If you could live at one of the resorts...


New Member
which one would it be?

Is this the dumbest question ever???:ROFLOL:

Sometimes I have secretly imagined living at the Polynesian, getting up every morning with my coffee mug and reading my paper at the beach, mosying over to the health club, a little lunch on the patio etc. I could redecorate a room to be quite comfy, I'm sure.

So exactly how crazy am I? Have you ever daydreamed about this like me?:p


New Member
Original Poster
Is it possible to live at Disney for a year? Or forever?

Apparently from what people have said this you can not because you can't be a permanent resident - but people live there 6 months of the year.

I'm spending my golden years in a Poly lagoon view room - the Tahiti longhouse!!:ROFLOL:
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