I've been on this Imageneering board for a while and I just couldn't help but noticing something: everyone here is good at different things. Some are good at designing thrill rides, others at adpating films into attractions, others at writing new stories for attractions, and others at designing theming for the parks. I've also noticed that everyone here all seems to try to design our own parks seperatly, trying to design enough attractions to fill a park, no matter if the attractions are necissarily what we are good at or not. This may be a crazy idea, but I thought that maybe we should all design a park together and design attractions that we are really good, our "specialties" if you will. Anyone else think this could be a good idea? We could either do a new version of an exhisting park (Magic Kingdom, Disney Studios, DisneySea, ect.) or design a new park from the ground up, which is what I would prefer. Any thoughts?