Ignorant and Rude CM's

In what way has a CM ever been rude or obnoxious to you?

  • Ignorant

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Unaccepting of the fact that you know more than him/her.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Not knowing anything

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Know-it-all

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Other ways to irritate that aren't listed

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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hakunamatata said:
You mean, thinking for yourself? :eek:

Tonight, while at Disney/MGM, we were trying to exit. There is a huge crowd on both sides of the parade route. A CM told us to cut through and cross the street to get out, we cross the street, but the crowd is EXTREMELY THICK (think 50 people thick or higher) and they weren't budging. So we turn around, and another CM is yelling at us to get back in the crowd. Bear in mind, the parade hasn't even begun to think of stepping off. Long story short, in the time it took the CM to find a coordinator and decide what to do, we had already walked the parade route, found an opening, and left the park gates.

Mecha Figment

New Member
sounds to me like you were braging. I use to get peopel that use to come up and ask me all these irratating questions when i worked for Stonemountain. Some days.. people just irriate you will stuff and you try your best to get them to leave. sounds to me like you were just in his face and he didn't really want you there.


Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
I was very upset today to find that I was rudely responded to when I asked questions to a CM at the end of Spaceship Earth. I have learned alot from CM's at the end of the ride, in fact, I learned most of the updates that I gave Screamscape from a CM at the end of the ride. So, when I traditionally asked a CM about what was going on, he was very ignorant, not wanting to believe that I knew what I did. Also, he was very rude, because he didn't like the fact that I knew more than him on the news of the parks... Has this ever happened to you? :veryconfu :cry: :veryconfu

maybe because you were acting like a whiny little know-it-all......nobody likes that.....and you got the attitude you deserved
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">If anything, I think that a CM should play dumb in you asking questions. For starters, they aren't supposed to tell you what is going on behind the scenes. Obviously, word does get out, as we see here on a daily basis on this site, but it's up to the descretion of the CM to tell you. If you ask a manager or any of the higherups, they won't tell you a thing. Granted, a CM under ANY circumstance shouldn't be rude or act out of character in any way no matter what you ask him/her. Just be thankful that you hear anything you aren't supposed to hear, just don't expect it from CMs .</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
nope hasnt happend to me but i have over heard employees at busch gardens tampa tell people that sheikra is the tallest roller coaster in the world LOL but the true fact is its the tallest Vertical drop coaster in the world. that same emp. told another lady that Sheikra was the only one of its kind in the world not true either too which i saw the lady later in the day and told her the truth so all was fixed.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
When you're a CM and go through "Traditions" (at least when i did) you have to sign a buncha paperwork, and I believe (if i remember correctly) one was basically a "gag order" that you don't share stuff outside the company. There were a lot of meeting that I was at where we were told NOT to tell anyone until it had been press-released. So, I dunno what to tell ya...


adamthegetupkid said:
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">If anything, I think that a CM should play dumb in you asking questions. For starters, they aren't supposed to tell you what is going on behind the scenes. Obviously, word does get out, as we see here on a daily basis on this site, but it's up to the descretion of the CM to tell you. If you ask a manager or any of the higherups, they won't tell you a thing. Granted, a CM under ANY circumstance shouldn't be rude or act out of character in any way no matter what you ask him/her. Just be thankful that you hear anything you aren't supposed to hear, just don't expect it from CMs .</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">



New Member
jedimaster1227 said:
Let me reiterate so there are no more misunderstandings... I did not say TO HIM OR ANYONE ELSE that I knew more than him. It was just that he obviously did not know as much as anyone that uses WDWmagic or any other Disney news site. All I meant when I said that I knew more than him, was that I was up to date with all updates online, and from Disney itself, nothing more, nothing less. He wasn't ignorant because he wasn't informed or didn't know about different things, I found him to be ignorant because he refused to accept that he might not have been right or that maybe I was mistaken, he just rudely kept trying to prove me wrong with information that didn't provide any real proof. All he gave in his defense was a witty remark about how likely the return of the Dreamfinder (in his opinion) was as likely as the Florida Gators winning the SEC championships. Thats it, I just found it a little discerning and frustrating for a cast member to be so closed-mind (that is my view on what being ignorant is really about). I have had good experiences before this with CM's, this was my first bad one. As I said before, a CM was the one to confirm to me that Siemens was the new sponser for Epcot, 2 WEEKS before the press release. I trust in the CM's and I think they are very professional (I will be one by next year). Unfortunately, I had a bad experience, and I started this thread to see if I wasn't alone in this sad event ever happening to anyone other than myself...

I'll be honest with you. Your main post was vague and after people started calling you out on the way you said you responded, you automatically changed what you said and are now trying to "clear it up".

First of all, it's not a requirement when hired at Disney to know everything like you "claim" that you do. I went to traditions with other Cast Members who knew nearly nothing about a lot of the parks. What an ignorant comment to say, "Well he didn't know as much as some of us on WDW Magic" that's like getting upset at another guest because they've never been to Disney and might not know the ropes. It sounds like you got upset because you did not get the reaction that YOU wanted from the cast member and didn't hear what you wanted to hear, and therefore claim that you had a bad experience.

Also like Heather said, if you do get any inside information about ANYTHING, consider yourself lucky. While going through training CM's are required to sign a gag order to not tell about any of the Disney secrets or information that might be happening within the company.

I'm sorry if I seem rude, i'm just really sick of hearing about how CM's are supposed to be non-human robots who smile throughout the whole time and aren't allowed to be human and have to repress feelings or emotions that they might be dealing with. I understand if something worse than this happens, but it sounds to me just like you had a petty disagreement, in my opinion i'd say just let it go.

Ok i'm going to bed. It's been a long day.


New Member
WDWKat26 said:
I'm sorry if I seem rude, i'm just really sick of hearing about how CM's are supposed to be non-human robots who smile throughout the whole time and aren't allowed to be human and have to repress feelings or emotions that they might be dealing with. I understand if something worse than this happens, but it sounds to me just like you had a petty disagreement, in my opinion i'd say just let it go.

Ok i'm going to bed. It's been a long day.

While I can't excuse the cast member if he was indeed rude, I have to echo what's being said here -- Disney is very clear that you don't discuss future plans.

And I can imagine at Spaceship Earth, where the attraction ends in what kind of looks like a clean construction zone, CM's are asked many many times a day "What's happening here?" -- it's not an easy task to answer the same question over and over and smile. I can only imagine that the task becomes that much harder when you can't answer the question for legal reasons.

As others have said, we don't have the whole picture here, but try to cut the guy a little slack... I'd say the same for CM's who are in front of a broken down or closed ride, telling you the monorail is going to be 30 more minutes, telling you the restaurant is full, etc...

I've watched a guest yell at some poor CM because Pooh was down, and I would have loved to have heard, "Yes, sir, I personally broke this ride. I saw you coming and thought, hey, he wants to ride Pooh..." (to this CM's credit, she wasn't really smiling, but she did keep a calm friendly tone)

Again, I'm not going to excuse the CM for being rude and appologize if you had a less than magical experience -- at the same time:

jedimaster1227 said:
I trust in the CM's and I think they are very professional (I will be one by next year).
Let me just say, Karma. Otherwise, next year we'll be reading "And then someone asked me to confirm something I can't talk about for the 20th time in an hour... I just lost it."


New Member
30 more days

In 30 more days I throw myself into the snake pit. I'm going on the Spring Advantage College Program, and I got an invite to come early and Arrive on December 15th. So I can't speak as a Cast Member yet, but I can speak as someone who has worked at an ammusment park before (Valley Fair which is part of Cedar Fair inc. in Minnesota) And I can not think of a time that really stands out as "what a rude CM" but at the same time I know there have been times where some don't stand out as positively as others. But I must echo that there's a lot of things that go into being asked the same thing, especially with something like Spaceship Earth that is in obvious need of a change. I've spoken with CM's before about things that aren't really normal questions before and things that would show that I know more than what the average guest probably does (again mostly in thanks to WDWMagic and making friends with CMs) but that's not to say that all have been "oh you know something more than others here's everything you'd ever want to know." I think it's unfortunate that you had the experience but I can understand where it could have been construed as "here's a guest who knows a lot, and is trying to get more information and really should just let this go for now" and became irratated.

That said, I hope I will never have to have a guest feel this way about me and that I'll be able to make everyone's day magical :-D


Active Member
Original Poster
As you all said before, and I do realize this, my intro post was very vague. I thought you all would realize what I was trying to say and mean, not they way you all interpreted it. All of my reiterations to help you understand what I meant are not changing what I said, just changing the way you should interpret it. I do feel extremely lucky when I do get information out of a CM, because as you all said, they are under a Gag Rule. I wasn't frustrated because of his keeping hush hush about everything. I was a little annoyed because he was all up in my face and loud, so much as to attract the attention of most of the other CM's in the room and many other exiting guests. It just seemed a little weird to me, considering that this was the first time that it had ever happened to me.


New Member
I work for a MAJOR credit card company as a marketing manager. I know about every future plan ect. and know that the info is SECRET to anyone outside the company. I have to say, if I was the CM you spoke to, I wouldnt have given you any info either. I would have told you that part of "The Magic" is the surprise of it all and left it like that. ]l[

I have to say, ALL of the CM's i've come across are simply wonderful and help make my trips Magical....if you're reading this Disney CM's...thank you for making me smile and taking my mind off of some of the heartaches in my life.:wave:


I was just thinking how difficult it must be to be a CM faced with a thousand people a day thinking they are better than you. I was also going to comment on how well CM's deal with the amount of guests they meet in a day, it is certainly a job I would struggle with.
I wanted to make the point that I think it takes a special person with incredible people and communication skills to be a CM - but then I read that the original poster is going to be a CM soon, so I'm afraid I may have to rethink my confidence in Disney recruitment.


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Original Poster
SteveUK said:
I was just thinking how difficult it must be to be a CM faced with a thousand people a day thinking they are better than you. I was also going to comment on how well CM's deal with the amount of guests they meet in a day, it is certainly a job I would struggle with.
I wanted to make the point that I think it takes a special person with incredible people and communication skills to be a CM - but then I read that the original poster is going to be a CM soon, so I'm afraid I may have to rethink my confidence in Disney recruitment.

Ouch, I believe CM's are great people and they are very talented at what they do. I was just a little distraught when this happened... So, I wanted to know if this had happened to anyone else.


Maybe your initial post was written in such a way that the meaning and feeling wasn't conveyed very well and you sounded arrogant and rude.

If it is indeed that you were being arrogant - then I still have concerns about how you would cope in such a demanding customer service role.

If this is not the case and the post was not very well written or considered - then this should highlight the difficulties inherent in dealing with people. First impressions are often all you get in such a role and it is very important to be able to express yourself professionaly and politely. Otherwise you end up with misunderstandings and complaints, as you have demonstrated here.


Active Member
SteveUK said:
I was just thinking how difficult it must be to be a CM faced with a thousand people a day thinking they are better than you. I was also going to comment on how well CM's deal with the amount of guests they meet in a day, it is certainly a job I would struggle with.
I wanted to make the point that I think it takes a special person with incredible people and communication skills to be a CM - but then I read that the original poster is going to be a CM soon, so I'm afraid I may have to rethink my confidence in Disney recruitment.

As with any job, there are people who do it incredibly well and those who, well, don't. I'm going to wait until the original poster actually tries being a CM and then rethinks his position.


That's a very good point. It is very easy to criticise somebody else at their job, without ever doing that job yourself. I experience that daily. I do a very unpopular job and virtually everybody I come into contact with thinks they can do their job better than I can, and constantly believes I make the wrong decisions. Perhaps that is why I find it frustrating to read people complaining about others who do a difficult job and sometimes make the mistake of being human and not giving perfect service 100% of the time.


Active Member
Original Poster
All I Meant With This Thread Was To See If Anyone Else Had Ever Had Something Like This Happen To Them. This Is A Good Example For Those Of Us Who Do Want To Become Cm's So That We Know what Not To Do.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
HEY!!!!!! I worked @ ValleyFair (2001) AND was a CP!!! *starts singing..."It's a small world after all...."*


Steve4wdw said:
*snip* So I can't speak as a Cast Member yet, but I can speak as someone who has worked at an ammusment park before (Valley Fair which is part of Cedar Fair inc. in Minnesota) *snip*
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