When i was living down in florida for a brief time, around 9 months unfortunately, the person i was living with had a friend who worked for WDW so we got in a few times for free. One time, it was me, my roommate and a mutual friend of ours got in for free (person who got us in had to work) and when we got to to the backlot tour, us three and someone else was selected to for the harbor scene, i was nervous but was talked into it by my friends. I ended up as one of the guys on the deck, trying to be as funny as i could be (using my mop to fire back at the planes flying overhead) but i didn't hear much laughs. Unfortunately, it wasn't till afterwards that we were told that not only wasn't there a tape we could buy, but we couldn't even view our performaces on tape since they erased them fairly quickly, but we did get to stay behind with the next group and watch. It was fun none the less