hundreds an hour. Thousands of times a day. I'm starting w/Kenny G, for an hour then moving back. ROCK THE VOTE PEOPLE!
Asking for votes like this is cheating anyway... The person's quality, that's the only thing that counts...

Sorry... Bash me if you wish, but it's how I feel about these things. :zipit:


New Member
Asking for votes like this is cheating anyway... Quality, is what it's all about...

Sorry... You may bash me, but it's how I feel about this. :zipit:

If its done by number of votes, then no, its quantity.

I mean, look at American Idol, or Dancing with the Stars, or any of those. Its all popularity and getting the same person to vote a million times for you.


New Member
Jordanrella gets my vote! The principal pirate video was hysterical. And kennygman's video gets my vote as well..your daughter's look was priceless.


New Member
Hullo (sic :rolleyes:) Everyone,
Once again I'm in dire need of your help! (Much more than for the PetSmart Contest) Disney came out with a contest to celebrate their new theme "Year of a Million Dreams". They are holding a contest right now where you can win your Dream Job for Disney for 1 day, with 5 jobs to apply for. I, of course :rolleyes:, applied for the Princess In Waiting job. I was selected from hundreds of videos to be a Top 20 Princess In Waiting Finalist. From March 6th-30th everyone must go vote at http://www.careerbuilder.com/disneydreamjobs/dream-job-applicant.asp?jtid=5&ytid=KznRyhC1geE

(if that link doesn't work, go to http://www.careerbuilder.com/disneydreamjobs/home.asp and click on "Princess In Waiting". I am the 3rd video on the top, dressed as Cinderella standing by a tree.)

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! The voting system is an open ended voting. So you can repeat your votes OVER AND OVER!! DO NOT hit enter when submitting your vote, it will NOT count as a vote, you must click Vote! Make sure the watch the video quite a few times as well-- video views count as well as the votes!!!

I am begging you, PLEASE vote as much and as often as possible and spread the word to EVERYONE you know. Dedicate an hour each day if you feel the need to help me make my dream come true.

They select 5 Grand Prize Winners in each Category to go live their dream job for 1 day. Please help me FINALLY fulfill my Disney dream of being a Princess. I have a 1 in 4 chance of winning, but don't just count me as a shoe-in- EVERYONE needs to vote in this nation-wide contest!

I know your wondering what the Grand prize all includes: a 4 day/3 night trip to Disneyland for me and my family- all expenses paid. Then one of those days I 'work' for Disney and all dressed up perform my duty of Princess In Waiting. They don't let you know exactly what you do for the job until you win. Of course I do invite EVERYONE to go to Disneyland with me while I perform my Dream Job... if I win.

So once again Please help me be a Princess!! Forward this email to all your friends, family, co-workers, networks, blogs, websites....everyone and everything! Only you can help make my Dream finally come true.

I also, HIGHLY recommend you vote for these people in the other categories:
Pirate Apprentice: William Bean "Pirate to Principal"
Jungle Cruise Skipper: "Check Out His Chin" Chin Skipper

Thank you so so so so much!!!! I appreciate all your love, support and friendship!
JorDan Leigh Tripp

One of my biggest pet peeves is groveling. So, no, I will NOT vote for you, nor anyone else who you "recommend" that I vote for.

No, it is not "very important." It might be "very important" to you, but certainly not to me. The world will not end if you do not win.

No, I will not dedicate an hour of my important time to waste. Maybe you should offer to pay the people that will dedicate an hour to you. That's the way the world works you know.

No, I will not forward this to my family, friends, co-workers, blogs, "everyone, and everything." That is considered SPAM, and in reality, so is your post.


New Member
Original Poster
That is extremly rude TAC! You should not be on this board if you are going to be negative about someones DREAM! I do not appreciate this. If you do not want to participate, then you shouldn't have wasted your time READING or even REPLYING to this post. I am not groveling, I'm asking fellow Disney fans to help me fulfill my dream.

Do not post on my topic again, please!


Premium Member
One of my biggest pet peeves is groveling. So, no, I will NOT vote for you, nor anyone else who you "recommend" that I vote for.

No, it is not "very important." It might be "very important" to you, but certainly not to me. The world will not end if you do not win.

No, I will not dedicate an hour of my important time to waste. Maybe you should offer to pay the people that will dedicate an hour to you. That's the way the world works you know.

No, I will not forward this to my family, friends, co-workers, blogs, "everyone, and everything." That is considered SPAM, and in reality, so is your post.

I think this is being a bit ridiculous. Despite you saying you dont wish to waste your time on it, it must be pretty important to you, as you felt the need to post a lengthy reply.

If you dont like a thread on the forum, you can just ignore it. There is no need to reply in this manner.


New Member
This is not High school

I went and looked at those Dream job videos. I thought everyone did a good job and good luck. But to those who are basically posting a cry for votes is just plain sad. This is not high school. Just play the game. Im not going to vote for people crying for me to vote for them. Speed skater and others. The best one anyways we all know is snow white with the flowers. Im having all my people vote for who they like the best, not for people crying for a vote. Thanks


New Member

Speed figure dont sweat it. Josh and others that have nothing else better to do with there time I have a message for you.....get a life. People have dreams, Speed and others are trying to fulfill them, by working hard on making the video and then make it to the top 20. Then they have to make it to be number one. So leave them alone let them have there dreams and try hard to make them come true. Alot of Dreams you have to work on to get them (any succesful person or people who had there dreams come true know that). That is what they are trying to do is make them happen. So Work hard and network all you can guys so that your dream can come true. Good luck!!!!!!!!

P.S (your bro-in law Georgy-poo)


Active Member
Speed figure dont sweat it. Josh and others that have nothing else better to do with there time I have a message for you.....get a life. People have dreams, Speed and others are trying to fulfill them, by working hard on making the video and then make it to the top 20. Then they have to make it to be number one. So leave them alone let them have there dreams and try hard to make them come true. Alot of Dreams you have to work on to get them (any succesful person or people who had there dreams come true know that). That is what they are trying to do is make them happen. So Work hard and network all you can guys so that your dream can come true. Good luck!!!!!!!!

P.S (your bro-in law Georgy-poo)

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