If Money Was Not a Concern...

William Marsden

New Member
No one has brought up my favorite resort and the most expensive - the Grand Floridian. I'd want to stay with several freinds and family in the Walt Disney Suite.
Or, how about this idea; buy enough Disney Vacation Points to live in a Grand Villa year round for the rest of your life? Then, with the interest on the winnings, buy a lifelong renuable Magic Your Way Dining plan, pay the annual maintenance fees and, of coarse premium annual passes for you and your family. Darn! I'm only a few hours away from Lincoln Neb. Why didn't I go there and buy a lotto ticket! WHY!!


New Member
Great thread!

I'd take a month-long trip. I'd start out staying at one of the deluxe resorts, and do a little brief resort-hopping before ending at the Grand Floridian for the majority of my stay. I'd eat at a top restaurant each night, including Victoria & Albert's. I'd take each of the available Disney World tours, would buy lots of merchandise (including something from the Art of Disney, as someone above suggested, as well as one the expensive figures or sculptures). Hmm... I'd probably talk with some high-ranking managers and whatnot to see what special opportunities might be available when cost isn't an option.

And then I'd fly to Disneyland and each of the other parks and do the same there. :p I'd write out a check large enough to sway somebody to give me instant access to Club 33 too. :lol:



Well-Known Member
1st, I'd move to Orlando. Just for kicks, I'd rent out the presidential suite in AKL for a week or two. I'd do every tour there is. Eat at every sit-down restaurant there is. Then I'd decorate my house with stuff from Mousesurplus and The Art of Disney.


New Member
I'd bring all my closest friends and we'd stay in the most expensive rooms at the GF for like 2 weeks. We'd eat like the most expensive things on the menus of the restaurants we'd go to. :lol:


New Member

The moment that I knew, that I had the winning lottery ticket, (and IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME, SOMEDAY!) :) ... I'd drop the signed ticket off at my Lawyer's Office (details, details) & I'd be on the first, FIRST CLASS FLIGHT (with my family) to Walt Disney World!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! :wave:

My dream is ... to stay in the most romantic room in "The World," (my daughter's would be in an adjoining room ~ ;) ) renew my wedding vows, and take a breathtaking ride in Cinderella's Glass Coach! <sigh> <3 <SIGH>

Thank you for letting me dream ... (out loud!) :)

~ Tammy


New Member
Wow! You guys thing big..... I Like it! :animwink:

I would treat my family (parents, in-laws etc) and some friends with their families (So kids have friends there, too) to a nice long stay at a deluxe resort (I would stay at best room in AKL), eat at some really nice sit-downs including Victoria and Alberts and Shula's, let the kids pick wherever they wanted to eat so we would probably be eating at Chef Mickeys a bunch :lol:

I wouldn't worry about how much each of the souveniers the kids wanted cost....go ahead, let them get a bunch of those $20 stuffed animals! I would really go nuts in the Christmas store in DTD.

I would love to take some of the tours offered, set up private meet and greets with characters, and talk to the powers that be to see what type of special activities we could do. Also treat everyone to Cirque!

Take private safaris at AK (sunrise etc)

Buy a fabulous digital camera for all those memories, pay someone to make scrapbooks of the trip (I am just not talented and patient enough for it LOL)

Then....... make sure we go first clas to the Hong Kong Disney and the rest of the parks!

Make sure we had enough set aside so we could go anytime we wanted!


New Member
myself , i would sponser an attraction, it would be like the leave a legacy tile
i purchased , but on a bigger scale, maybe sponser space mountain


New Member
If I won powerball.....

I would stay one week in the best suite in each of the deluxe and villa resorts. Eat at any of the restaurants whever I wanted. Rent out Blizzaed Beach for one day for just my firends and family.

Then I would sponsor any and all of the children in the Make-A-Wish Foundation who's wish it is to visit WDW and cover all expenses at which ever resort they wanted to stay at.


Well-Known Member
For me I would stay 2 weeks down in the world. Frist week would be at the Poly in a suite. And the next week I would stay at the Wilderness Lodge in the Presidential suite i believe. I would eat at as many different restaurants as i could.

I would finally buy a cell from Peter Pan if it were available.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
maelstrom said:
I'd take a really long trip and split it between the biggest suites at the Contemporary, Wilderness Lodge, and Polynesian.
wow, that is my list too. oh wait.... id have to substitute AKL with either WL or the Poly. id flip a coin.


I actually thought about this the night I bought some powerball tickets...
I'd cancel all my wedding plans that I have as of right now and replan the whole thing for a beautiful wedding at the castle (last time I checked it was about $45,000 just for a wedding at the castle) and fly all our 150 guests down. We'd stay for a month on our honeymoon at the Grand Floridian, then buy a house down there so we could be at our favorite place year round. :)


Active Member
DiPSU224 said:
I actually thought about this the night I bought some powerball tickets...
I'd cancel all my wedding plans that I have as of right now and replan the whole thing for a beautiful wedding at the castle (last time I checked it was about $45,000 just for a wedding at the castle) and fly all our 150 guests down. We'd stay for a month on our honeymoon at the Grand Floridian, then buy a house down there so we could be at our favorite place year round. :)

I'd totally hold a vow renewal. A Disney wedding was not in the cards for us, and this (hypothetical) way, I could not only afford it with ease, I would also be able to fly down all of my relatives so they could attend. Oh, heck, I'd spring for every wedding luxury too. Like the $2400 Cinderella coach ride....

What's this? I seem to have some cash left over. Well, I suppose I'd take a culinary tour of all the parks and hotels, sampling everything at every place to eat. Not to mention outfit myself with all those pricey souvineers that I've been putting back for all those years.

I'd rent the boats, take the tours, and buy myself a limo, hire a chauffeur and be driven around. Does anyone know if they allow you to ride Segways in the parks all day long, and not just on a tour? If yes, I'd buy myself and my hubby a matched set and we'd zoom off and save our tired feet.

If I have any cash left, I might look into visiting the other parks in other lands....

Ahhh. Possibilities. Anybody wanna spot me a buck for the powerball ticket?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Alztybrn said:
What would you do on your trip to WDW. Say you were one the people that won the lottery in Neb., how do you spend your trip in the World? Where do you stay, resort, suitte, etc. Any special things you would like to do during your time you would never do otherwise?
We can only dream! :rolleyes:

if i did win that money or something like it (like the euromillions) i would stay in each resort mainly deluxe coz us brits stay longer than americans sometimes.
i would become a member of the DVC or buy a stake in each DVC resort.
go on most/all of the tours that disney offers coz ive never done that before.

i dont think much would change, if i can afford it then thats great but if i cant afford it then i will do without, it wouldnt make a difference to me just as long as im there, im set!!! :wave:


New Member
I would book a month and stay at a new resort each week...starting with Port Orleans-Riverside...Polynesian Resort...Animal Kingdom Lodge...ending with Wilderness Lodge.

It would be a limo from the airport...

Then everything else is pretty much what I do anyway...


New Member
good thread...

Id get a villa for the winter..(starting dec 18 (my b day) through may 1st)...A premium annual pass...... play the rest by ear.....


New Member
I'm curious about all of you wanting to stay at the Poly. Is it nicer than the Grand Floridian? I always thought that the GF was the "big dog" of them all. Hummph, guess I was wrong.

We are going on our 2nd trip next month and this will be our 2nd stay in the Cabins at Fort Wilderness. The only resort that we have been inside of was The Animal Kingdom Lodge when we went to Boma's. It was breathtaking and I hope to stay there someday. But, on this trip I have told my husband that I want to take the monorail over to the GF and look around. It looks utterlly devine! :)


New Member
Well, if money was no object, I'd buy my own suite at the Poly, and buy lifetime annual passes

More realistically...
1. I'd stay in the King Kamehameha suite at the Poly
2. I'd buy Premium Annual Passes for my family and friends
3. I'd hit both water parks (have only been to Typhoon Lagoon, and that was many years ago)
4. I'd do the Illuminations boat cruise
5. I'd go parasailing in Bay Lake. I've always wanted to do that.
6. I'd watch the MK fireworks while enjoying dinner at the California Grill
7. Eat at Yachtsman's Steakhouse and all the other places that serve up good cow

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