Trip Report I Vowed Never Again ~ Yet Here We Are! *COMPLETED*

Wait, what?

WDW-obsessed Tuvalu actually vowed never again ?!?!

Must. Read. More.

Clickbait! :joyfull:

But there is truth in my statement. I did vow not to visit the world whenever our spring break...always the first week in April....aligns with Easter. The first week of April typically brings heavy crowds since most southern school systems are out. I can handle heavy. But add in additional volume from schools that coordinate their break with Easter and “heavy” becomes INSANE. (Not quite the insanity of Christmas week....I am smart enough to avoid that, thanks to a one-day trip in 1994.)

In 2009 (during the recession) when it took 40 minutes just to get through the Epcot parking booth....and the line for the boat ride in Mexico was out the front door of the pavilion....and Magic Kingdom was closed due to capacity.

In 2010 when the mid-morning standby wait for Test Track was 240 minutes (that’s 4 hours, people!) and the wait time for Nemo (Nemo!) was 150 minutes.

In 2015 when we watched the 6:45 am MK Welcome show in the dark because we wanted to ride a few attractions before the hordes descended.

Long lines to use the restrooms (always filthy because attendants couldn’t keep up); no available tables in quick-service locations, forcing guests to sit on the ground outside the restaurants; and a general atmosphere of cranky/angry guests who didn’t like dealing with the multitude any more than I did.

So I declared, DONE THAT!

Or so I thought.....

My darling daughter Em lives for spring break. As a student she vacationed (Disney or beach) every year but one ~ and there was nearly a mutiny! Now that she’s a teacher, going away for spring break has reached an even higher level of importance. 😉 With this year’s Easter/spring break overlap, we began researching other warm-weather destinations.

Guess what we discovered. Transportation, resort and dining costs were cheaper if we went to WDW! And having APs means our entertainment would be free. Em’s teacher budget would not be strained. The practical side of me could not argue....and the mom side of me could not disappoint my daughter.

We leave on Monday. We’re prepared. And we’re gonna be LIVE!


A few Magic meet-ups are in the works. Hope to keep them a surprise (as long as @Zipitidoda doesn’t spill the beans! :cautious:)

Despite declining MagicBands for our upcoming stay, these arrived in yesterday’s mail ~


Yeah, like we’re gonna wear the UGLY gray ones.....🙄

See Ya Real Soon!


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I didn’t feel the central plaza topiary was as “show stopping” as it has been in previous years.


I guess butterflies are a big factor in this year’s “theme” but to be honest I expected there to be more of a “celebratory” theme considering it is the 25th anniversary of Flower and Garden Festival. And why isn’t there a Festival Center? I understand that the former location in the Wonders of Life pavilion isn’t practical this year (due to GotG construction) but what’s wrong with the Odyssey? We always liked the exhibits and demonstrations (not to mention the merchandise) in the Festival Center.

Em and I took a quick boat ride with some ducks before our next food stop ~ more pork tacos!
We ate at a high top table overlooking the Promenade.


I made Em take a picture of the naked runner in Norway. 😂

(What is coming out of her head??)


Well-Known Member
So I just ran across some notes that I intended to incorporate into posts I’ve already posted (got it?) :banghead:

Since I am too lazy to go back and edit, I will put them here.

1. I read before our trip that the background music at DHS had changed. Then I completely forgot that I’d read that the background music had changed. (Gals, you think new mom brain is bad? Wait until you hit senior brain.) But the good news is I was pleasantly surprised by the jazz versions of “Be Our Guest”, “Do You Want to Build A Snowman”, and “Friend Like Me” which played during the time we were waiting to get through security.

2. Em and I were next in line to pick up our 3D glasses at TSM when we overheard the following ~
Dad to his young daughter: “Now get your glasses.”
Little girl: “Daddy, I already have a pair of sunglasses!”

3. We have seen Voyage of the Little Mermaid lots of times but today we had a first. When the water effect started at the beginning of the show, the whole theater erupted with a loud “Ooohhhhh!!”
(Take that you VOTLM scoffers! This almost-30-year-old show still manages to impress a crowd!)

I’m in serious trouble then! My new mom brain is NO JOKE right now with all of the life that is going right now....I can’t imagine it being worse! 👎🏻


Well-Known Member
Fortunately you have MANY years before you need to worry about it. 😉😊

Two things.

1. Don't discount your own photo taking abilities. I'm very happy with the POFQ pic's as we stayed there for the first time this year and loved. It's giving me happy flashbacks.

2. Don't give the poor cranes a hard time. They're in their natural habitat, surrounded by disturbed earth piles of construction materials. Watch them long enough and while being very quiet/still and you might see them actually move. It's awe-inspiring.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Two years ago I discovered my beloved McKenzie’s Black Cherry Cider at the U.K. Cider House during F&G. Therefore it was a MUST that we try this year’s cider flight. The flight always has the Black Cherry as one of the selections.

Em and I did not care for last year’s flight (other than the McKenzie’s) but we were hopeful for this year.
View attachment 280601

I like pineapple so it was no surprise I enjoyed the Pineapple Tropical Hard Cider. Em did too: “This is light and refreshing with no pineapple aftertaste.”

She sampled the Grand Mimosa before I did. “You won’t like this.”

But I did.

Oh how I did!!!View attachment 280603

I hope I can find it locally. I know I will have a full size glass when I return next month!

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Seems big cranes are ruining a lot of views.
View attachment 280604

Anytime my friend!

Can't wait to see your next updates. Sooner or later I will have to go back to relativity.


Well-Known Member
Two years ago I discovered my beloved McKenzie’s Black Cherry Cider at the U.K. Cider House during F&G. Therefore it was a MUST that we try this year’s cider flight. The flight always has the Black Cherry as one of the selections.

Em and I did not care for last year’s flight (other than the McKenzie’s) but we were hopeful for this year.
View attachment 280601

I like pineapple so it was no surprise I enjoyed the Pineapple Tropical Hard Cider. Em did too: “This is light and refreshing with no pineapple aftertaste.”

She sampled the Grand Mimosa before I did. “You won’t like this.”

But I did.

Oh how I did!!!View attachment 280603

I hope I can find it locally. I know I will have a full size glass when I return next month!

View attachment 280602

Seems big cranes are ruining a lot of views.
View attachment 280604
I love the black cherry too. I will certainly check out the grand mimosa soon! Thanks for the tip!


Premium Member
Original Poster
Two things.

1. Don't discount your own photo taking abilities. I'm very happy with the POFQ pic's as we stayed there for the first time this year and loved. It's giving me happy flashbacks.

2. Don't give the poor cranes a hard time. They're in their natural habitat, surrounded by disturbed earth piles of construction materials. Watch them long enough and while being very quiet/still and you might see them actually move. It's awe-inspiring.
1. Glad to give you happy flashbacks!
2. :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull:

I’m trying to figure out if the sky liner transportation system is really as innovative as Disney says...🤔
I'm reserving judgment until its up and running.

Oh no. I couldn’t find anything near me but there a supertarget in Orlando has some. May have to look for it if I like it before we leave FL.
The only Orlando location coming up for me on the Ciderboys site is the Walt Disney Distribution Center. I feel certain that's not a "guest accessible" place. :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
1. Glad to give you happy flashbacks!
2. :joyfull::joyfull::joyfull:

I'm reserving judgment until its up and running.

The only Orlando location coming up for me on the Ciderboys site is the Walt Disney Distribution Center. I feel certain that's not a "guest accessible" place. :joyfull:
It is listed under that center. SuperTarget 120 West Grant Street Orlando, FL


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Thursday, con’t

Our next F&G sample came from China....the fried chicken dumplings.


These were fine, nothing special. We did like the peanut sauce which was drizzled over the dumplings.

Right next to our table was a display of Chinese hats.

You know how the Purple Wall is a “thing”? And Rose Gold Minnie Ears are a thing?
Well I bet you didn’t know Chinese hats are a thing.
I didn’t.....until this week.
And not with the demographic you might expect.

I noticed a few Chinese hat wearers at POFQ. Then some at MK. Yesterday there were more than a few in Epcot and I couldn’t help but comment to Em.

“Did you notice that they are all teenage BOYS?” Em asked me.

To be honest I wasn’t looking at faces, because most of the time I saw the hats from behind. From that moment on, whenever I spotted a Chinese hat, I intentionally noticed the wearer.

ALWAYS a teenage boy.



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Original Poster
There was one last item Em wanted to try and it came from here ~


The Ham and Gouda pretzel.

I wish I could say this was Gouda. :hilarious: But it was awful! Stale and chewy, like it had been left under a heat lamp far too long. The trash can enjoyed it more than we did.

I suggested dessert....something from the bakery in France - OR - Ample Hills on the Boardwalk.....but both required additional walking that Em wasn’t up for. We wanted to stop in Mouse Gear and that was in the opposite direction. So we retraced our steps (rather than make a full circuit around the lagoon) and headed into Future World.

Gorgeous sunset

We figured we could grab dessert back at POFQ (which ended up a $$ letdown) and catch Illuminations fireworks from our room. We knew we needed to be in bed earlier if we wanted to make MK’s 7am EMH (which didn’t happen...but that’s tomorrow’s post!)

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