I was a volunteer/victim

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To be fair, I have to credit LadyDarling as having the idea for this thread. We'd thought it would be cool to see who on this forum had been a volunteer/victim for a show in WDW.

I've actually been in two shows, the ABC sound studio, and the Backlot Tour. I was in the ABC sound studio many years ago during the 101 dalmations phase. I don't quite remember all the effects I was responsible for, but I think I might have done gravel and wind.

I was in the Backlot Tour two years ago during the week after Easter. My marching band was down there, and it was our day at MGM. We were walking up the queue to the tour and I had just finished telling my group that if we'd gotten there earlier, we might have been picked to be in the show. Just then, a CM came down the ramp and asked if any of us wanted to volunteer. Four of us were chosen, and I became the captain. It was a blast (quite literally!) and being in that is one of the memories I cherish most from that trip (right beside leading the band down Main Street). Incidentally, one of my group members had been in Indiana Jones earlier that day.

So, who else has been a "victim?"


Well-Known Member
Years and years ago (think like 13 years ago) I was in the MGM show where they inserted you into clips...I can't remember what it was called. Anyway, I had to say something like, "Dave, what about a watermelon?" At which point David Letterman tossed a watermelon off a building. It was really funny. My mom did one too but I can't remember what scene she did.

I don't mind things like that though my Love would hate to ever be interactive because he just doesn't like the attention.


Not at Disney I havn't but I did once at Universal at the Earthquake attraction. I would love to be in the Indy Stunt Show or the Backlot tour.


New Member
I was a victim 2 times at Earthquake in Universal Studios. My friend was also one for Earthquake. My aunt and uncle both were picked for Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular too.


Well-Known Member
I was pulled on stage and embassed at the Adventurer's Club in PI.

My sister in law when she was about 13 got pulled up for earthquake with her friend at Universal. When they were suppose to shake from the earthquake they thought it would be funny to drop to the ground and shake all over so they did. Unfortunatly they went down behind something and nobody saw their flopping. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I went out for a parade stop once. It was really weird because there weren't too many kids in the area where we were to go out so they started pulling out bigger kids and teenagers. I went out and felt like a giant because I was 19 years old! I think I was probably the oldest one out there. It was fun, but I was hoping I wasn't taking away from the kids. It was the show stop with the brooms where you pass the bucket of water.

My brother did the last show stop in May 2003 (he was 18 at the time). We were there with my nephews and they went out. Then Brer Bear came and held his hand and sorta helped him out of the wheelchair so he wouldn't trip and fall. I thought it was pretty cool that even though he was grown, the character still singled him out to help make his day magical. So he walked around the circle with Brer Bear.

I did Earthquake once also as well as the bat man show at Six Flags (when we had one).


Well-Known Member
Guy who gets shot in IJ:ESS - Check
Guy who gets doused as Mechanic in Backlot - Check
Guy pulled onstage during Samantha's Cabaret - Check
Guy pulled on stage to be fairy in Hoop-De-Doo - Check
Grand Marshall - Share a Dream Come True - Check


At the Diamond Horseshoe Revue (I believe that it what it was called), I was picked to portray a big, strong guy that the singer / dancer sang an embarrassing song about. Had to stand there and flex -- it wasn't very impressive :lol:

Last year, my wife and I got to clean the deck of the ship in the Backlot Tour. Dear wifey didn't think I'd be up for doing it -- was she surprised when I told the CM that WE'D be glad to do it !! At least we didn't get as soaked as the woman who got picked for the radio room.

I also made it to the hot seat for Millionaire last year ...

I am pretty darn introverted in real life, but have no problem hamming it up at WDW. I think it is awesome that we can participate in the shows. And the way I see it, most people aren't ever going to find out (unless I tell them). Plus I'm always in a great mood while I'm at WDW ....

53 more days ....


MissM said:
Years and years ago (think like 13 years ago) I was in the MGM show where they inserted you into clips...I can't remember what it was called. Anyway, I had to say something like, "Dave, what about a watermelon?" At which point David Letterman tossed a watermelon off a building. It was really funny. My mom did one too but I can't remember what scene she did.

That was Superstar Television (in the now empty ABC TV Theater) where guests were superimposed into scenes from TV shows (Golden Girls, Gilligan's Island, Cheers, Tonight Show, David Letterman, etc.). Just thought you'd like to know. :)

I volunteered in the "Ears to You" show which was a pre-show to the Kids of the Kingdom show (At the time it was "Disney Mania", I think) during WDW's 25th Anniversary. The show paid tribute to and thanked guests who had visited WDW in the past and, of course, invited everyone to "Remember the Magic!" :animwink: . Earlier in the day guests volunteered to represent the 25 years that WDW has been opened. Essentially what I did was walk across the castle forecourt stage as they announced my family's name as representing 1988.

Though a minor role, it was a pretty neat experience being part of a castle stage show. :)



New Member
Thanks for the credit! :sohappy: :)

I've been in the Indiana Jones Stunt show in December of 2001 (it was our honeymoon! Too perfect!) And my husband got in the show in December if 2003 too! :)

My friends Mike, Matt, my husband Don, and I all go on the Backlot Tour's show. That was GREAT fun! My hubby and I were deck hands, Mike (our best friend) was the captian and Matt was the one in the chair that got DOUSED! Since Matt and I are actors in our spare time, it was a blast for us, but I'm very glad we were choosen. See, Matt's dying of Hep C, and it took me a year to raise enough money to make his WDW dream come true - so it's a GREAT memory! :)

My DH and have also had to dance to "Let me Call you Sweetheart" in Hoop-de-doo, and we've been picked on many times in the Adventurer's Club (one time, the carbert singer called my hubby - then boyfriend - "underwear boy" for the whole show because he was wearing a tank top under shirt that night. Since he's from Boston, it was hot to him! LOL).
edited to include: Oh yeah! I forgot about this one! I was grand marshall of a parade in the MK in 1996. :) I also made it into the Hot Seat in WWTBAMPI during our 2001 honeymoon. I got up to 1000 points and blew it on a question I knew but misread! Bummer!


New Member
I've been a volunteer for the Backstage Tour on the SS Duck (I believe?)

I wish I had pictures or video of the event, and I'm sure I acted like a complete fool, but it was fun, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


DigitalDisney said:
I've been a volunteer for the Backstage Tour on the SS Duck (I believe?)

Aha! Close! It's the SS Miss Fortune with CAPTAIN Duck...

("Captain, you're a dead duck! *water explosion*")


Active Member
Back in 1993 I got picked to be in the Superstar Television show at MGM. I was in the scene from Cheers. I even had a line.

In 1994, I was picked as an extra for the Indiana Jones stunt show. I was the female "screamer". Back then you had to earn the role, and I have this extremly loud and high-pitched "wake the dead" shriek that I let out and the emcee said "Who is that? Get her up here!" :lol:

Then last month I got guinea pigged into participating a little in the Server Amusant street show in France at Epcot. That was pretty funny because I couldn't do what the guy wanted me to do I improvised and he made me sit down. :lol:


New Member
I never was picked to be in any shows but my husband has been chosen several times. He was Horace in the 101 Dalmations scene at the old show that used to be at the Sounds Dangerous show. He was also picked in the Lion King Show at AK to make the sound a giraffe makes. He was picked to be the guy in the preshow at CC and sat in the radio room in the chair and had the water come down on him. He loved it! :lol:


New Member
When i went with my GF (now my wife) on our first holiday (together 2001) to disney we entered animal kingdom and they ask us to take part in some expiment to go around allday with a hand held computer which talked to you and took photos.
then at the end they put us all in a room and asked us what we thought of them. I don't know how correct i am but seams that then PAL Mickey turned up within the last year! seams that it could have been a trial years ago.

Forgot to mention that they paid us £100 disney dollars for it !!!!! YIPEeeeeeeeeeee


:slurp: :sohappy:


Active Member
I always got selected for Superstar TV (Gilligans Island or Letterman), Backlot tour (Boat Captain), Indy Stunt Show (to actually do the pre show with the lady with all the makeup), Hoop De Doo and Diamond Horseshoe, The old Family Luau at the polynesian, and Sword in the stone when i was a kid.


Well-Known Member
Last summer I was selected to be in the radio room of the backlot tour. I went with a friend who lives in Orlando, and they chose us both (I think that my purple dyed beard got me chosen). We wanted to be the ones on deck cause we love doing pratfalls and schtick, but they went with a very lame couple for that.

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