IASW rehab - are you impressed ???


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I didn't notice any debris in the water myself, but I liked the fact that the water was CLEAR.

Now if Splash Mountain can get this water as well :D


Well-Known Member
Am I impressed? No.

Flame me if you want, but I'm honestly answering the original poster's question. I went on it Friday (3/18) and while I was impressed with how much fresher everything looked, I was disappointed that there was really nothing new added to ride--same old dolls, same old look, same old music. I guess I was kinda expecting a IASW Extreme Makeover and they didn't do that. I rode it only to see what had been done, not because I am a huge fan of the ride. As I said in a trip report after we got back, I'll wait and experience this again through the eyes of my grandchildren and let it come alive again for me in that way. And if I'm not waiting in line, that will be less time in line for all of you who like to ride!


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SpongeScott said:
Am I impressed? No.
Flame me if you want, but I'm honestly answering the original poster's question. I went on it Friday (3/18) and while I was impressed with how much fresher everything looked, I was disappointed that there was really nothing new added to ride--same old dolls, same old look, same old music. I guess I was kinda expecting a IASW Extreme Makeover and they didn't do that. I rode it only to see what had been done, not because I am a huge fan of the ride. As I said in a trip report after we got back, I'll wait and experience this again through the eyes of my grandchildren and let it come alive again for me in that way. And if I'm not waiting in line, that will be less time in line for all of you who like to ride!

No reason to get defensive and no reason for anyone to flame you. :D

Well there were a few minor dolls added, but nothing significant. The complete overhaul of the queue was the most significant thing, not to mention the original World's Fair audio (which sounds mostly the same).

I don't think the purpose of these Classic attraction rehab's is to completely makeover the ride. I surely don't want an OVERHAUL of Haunted Mansion or Pirates. Just freshen up the ride, add a few nice details.

Some attractions need a complete redo (Imagination) while most others don't. They just need some TLC


Well-Known Member
Im glad they didnt change it completely they gave it a good updated look (the entrance is gorgeous) and the colors look so much better. But its still the classic IASW.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Am I impressed? No.

Flame me if you want, but I'm honestly answering the original poster's question. I went on it Friday (3/18) and while I was impressed with how much fresher everything looked, I was disappointed that there was really nothing new added to ride--same old dolls, same old look, same old music. I guess I was kinda expecting a IASW Extreme Makeover and they didn't do that. I rode it only to see what had been done, not because I am a huge fan of the ride. As I said in a trip report after we got back, I'll wait and experience this again through the eyes of my grandchildren and let it come alive again for me in that way. And if I'm not waiting in line, that will be less time in line for all of you who like to ride!

See, this is what impresses me the most!

This is the kind of rehab many of us hunger for.

They restored the ride to it's original glory, and I'm sure that there was a great deal of infrastructure enhancements that we will never see that will keep it running into the future so those grandkids of yours will be able to enjoy it.

IASW is a "classic", no matter how much we all like to rag on it. Instead of going the "20K Leagues" route and letting the ride deteriorate until it's just easier to replace it, they took the opposite approach and restored it.

I can only hope more attractions (specificly dark rides) get this treatment, especially at the MK. Although slight enhancements are nice (for instance, would anyone be heartbroken if the "spider" room at the HM was given a new, state of the art effect?) the original rides are classics for a reason.

That said, when the do Pirates, I wouldn't mind a Jack Sparrow at the end - those drunk guys sitting on top of each other with the third one watching creeps me out. ;)



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AEfx said:
That said, when the do Pirates, I wouldn't mind a Jack Sparrow at the end - those drunk guys sitting on top of each other with the third one watching creeps me out. ;)AEfx

You sick man!!!!!! :hurl:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
KevinPage said:
You sick man!!!!!! :hurl:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's just say, it doesn't offend my sensibilities, but it does make me go, "Huh???"

There is a pic of it in my album in my .sig - I dunno, it just seems awful odd to me that people look at that every day and don't see what I see. ;)



Active Member
djmatthews said:

Does anybody have any before and after shots of the IASW? It would be very interesting to see.

I would love to see before and after photos too. Also I think in the begining of this thread people said they saw new video clips. Where are they posted?


New Member
UltimtMickeyFan said:
Finally got a chance to ride IASW saturday evening. Id have to say overall, I like the way the rehab came out. But it kinda looks like they finished it up in a little bit of a hurry. Just saw what looked like a few missed things, such as the lights around the control tower were not working, didnt repaint the exit bridge walkway, and if you look down into the water, there is a ton of dirt and debris in there I would imagine from all the construction and paint etc... Then as mentioned some of the AA's were not moving, and the hawaiian girls on the left side were not even mounted straight in the floor and lots of grass from the skirts were all around the platform. And lots of lights burnt out still on the roller coaster looking frame in the background. Also there seemed to be alot of exposed wiring all over the ride. And I have to mention, could they not have been a little more creative that using plain old textured ceiling paint on the load/unload facade? But still overall was a good redo.
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I got a chance to ride IASW this weekend, once on Sunday and once on Monday, to see the new and improved version. I totally agree it looks like it was rushed.

For being closed as long as it was, a lot of animatronics were not fully working. The scottish goat's ears didn't spin, cleopatra's head didn't bob (but she did wink). Once of the balloons was broken, another was installed backwards so the clowns faced the wall, not the ride. I would totally understand any of this anytime before, but not right after coming back from a MAJOR rehab.

The lighting is a lot brighter, but it seems to highlight more of the flaws. Several of the speaker grills we either clearly visible because of poor paint jobs, large gaps between the grill and the set, or light shining through the grill. Just looked rushed and very very cheap. And what's up with all the missing ceiling tiles and the exposed grates and ceiling beams?

The load/unload area looks great from a design standpoint, but the all white color scheme reminds me of those old foam core project boards we used to make in science class. Would love to see some of the pink, orange, and green come back. But I think the one defect that bothered me the most was the exposed wiring on the doors with the tin solders. I know they have to be powered by something but I can't believe that WDI couldn't come up with something better than a gromet to pass the wire through and painting it to match the background. It would be so simple to run the wires through the hinge, this just looks tacky.

I'm all for the change, I think the new concept has the potential to look great! But I so wish they would have taken an extra week to fix some of the obvious problems. I guess all this could have broken after the ride openned, but I left with a disappointed feeling that the staff just didn't take the time to get it perfect.


New Member
My daughter was hoping that they would use the newer versions of the song "It's a Small World". Like the version you find on Radio Disney or Disneymania CDs. LOL She wanted to write to Disney about it when they were doing the rehab. Something to think about.....

I really like the newer entrance and wall/clock in the video thread. But it all looks the same from there.

Hope to see it in person this summer!


Active Member

I was just over on Mouseplanet and their article on the IASW rehab states that the unhappy clown in the balloon with the "HELP!" sign has been replaced with a happy clown.

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That's my favorite bit - this one unhappy doll amongst all the overly cheerful ones.

Is this true? I'm amazed no one mentioned it here at WDWMagic (unless I missed it on one of the many threads about the ride reopening). Please confirm for me.

(btw - just to explain: I don't want to watch the video posted here of the rehabbed ride to answer my own question. I prefer to see a new or rehabbed ride in person first before watching any videos of it.)


New Member
Aaka said:
I was just over on Mouseplanet and their article on the IASW rehab states that the unhappy clown in the balloon with the "HELP!" sign has been replaced with a happy clown.

It's really hard to say. This balloon happens to be the one that was turned around on opening weekend. There is something in the basket but whatever it may be is facing the wall so you can't tell if it's the "Help!" clown. Hopefully they have already fixed this and all is back to normal, unhappy clown and all.


I look forward to seeing IASW again on my next trip. I agree with those who say many of the original MK attractions could use some sweetening and tweaking with 21st century technology. I'm not advocating any huge changes, just that there would be some rehab incorporating the philosophy of "this is how they would have done this in the 60s and 70s if they had all of this technology". Disney needs to maintain the appeal of the attractions for the younger generations too.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
After my feelings about the current state of Tomorrowland and the way everything seems to be turning into a meet and greet, needless to say, the Magic Kingdom's future was looking bleek at best.

When I was at MK this past Friday, a good half-dozen attractions had lines of over 60 minutes (two over 100) while nearly everything had a 1/2 hour wait. The crowds this March had to be near record levels despite messy weather most of the month, and the theme park division is turning profits, so I think saying MK's future was bleak at best is a bit of a misguided statement.

We all may not like everything it has to offer, but the parks will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
ChrisH9339 said:
When I was at MK this past Friday, a good half-dozen attractions had lines of over 60 minutes (two over 100) while nearly everything had a 1/2 hour wait. The crowds this March had to be near record levels despite messy weather most of the month, and the theme park division is turning profits, so I think saying MK's future was bleak at best is a bit of a misguided statement.

Just because something has a large wait, doesn't mean that it's good. I'm not talking crowds, I'm talking quality.

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